Submarine Titans

Submarine Titans

kennyhx2 12 Apr, 2021 @ 9:40am
New update for Submarine Titans battles
This update is not an official update. This project is mainly to modify the computer AI in Submarine Titans "SOLO BATTLES" type games and "NETWORK GAME" type games to make the computer more intelligent.

Please cilck github to view the release link and update instructions.
1. AI update
update content:
(1).The active attack strategy has been changed. AI will send more fleets to attack instead of just using space jumping technology;
(2).The number and time of helping allies have been extended;
(3).Turn on FOW 15 seconds before the end of the game;
(4).The flagship protection fleet is too small and has been increased;
(5).When AI's WS/BO technology is changed from LOW-MEDIUM or MEDIUM-MEDIUM, some technologies cannot be upgraded. It has been repaired. When the highest technology level is MEDIUM, HIGH-level technologies are prohibited from appearing in the technology center;
(6).Change the method of preventing resource cheating. The system will no longer return resources. The new anti-cheating setting is: Players use CORIUM/METAL/GOLD and other cheating commands to increase resources, which will cause AI to get the same resources.

(1).Permanent prohibition of mass weapons technology, because the technology to resist mass weapons is flawed;
(2).Reduced the construction speed of the SI family (the production speed of CAPSULE PROTOTYPE).

(1). In a non-team game, the player’s enemy will form an alliance with other AIs or cancel the alliance based on the situation of the battle (the player cannot change the alliance relationship between AIs);
(2). The BO family will produce some armed fleets after the game starts;
(3). Fixed some AI debug info;
(4). Fixed a coordinate error, which may cause some fleets to fail to work for a short time;
(5). Adjusted the construction priority of some units;
(6). Reduced the force automatically obtained when starting the game (except for the SI group retains a "Paralysis Probe")
(7). The Internal Error of flagship protected mode has been fixed.

1.Update the priority of the construction unit.
(1).Restored the flagship protection type game in "SOLO GAME". This type was disabled in the original version of ‘SOLO GAME’. However, the flagship currently has no special capabilities (the flagship has the ability to summon fleets in future updates).
(2).Weapons of mass destruction is no longer a weapon of computer AI, players can still use this weapon (except for death battle type games).
(3).Added DEATH MATCH type games. Everyone will get huge resources at the beginning of the game, including METAL (800,000), CORIUM (200,000), GOLD (40,000), SILICON (800,000).
(4).The computer can use teleport technology for multiple fleets. This technology can transmit a considerable number of fleets to the enemy area at the same time, complete some battles, and then teleport back to the base. Players cannot use this technology, and must use related buildings to transmit one unit at a time.
(5).The no-resource mode has been modified, and the resources given by the system each time are much more than the original version.
(6).Prevent cheating. Players cannot turn on the map full display mode through the FOW command (it will still not work if the map is turned on at the beginning). The resources added by the player using the CORIUM/METAL/GOLD/SILICON/EXITON commands will be returned, and the resources will not be added to the player interface. The player's use of the TECH command will cause everyone's technology to complete all upgrades at the same time, not just the player's technology.
(7).The computer will capture the enemy's buildings, and the computer will study the enemy's technology (the technology between BO and WS). If the enemy's technology is obtained, the computer will produce related buildings or fleets by itself.
(8).The computer’s attack strategy has been adjusted, and there will no longer be a situation where the computer will be ready to attack the player if it does not have a sufficient number of troops to attack a certain target regardless of the large area being wiped out in the middle. The computer will give priority to the production of the fleet, and build large-scale defense facilities to prevent players from attacking.

2. Sound update
update content:
(1).Most of the sounds of the DEMO version are used, because each unit of the DEMO version has an independent and accurate sound. The units in the original game are just random sounds.
(2).Added a sound record with the name wsts_026.

3. Background music update
update content:
(1). All background music of WS family has been replaced.
(2). Keep all the background music of the BO family.
(3). The non-combat time background music of the SI family has been replaced.
Last edited by kennyhx2; 23 Jul, 2021 @ 11:46pm
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
kennyhx2 30 Apr, 2021 @ 10:02am 
The update has been released, please check it on github.
R.T. 25 Jun, 2021 @ 6:44pm 
Thanks bro,
I will try this AI mod.
BlackNyasher 27 Jun, 2021 @ 6:46am 
If in vanilla game's AI was beatable by doomstack of 50 submarines - now 50 submarines cannot even reach enemy defences in the first attempt :microraptor:
And in the regular gamemode there is still no nuclear bombs and other mass-destruction weapon in player's tech tree. :V

(but i played non-steam version of ST, maybe this affected mod somehow)

The only two major problems i noticed is:

1) AI teleportation is way too strong at the early stage and too annoying at the late stage. It happen too early and too often, and actually if AI hadn't escape after the short period from teleportation - then he could just easily annihilate player's base since player cannot deal enough damage to kill submarines faster than they killing player's buildings... Need to push this technology later in the tech tree and somehow limit the periodicity of teleportations (sometimes this is the only offensive option AI is using, dropping 10-15 submarines on top of your head every 30 seconds even if you killing them without loosing a single building). Maybe need to tie this technology to "teleporter" building and it's recharge rate. And need some better option to totally deny this tactic - i thought "teleshield" could help aganst it, but instead of preventing teleportation it only changing coordinates enemy appearing at, and each teleshield can affect only 1 ship at a time and then goes into way too long cooldown so this building is barely useful...

2) After somewhat succesful attack on the AI base AI rebuilds buildings and turrets way too excessively, not taking into account his current reserves of resources and income (so it leaves him with lots of unfinished buildings and paused ship construction).

Also AI is not so good with mining resources when expanding his territory (often leaves unused metal and corium sources which are already behind his line of deffence when it totally safe to start mining here), and AI constructing way too many spy-centers (this little houses protecting base from nuclear bombs)...

But all the rest is fine, much more fun and very hard to beat this AI (took me 2 hours both in 1v1 and 2v2v2 scenarios on biggest maps) :microraptor:
Serve XT 21 Aug, 2021 @ 4:52pm 
I find this mod really interestings, props to the dev, I've been reading the AI scrips and that requires some time. On another note I also agree the teleportation mechanic is too abusive, no way to prevent it, really frequent and strong or annoying. But I also agree they add a lot of difficulty, maybe lowering the ratio but adding other types of attacking fleets may be a good idea (some are marauder fleets, other atacking fleets with cruisers that don't flee, others ciberworm fleets that go for resources for example). And then the other gamemodes are a fantastic adition imo, more to play with, but I think the flagship hunt is a bit bugged? I tried to suicide my flagship and didn't lose, if i kill an enemy flagship the IA continues like nothing happens, it may be a situational bug, not sure.
Anyway, I will continue exploring the posibilities and will check future updates for sure.
Last edited by Serve XT; 21 Aug, 2021 @ 4:55pm
Jelly Donut 27 Mar, 2023 @ 7:45am 
As much as I appreciate you putting some effort in improving the AI, I don't like that you put/remove features that are just not fair in needed. Brutally and truthfully this mod is just adding flaws instead of vastly improving the AI that the devs should have done. I tried this AI "update" once and I didn't like it despite having hundreds of hours as well as growing up with this game.

Let me explain why - particularly the BIGGEST flaws of this "update" (or rather a mod).

1) You should be not removing mass weapons.

Many RTS games feature mass weapons or nukes, it makes no sense to permanently remove them unless players or lobby hosts like to; You should instead enable the AI's ability to use mass weapons in which they already cannot do. (Also, you need to understand the "anti mass weapons technology" cannot be too OP or else it renders the mass weapons completely useless).

2) The AI teleport system is a joke.

It's not fair for the player to experience mass fleet teleportation in the early to mid game, especially when they do not have technology (yet) to protect themselves from it; You should have instead enabled the AI's ability to use teleportation structures (and build more if it needs/feels to) instead of a magical portal that players won't have.

3) Cheat disabling should not be enforced, especially when doing "tests" or "practice".

Sometimes we players would like FoW off or resource cheats at times to test things; At most you should be fixing any form of cheat glitch that enables enemies to receive cheat resources when they are not supposed to (which you already did, but complete disability should not be enforced.).

4) You have no difficulty levels of AI, just one.

Not everyone wants to play at an "extreme level". If the original AI offers 3 levels of difficulty, you should also provide 3 levels of difficulty.

There are also other things but until you return to work on this mod, I won't exactly specify. Overall as specified, you added improvements but also created flaws that In my opinion, this mod is not worth trying.
Last edited by Jelly Donut; 27 Mar, 2023 @ 7:48am
Artyom1 28 Mar, 2023 @ 4:37pm 
Originally posted by ComeGetIt:
As much as I appreciate you putting some effort in improving the AI, I don't like that you put/remove features that are just not fair in needed. Brutally and truthfully this mod is just adding flaws instead of vastly improving the AI that the devs should have done. I tried this AI "update" once and I didn't like it despite having hundreds of hours as well as growing up with this game.
Why don't you play online with other players? You will be shown a variety of tactics, strategies and SW.
Altzgamer 29 Jul, 2023 @ 3:24am 
Need update, please let AI players combine their armies together. If you attack one of members of the AI team, they never come to help each other. Also AI wastes resources for excess amount of transporters.
Last edited by Altzgamer; 29 Jul, 2023 @ 3:26am
Jelly Donut 20 Aug, 2023 @ 10:52pm 
Originally posted by Artyom1:
Why don't you play online with other players? You will be shown a variety of tactics, strategies and SW.

That's besides the point; My opinion focuses on the Single Player mechanics especially for those who just want to play alone (Like me).

The game is already quite AI sided (particularly the campaign), but if certain really unfair mechanics are in place to make the AI better or otherwise "cheat", then it's not an improvement but a blunder.
Last edited by Jelly Donut; 20 Aug, 2023 @ 10:53pm
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