Core Defense

Core Defense

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Overload 25 without masteries?
This is my only remaining achievement. (ok I lied, I have the win 10 in a row, but that's easy). Any tips for it? I feel like it's mostly rng on getting something for nothing + salvage + less is more. The best I've done so far wave was 35 or so.
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GangaWolf 6 Oct, 2023 @ 8:44am 
There are some YouTube videos of people doing this. I studied their strategies and even then I modified it and still it took me months to finally achieve it after hundreds of attempts. It is more about having a good strategy and getting lucky with the seed.
amanensia 12 Oct, 2023 @ 3:48am 
I remember getting this one back in the day. For me it was about avoiding damage so I could skip all healing - I went with Rocketeer iirc.
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