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How many coromon are there?
As of version 1.3.0 (which I am assuming is the most recent update) how many coromon are in the game in total? How many are catchable? And how many are evolutionary forms of other coromon?
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As of now there are
- 124 Coromons

- 44 different species

- 6 crimsonite species

If you remove the crimsonite coromons from the total count you get 110 coromons.

No coromons are uncatchable except for the 6 Titans, which are the bosses of the game. They dont count as Coromons themselves
Zemecon 28 Aug @ 6:56pm 
Oh cool. OK. Well, 1st gen Pokemon had a good run with 99(?) catcheable pokemon and a lot of those could be broken down into fewer numbers of species so this should be good.

Thanks! Will definitely be considering this game :steamhappy:
I'm wondering where can I find Bren, the prevolution of Pyrochick.
Originally posted by PakmanGD:
I'm wondering where can I find Bren, the prevolution of Pyrochick.
you need to catch a Pyrochick / Infinix with the Rebirth trait (or traitformate a pyrochick and give it the trait)

then have the Pyrochick / Infinix faint in battle. It will turn intro Bren
But in my game there isn't any Pyrochick nor Infinix with the Rebirth trait. Even in the database in-game tells me they don't have the Rebirth trait.
Originally posted by PakmanGD:
But in my game there isn't any Pyrochick nor Infinix with the Rebirth trait. Even in the database in-game tells me they don't have the Rebirth trait.
Then you must have randomizer settings active because that is just straight up not possible.
yeah, i had it randomized, thanks
Wish you could catch the titans
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