Core Defense

Core Defense

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Daily Challenge a sham?
Just played 4 days of the Daily Challenge on 3 PCs and one phone, sure the "seeds" are the same, but all 4 devices ended up with very different choices after the first round, EVEN when walls and first tower are exactly the same. gets even more random after a few more rounds. What gives.
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ehmprah  [pengembang] 1 Des 2022 @ 1:02am 
Yeah this could be improved; this diverges too easily. I though about adding different number generators for different things like rewards to streamline this. But then I'm already working on Core Defense 2, so I don't know how realistic an update like this is in the near future ;-)
Razguul 1 Des 2022 @ 6:35am 
Instead of fixing the current game, just make another one. Nice mindset.
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