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NGCHunter2 5 Oct, 2024 @ 12:36pm
Achievement Unlock Conditions
Destropolis is – hands down – an incredibly fun game to play, and the overall gameplay loop, including weapon selection, power-ups, perks and the music selection, is balanced just right to enjoyable again and again.

However, as a casual achievement hunter, I can't help but feel like the (later) achievement unlock conditions are unreasonably (and exponentially, to add) grindy.
I've played Destropolis for about 30 hours all-in-all, and managed to score a total of 50,000,000 points during that time. Extrapolating said number, it would take close to 600 hours – 25 entire days – to reach 1,000,000,000 points and 100% the game – which, even with as much fun as the game is, is a lot to ask of a player.

I'd like to know if those unlock conditions were selectively chosen with the massive grind it would entail in mind, or if they were chosen arbitrary with the excessive amount of time it would take to reach them not taken into account – because if it is the latter, I'd kindly ask if there could be something done to make the later achievements more accessible or replace them with a different set of achievements that would not entail another 500+ hours of simple replay – because looking at the global leaderboards, I hardly doubt a lot of players unlocked (or will ever unlock) those achievements the legit way.
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Igrek Games  [developer] 7 Oct, 2024 @ 11:49am 
I admit that I didn't pay any attention to achievements in Destropolis. I've made them as an afterthought and didn't spend much time on them. They're just bad 🙂

I haven't calculated anything. As you say, I just picked an arbitrary number and made an achievement out of it. They can be changed, for sure. I don't remember if it requires new build or just editing some values on Steam. I'll take a look at it and let you know.
Shmup 31 Oct, 2024 @ 9:27am 
+1 to that
Ranemoraken 4 Nov, 2024 @ 8:12am 
I respect your reply for its honesty (igrek games).

I recently started playing on PSN, and am enjoying the experience. I don't necessarily mind an absurd trophy hunt - although if you are gate-ing some unlocks behind that, you might be doing your gamers a disservice - as they won't experience new power-ups without a significant investment. I myself will usually fall off a game around the 100 hour mark, no matter what.

But I'm had my fun, so thanks, regardless.
The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Igrek Games  [developer] 30 Jan @ 12:29am 
The achievement have been updated. More about it in the post:
Kotsu 2 Feb @ 3:55pm 
Hey I have this for Xbox. Any chance it will get updated there too?
Igrek Games  [developer] 8 Feb @ 12:19am 
With Xbox there is a bigger problem. All the consoles ports were made by other publisher and they turned out to be very... problematic. I'll tell them to make these changes, but I don't know if and when they'll do it :(
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