i get.........
i get that it is supposed to be a single player game but imagine a game like this with ur mates with other people just like a mmo ?
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Would be amazing but physics based games of any reasonable scale are notoriously hard to pull off.

Something in syncing up the exact movement in one person's game to another person's game with no room for error just seems borderline impossible.
(Especially in a combat title like this where a slightly different move could mean death).

Games like Party Animals and Gang Beasts are just 2 i can think of, with both of them having more room for desync as they're more arcady i'd think.
true i guess
I really doubt we'll see an MMO with this kind of combat in the next decade. But a small scale multiplayer game, maybe
Roy a écrit :
Would be amazing but physics based games of any reasonable scale are notoriously hard to pull off.

Something in syncing up the exact movement in one person's game to another person's game with no room for error just seems borderline impossible.
(Especially in a combat title like this where a slightly different move could mean death).

Games like Party Animals and Gang Beasts are just 2 i can think of, with both of them having more room for desync as they're more arcady i'd think.
This sums the issue up rather well - multiplayer adds a range of complexities to development and it's just not something we can feasibly do. Even once we expand the team, our focus is going to remain on the singleplayer aspect of the game.
i hope some modder makes it multiplayer just like they did with bannerlord.
Roy 17 avr. 2024 à 15h06 
Alpha Wolfgang a écrit :
i hope some modder makes it multiplayer just like they did with bannerlord.
M&B has been vanilla multiplayer since warband/with fire and sword.
Right. M&B was never modded to have multiplayer. You must be thinking of another game.
Siegbert a écrit :
Right. M&B was never modded to have multiplayer. You must be thinking of another game.
Someone made an MMO type mod for it, I just watched a video about it yesterday.
Roy 24 avr. 2024 à 5h44 
XOskeletal a écrit :
Siegbert a écrit :
Right. M&B was never modded to have multiplayer. You must be thinking of another game.
Someone made an MMO type mod for it, I just watched a video about it yesterday.
You're probably thinking about "Bannerlord online".
Bannerlord online is a persistent MMO mod for Bannerlord, it's not a mod that enables multiplayer altogether.

Mount and Blade has been around for a while, only the first game, "Mount & Blade" did not have multiplayer.
Every title after that had native multiplayer gamemodes and mods.
i mean if you have heard of the old warband mod were its a live world and everything is player made and its like a real life world thats what i would love to see this games multiplayer be
Roy a écrit :
Would be amazing but physics based games of any reasonable scale are notoriously hard to pull off.

Something in syncing up the exact movement in one person's game to another person's game with no room for error just seems borderline impossible.
(Especially in a combat title like this where a slightly different move could mean death).

Games like Party Animals and Gang Beasts are just 2 i can think of, with both of them having more room for desync as they're more arcady i'd think.
This sums the issue up rather well - multiplayer adds a range of complexities to development and it's just not something we can feasibly do. Even once we expand the team, our focus is going to remain on the singleplayer aspect of the game.

Add procedural generation for equipment like the creators of Exanima did, so it becomes more than a combat and physics simulator. Don't make static loot as it will only make the gameplay stale. Different randomly rolled stats for the equipment can still affect the physics simulation, length of the sword or width that has effect on weight etc, a rusty sword might be less sharp and so on.

I say this because finding equipment of different quality etc makes a game more fun instead of there being 1 sword to rule them all and that as a preset, it feels more natural finding the sword that can rule them all if it was procedurally created with random rolls. There can be equipment with preset stats, like Excalibur etc, still finding variants of the same type is always more fun, a iron dagger with different lengths, weights, sharpness, dullness, balance, or overall qualities so to speak procedurally generating the weapon within stat intervalls rather than predefined, same goes for armor. If it is going to be a RPG, make some RPG stuff happen in the game like.

A game that feel like a prototype combat physics simulator for a game is not the most fun you can have with a game, think of Dragons Dogma 2 for example, they have so little for it going in terms of loot and gear mechanics they go for far fetched hidden stuff in the endgame instead of loot and finding good stuff for the character which makes the treasure you find very dull.
Think of what the mounds of treasure will amount to in the endgame and what it will be used for and that is defeating more foes and gathering more treasure, it is boring if it will all be the same over and over what stuff you can find when looting or checking a store etc.
Dernière modification de Holombo; 3 mai 2024 à 16h01
Archwildman a écrit :
i get that it is supposed to be a single player game but imagine a game like this with ur mates with other people just like a mmo ?
it would be cool but in a dev stand point its just not possible it would take so much ram on both sides to keep everything were you put it
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