Party Animals

Party Animals

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face/off is mega glitched
face/off is glitched in multiple different ways and should be removed until it gets fixed. When I take it, it won't transform me to look like the enemy even before being knocked out. Also, when the enemy has it, they will occasionally never transform back even when knocked out.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
LKatsu! 14 Nov @ 12:15am 
hope they remove this pawer :steamthumbsup:
GTAMP 14 Nov @ 1:55am 
You only look different to the enemy, to yourself and your teammate you look like whatever character you chose.
ehot611 14 Nov @ 5:47am 
When you're "transformed" a spy icon appear in top left corner. Also as i know pawer dissapear after around 3 knockouts (in current round).
Hey could you invite me for a friend pass
(˚ˎ 。7
Russ 14 Nov @ 1:37pm 
You will look normal to yourself. You appear different to the enemy. Only bug I've seen is sometimes it just straight up makes players invisible but it's rare.
Snowman 14 Nov @ 6:16pm 
I am aware of the mechanics, I never receive the spy icon and I always appear as myself to the enemy hence the glitch.
Bacon  [developer] 16 Nov @ 12:48am 
Hey Snowman,

Thank you for your feedback.
We are aware of this issue now and our technical team is working hard to find a solution.

Thank you for your patience and support!

Party Animals Support Team

Originally posted by Snowman:
face/off is glitched in multiple different ways and should be removed until it gets fixed. When I take it, it won't transform me to look like the enemy even before being knocked out. Also, when the enemy has it, they will occasionally never transform back even when knocked out.
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