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SouL 21 Feb, 2021 @ 7:36pm
couple of issues (gameplay)
Hi, fun game but as title says I have a couple of concerns with this defrag / race game.

There is no Pre Jump protection (PJ). Which means that people are going to boost start there jump with a pre jump before they cross the actual start line for there attempt run (creating a horrible meta). In other games it can show red time on the score sheet if the player started with a PJ. Its fine to pre jump in the designated spawn area but if you cross the start line once with a pad and circle strafe 360 back to the start line and cross it again then thats a PJ which is not good gameplay.

My second issue is that every time I push reset (suicide) my camera angle is saved from the last position instead of facing the start line. Its very important for players like me who push reset even if im off a tiny bit to get consistent starts and having to re adjust the camera after almost every suicide is kind of annoying, All other defrag games that im aware of make you face the start line after you suicide, which im sure has to do with which direction you face the spawn location as you place it on editor.

I have not messed around with the editor yet so i dont know if thats actually an option but from playing online my camera was just facing what ever direction i was looking at last after a suicide/reset.
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MMM 23 Feb, 2021 @ 8:20am 
i also think that having a separate button for going to the last checkpoint instead of the beginning would be good for people who just wanted to do a completion rather than a whole run.
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