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Ms. Morgna or Mrs. Morgna?
Was it so hard for developers to decide whether she is 'Ms. Morgna' or 'Mrs. Morgna' and stick to it? Or whether Soll chose appeasement and de-escalation or purged all the communists? If Taurus provides for their workers then why do these workers protest? These inconsistencies and constant contradictions between Prologue, Codex, Reports, Newspapers and Scenes are killing the immersiveness. Attention to detail separates good games from great games.
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Stephano 17 Sep, 2024 @ 2:33pm 
yeah i noticed some of those too. but the ms vs mrs i always thought was peoples way of making a slight to her. idk that’s just what i thought at first, but didn’t pay too much attention to all the times it happened i could be wrong!
Originally posted by THE_UNDERTAKER:
Was it so hard for developers to decide whether she is 'Ms. Morgna' or 'Mrs. Morgna' and stick to it? Or whether Soll chose appeasement and de-escalation or purged all the communists? If Taurus provides for their workers then why do these workers protest? These inconsistencies and constant contradictions between Prologue, Codex, Reports, Newspapers and Scenes are killing the immersiveness. Attention to detail separates good games from great games.
You cannot appease unionized workers with mere rhetoric while refusing to hand over the political/socioeconomic pork, Taurus Holding's employees are treated well only compared to other working-class individuals in Sordland. Sordish citizens are aware of what is going on in other countries though and they compare their living standards to what workers have access to in neighboring developed nations like Lespia or Valgsland.

Countries have only 3 choices when they fall behind on GDP per capita metrics and they are: repress the population so that they can't compare their own conditions to others, buy off the working class with expensive legislation to make their standards of living align more with developed states, or ignore the problem while hiring scabs to cross an ever-growing picket line and burn your public opinion.

It is your job as Sordland's president to strategize and optimize around your citizens as well as the nation's current political context, yes it is frustrating to deal with a belligerent and ungrateful public who grow to hate the incumbent head of state over the course of the game but it is an extremely interesting perspective that would normally be shouted off the stage by angry populists in the real world.
Originally posted by NonverbalShoe:
Originally posted by THE_UNDERTAKER:
Was it so hard for developers to decide whether she is 'Ms. Morgna' or 'Mrs. Morgna' and stick to it? Or whether Soll chose appeasement and de-escalation or purged all the communists? If Taurus provides for their workers then why do these workers protest? These inconsistencies and constant contradictions between Prologue, Codex, Reports, Newspapers and Scenes are killing the immersiveness. Attention to detail separates good games from great games.
You cannot appease unionized workers with mere rhetoric while refusing to hand over the political/socioeconomic pork, Taurus Holding's employees are treated well only compared to other working-class individuals in Sordland. Sordish citizens are aware of what is going on in other countries though and they compare their living standards to what workers have access to in neighboring developed nations like Lespia or Valgsland.

Countries have only 3 choices when they fall behind on GDP per capita metrics and they are: repress the population so that they can't compare their own conditions to others, buy off the working class with expensive legislation to make their standards of living align more with developed states, or ignore the problem while hiring scabs to cross an ever-growing picket line and burn your public opinion.

It is your job as Sordland's president to strategize and optimize around your citizens as well as the nation's current political context, yes it is frustrating to deal with a belligerent and ungrateful public who grow to hate the incumbent head of state over the course of the game but it is an extremely interesting perspective that would normally be shouted off the stage by angry populists in the real world.
No, it's just inconsistency and contradictory pieces of lore.
The overall text in game is unpolished unfortunately, even years after release. It needs a round of proofreading. Some orthographic and syntax mistakes are ridiculous for such a big, serious project.
Originally posted by THE_UNDERTAKER:
Originally posted by NonverbalShoe:
You cannot appease unionized workers with mere rhetoric while refusing to hand over the political/socioeconomic pork, Taurus Holding's employees are treated well only compared to other working-class individuals in Sordland. Sordish citizens are aware of what is going on in other countries though and they compare their living standards to what workers have access to in neighboring developed nations like Lespia or Valgsland.

Countries have only 3 choices when they fall behind on GDP per capita metrics and they are: repress the population so that they can't compare their own conditions to others, buy off the working class with expensive legislation to make their standards of living align more with developed states, or ignore the problem while hiring scabs to cross an ever-growing picket line and burn your public opinion.

It is your job as Sordland's president to strategize and optimize around your citizens as well as the nation's current political context, yes it is frustrating to deal with a belligerent and ungrateful public who grow to hate the incumbent head of state over the course of the game but it is an extremely interesting perspective that would normally be shouted off the stage by angry populists in the real world.
No, it's just inconsistency and contradictory pieces of lore.
The overall text in game is unpolished unfortunately, even years after release. It needs a round of proofreading. Some orthographic and syntax mistakes are ridiculous for such a big, serious project.
You're probably right about Nia Morgna's title being inconsistent, there are little errors that have gone unpatched in this game for a while.

As for Soll's treatment of the Communists I am more uncertain if the developers made a sloppy attempt at political nuance, some level of persecution against Rikard's military leadership definitely happened and I doubt that was levied equally considering General Luderin's son is actively participating in Sordish politics. Purging all the Communists isn't so simple though since Sordland was experiencing a popular socialist revolution before Tarquin Soll stepped in. I viewed the situation as a sort of stick and carrot political approach where Soll jailed some people and let others go depending on a case by case basis but I am going off of broad-strokes interpretations here since I haven't played in a while. I am open to being proved wrong on this topic.

If we listen to the Communist political leadership themselves though they will always portray themselves as being persecuted by the forces of capitalism even as Tarquin Soll nationalizes private property. Communist organizers have to rally their people against a common enemy to suppress infighting, no matter how well that enemy fits into Communism's prescribed narrative on the bourgeoisie puppetmastering everything in their way. None of the in-game characters give an "unbiased" perspective of the truth, they are the main source of information in this political game though since the codex is rather limited on details and so statement inconsistency is inevitable.

Regarding the unionized Taurus workers going on strike, you are asking a why question about politics so there many explanations all equally valid as to why the workers went on strike. The player's perspective is that of a disconnected politician with no understanding of these construction workers outside of a few short reports. Of course they appear ungrateful, rebellious, and irrational from the perspective experienced by a head of state.
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