Three kingdoms story: Conussia
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Three kingdoms story: Conussia

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Kurtboard 5 Dec, 2023 @ 2:14pm
Weekly Schedule, Scroll List, and Helpful Playthrough Notes
I play on GOG so couldn't make a guide here (Don't own the Steam version). But I wanted to share the excel sheet I put together to track the weekly locations of the different characters. If you copy and paste the below text into excel it should put everything into the proper cells to make it easier to read (I also have color codes and lines to help visually, but that gets lost in the copy paste). Also made a table of Scrolls so you don't have to research every ??? and clutter your inventory. Finally added some Notes for things I would have liked to known before jumping into this adventure.

Day Tower Hall Noble Room Princess Rm Prison
1m Vi Pi, Wa, Da Ff, El - Gu, Ca Day 1 starts on Monday
1a - Pi - - Gu, Ca If able, Elsa comes into the Dungeon in the afternoon
1e Vi, Da - Ff, El Pi Gu, Ca
2m Vi Pi, Wa, Da - - Gu, Ca
2a - - - Pi, Vi Gu, Ca If able, Elsa comes into the Dungeon in the afternoon
2e Vi, Da - Ff, El Pi Gu, Ca
3m Vi Pi, Wa, Da - - Gu, Ca
3a Ff - - Pi, El Gu, Ca from passage Firefly rummaging in cupboard (doesn't apper to have a game effect)
3e - - Ff, El Pi Gu, Ca
4m Vi Pi, Wa, Da - - Gu, Ca
4a - - - Pi Vi, Gu, Ca
4e - - Ff, El Pi Gu, Ca
5m Vi Pi, Wa, Da - - Gu, Ca
5a Pi - - - Vi, Gu, Ca Time to talk to Princess about Nun to get Stilleto
5e - - Ff, El Pi, Vi Gu, Ca
6m - Wa, Da - - Pi, Gu, Ca
6a - - Ff, El - Gu, Ca If Firefly and Princess mend their friendship, time to see them in Princess Room
6e - - Ff Pi, Vi Gu, Ca
7m - Wa, Da - - Gu, Ca
7a Vi, Pi - Ff, El - Gu, Ca If Firefly and Princess mend their friendship, time to see them in Princess Room
7e - - Ff Pi, Vi Gu, Ca
m=morning, a=afternoon, e=evening
Vi=Violet, Pi=Princes, Wa=Warlord, Da=Priest Daal, Ff=Firefly, El=Elsa, Gu=Guard, Ca=Carpenter

Scroll Effect
1 Scroll of Kerstin -
2 Scroll of Imi Protect against Madness in Catacomb
3 Scroll of Rkuezh Increase Curse
4 Scroll of Zull Protect against Undead and Exorcism
5 Scroll of Int Game statistics
6 Scroll of Kroll Healing and neutralize poison
7 Reishal Scroll Take picture
8 Scroll of Urdal Remove Curse
9 Scroll of Eull Increase Princess reputation
10 Strong Scroll of Remor Increase Priest investigation
11 Weak Scroll of Isar Reduces Dark Forces attack strength
12 Strong Scroll of Ruan Reinforce castle defense
13 Scroll of Ruan Reinforce castle defense
14 Weak Scroll of Ruan Reinforce castle defense
15 Scroll of Remor Increase Priest investigation
16 Weak Scroll of Remor Increase Priest investigation
17 Strong Scroll of Isar Reduces Dark Forces attack strength
18 Scroll of Isar Reduces Dark Forces attack strength
19 Scroll of Stinoll -
20 Scroll of Meinur Weaken castle defense
21 Faruh Scroll 50 Coins
22 Scroll of Urgada -
23 Scroll of Ruhol Gives Holy aura
24 Scroll of Tilt Heal from possession
25 Scroll of Loguhm Decrease Curse
26 Ostef Scroll -
27 Strong Scroll of Avju Lower Princess reputation

Notes: Have to use Reishal scroll on Firefly first, or risk a task breaking glitch between hers and Violets picture.
If you tell Firefly about the Dungeon Passage she will hang a blanket over the Noble Room spy mirror. On cold blizzard days, she takes the blanket down so you can still spy there.
Elsa's dresses are currently not used in the game, nor is there a way to get a towel for Violet (Developer Comment December 2023).
Don’t Exorcise the Camilla Daemon (Nun) with the Damned Stilleto, untill after getting Firefly's true name from the Nun.
When the Bond Maid Camaria gives you a pouch. Use the pouch to get the pearls inside, before giving it back to her on the outdoor map. Otherwise the quest will end prematurely.
To find the Runaway Bride Diana, you have to go into the Catacomb level 1 gem mine, then move east to a secret room.
To trigger the event for the Princess to ask you to assasinate the Priest, you have to allow the Priest to fully complete Priests Investigation task.
There are various ways to complete the game (some being an untimely death).
Ultimately you have to let the Forces of Darkness take the Keep to get the different endings and finish your playthrough.
Last edited by Kurtboard; 5 Dec, 2023 @ 2:33pm
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Юрий Петухов  [developer] 5 Dec, 2023 @ 3:11pm 
Man, you have more info about this game, than me.
Great job!
Kurtboard 5 Dec, 2023 @ 3:33pm 
Originally posted by Юрий Петухов:
Man, you have more info about this game, than me.
Great job!

Thank you! I wish I could post the photo of the excel sheet (it's so much easier to read), but Steam won't let me under this community. It was a fun game once I figured out the system and nuances.
Eternauta 29 Mar, 2024 @ 3:41pm 
Originally posted by Kurtboard:
Originally posted by Юрий Петухов:
Man, you have more info about this game, than me.
Great job!

Thank you! I wish I could post the photo of the excel sheet (it's so much easier to read), but Steam won't let me under this community. It was a fun game once I figured out the system and nuances.

Hey, thanks for the guide, would it be possible for you to share the Excel file directly so there would be all the data complete and well organized? All it would take is a link to one of the many file-sharing sites, and you can even do it on GOG for those who don't visit the Steam forum. Thanks in any case!
Kurtboard 29 Mar, 2024 @ 8:27pm 
Originally posted by Eternauta:
Originally posted by Kurtboard:

Thank you! I wish I could post the photo of the excel sheet (it's so much easier to read), but Steam won't let me under this community. It was a fun game once I figured out the system and nuances.

Hey, thanks for the guide, would it be possible for you to share the Excel file directly so there would be all the data complete and well organized? All it would take is a link to one of the many file-sharing sites, and you can even do it on GOG for those who don't visit the Steam forum. Thanks in any case!

Good suggestion posting it on GOG. I have made a post over there with a .jpg attachment.
Eternauta 31 Mar, 2024 @ 9:52am 
Originally posted by Kurtboard:
Originally posted by Eternauta:

Hey, thanks for the guide, would it be possible for you to share the Excel file directly so there would be all the data complete and well organized? All it would take is a link to one of the many file-sharing sites, and you can even do it on GOG for those who don't visit the Steam forum. Thanks in any case!

Good suggestion posting it on GOG. I have made a post over there with a .jpg attachment.

Awesome, thank you!
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