Core Defense

Core Defense

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Jack Deth 23 Mar, 2023 @ 8:12pm
Here is the situation...I start daily challenge with one tower pick, this daily challenge happens to be every wave is a boss wave and am quickly overwhelmed in the 1st wave and game over, no reward but on the report it shows 1 purple reward???? I had no rewards. where did it come from?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
ehmprah  [developer] 30 Mar, 2023 @ 12:16am 
The first tower pick already counts as a reward ;-)
Jack Deth 26 Apr, 2023 @ 7:14pm 
Thanks, I kinda fingered that one is another Reward question, Daily challenge 1st place got 180 rewards, 110 went to weapons upgrades, 66 went to modules that totals 176 rewards accounted for how then can this person have 123 walls with only 4 rewards remaining, or am I not seeing something? and no wall mastery,s active. thanks
Last edited by Jack Deth; 26 Apr, 2023 @ 7:16pm
Jack Deth 26 May, 2023 @ 12:36am 
I noticed again daily challenge a player received 190 rewards, 115 went to tower upgrades and 70 went to modules that totals 185...which leaves 5 rewards for this player to get to 92 walls, how is that possible?. no wall mastery's active.
idiot5k 30 May, 2023 @ 7:54am 
Originally posted by Jack Deth:
I noticed again daily challenge a player received 190 rewards, 115 went to tower upgrades and 70 went to modules that totals 185...which leaves 5 rewards for this player to get to 92 walls, how is that possible?. no wall mastery's active.
there is that module that gives you a wall when you skip rewards. if the walls gained by that module dont count to the total rewards its possible (tough, since everything else including towers and abilities count as rewards, and im fairly certain upgrades that you get by skipping also count as rewards, shouldnt those walls also count as rewards then?). or walls dont count as rewards in general wich would also be weird...
Jack Deth 23 Jun, 2023 @ 11:30am 
choosing to skip is a choice...even if obtaining the Masonry upgrade that only gives you 1 extra wall when you pick the wall card and with M2x10 you get one wall per round , doing the math pick a wall 1 wall, (masonry card prepicked) +1 wall, (mastery 2 maxed out) +1 wall = 3 walls... in the example given with 5 rewards remaining 3x5=15 walls plus the original 5 or so you get when you start, with no masterys active totals 20 walls which is a long way from 92 walls
Jack Deth 30 Jul, 2023 @ 9:10pm 
It happened again, on daily challenge a player received 141 rewards, 17 went to modules and 119 went to tower upgrades, totaling 136 allocated rewards that leaves 5 rewards for this player to get to 112 walls and M1 was set to 5 which means they started with 5 extra walls... how can they get to 112 walls with only 5 reward choices?
amanensia 12 Oct, 2023 @ 4:11am 
Something From Nothing + Salvage.

I just tested this by doing a basic run, getting SFN and Salvage early, and skipping most rewards to get both an upgrade and a wall.

I ended up with:
Rewards 193
Tower upgrades 139
Walls 137
Modules 49

So clearly skipping when both Salvage and SFN are active counts as one reward, even though you get an upgrade and a wall.
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