The Innsmouth Case

The Innsmouth Case

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Love the game, however
I had some issues involving restarting the game after playing it once. I worked around this by just uninstalling then reinstalling the game. Today is another story. I can't update. Tried my workaround, can't even reinstall the game. Not sure what's going on, as other games with steam are updating without an issue. Is anyone else having this problem?
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Showing 1-3 of 3 comments
Assemble_Xer0 28 Jan, 2021 @ 12:35am 
Hi Yhoundeh,
could you share some more details about this?
Let's first start with your system specs, at least basics, like your OS, CPU, GPU and RAM.
Further on, what have you done, to get this sorted on your own, that I do not make suggestions, you might have tried already anyways. :=
Thank you in advance.

sorry for the delay. Running win 10, i7 @ 2.60 GHz, ram is at 16 gig, gpu is Nvidia GeForce gtx 1650. I've tried uninstall/reinstall, disabling cloud and overlay. Restarted Steam, restart laptop.
Assemble_Xer0 9 Feb, 2021 @ 12:49am 
Hi Yhoundeh,
no worries. Did you check, if your laptop is using the integrated graphic chip, rather than the dedicated graphic card?
Please check/try following:
  • Download the latest graphic card driver for your dedicated graphic card:
  • Then, change the settings as following:
    • Open your Nvidia Control Panel (simply enter the name in your windows searchbar in the bottom left corner)
    • Select "Manage 3D settings"
    • Select "Global Settings". You will find the option "Preferred graphics processor". Please select "High-performance NVIDIA processor" and save the settings.
    • You will have to reboot your system for the changes to take effect.

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