BLEACH Brave Souls - 3D Action

BLEACH Brave Souls - 3D Action

Do killer accessories from different characters stack? (Guild Quest and Brave Battles)
Anyone know if for a fact killer accessories stack from different characters? For example: i have regular 10% killer effect on two characters and a regular 20% killer for soul reaper would that mean that i would get 40% killer on the character with the soul reaper killer accessory?) - Orihime 10% killer, Renji 10% killer, Askan 20% soul reaper killer.

Im testing out having killer accessories in brave battles as my 3rd accessory for characters with two chappies and debating whether or not its worth it (currently in lieutenant division) so far the damage doesnt make a difference and at times seems weaker due to lack of defense/stamina/focus.
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NesS 7 Jan @ 8:50am 
They don't stack and that is not worth it.
Damage system works like: "Attack" minus "Defense" = Dmg * bonuses
For example,
- with hollow bait u have 100 attack and enemy has 90 defense, 100 - 90 = 10 dmg
- with killer u decreased your attack (95): 95 - 90 = 5 * 1.2 = 6 dmg

So, in my opinion, only these acces is worth to use:
- Hollow bait
- Pupples
- Shihoin shield
- Guitar
Originally posted by NesS:
They don't stack and that is not worth it.
Damage system works like: "Attack" minus "Defense" = Dmg * bonuses
For example,
- with hollow bait u have 100 attack and enemy has 90 defense, 100 - 90 = 10 dmg
- with killer u decreased your attack (95): 95 - 90 = 5 * 1.2 = 6 dmg

So, in my opinion, only these acces is worth to use:
- Hollow bait
- Pupples
- Shihoin shield
- Guitar

ah thx for the feedback :)
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