Resident Evil Village

Resident Evil Village

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< blank > (Banned) 17 Jun @ 6:19am
I can't with this game anymore. I just can't.
I made it to the dollmaker's house after 4 hours of gameplay - and believe me when I tell you - if not for YouTube walkthroughs - I would have spent 10 hours to get here.

My GOD dude. This video game just cannot let anything be. Go to the house with the red chimney. Found it. Easy. Everything is locked. Can't vault over the fence. Gotta take a massive detour - then I have to solve a puzzle which I could barely even see because I have to play this game with an increased FOV via mod - because the game has no FOV slider - and the default FOV is PATHETICALLY narrow.

Also - mouse sensitivity. I had to tab out of the game to increase the mouse sensitivity in Windows - because the 9 setting didn't do ♥♥♥♥ for me.

This thing is locked. Oh there's a door. Guess what? It's locked. You got the winged key? Oh silly goose - that's only one piece of the key. Locked. Locked. Also locked. This? Locked.

I go to the dollmaker's house. Expecting a confrontation of sorts. Guess what? More puzzle time. We're locking you in a room. Open the doll's mouth? Turn her eye? Three circular plates - one is missing.

I can't anymore.

My GOD dude. LET ME PLAY THE GAME. Jesus ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Christ. Just let me play the thing. Why the constant puzzles. Why the CONSTANT locked locked locked locked locked.

HOW am I supposed to enjoy a game that CONSTANTLY cockblocks me at every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ single step. Just let me play and have fun.

I got it for 10 bucks and feel MASSIVELY ripped off.
Originally posted by =IcB=|Whiteboy|:
Yeah, very frustrating. Lets make 1 of the best zombie franchises out there put all these stupid little puzzles in game and make that 97% of the game. I made it 4 hours then had enough of the puzzle quest garbage. Cant even get into whatever the story is.
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Showing 1-15 of 60 comments
potato 17 Jun @ 6:25am 
learn to play and get good
< blank > (Banned) 17 Jun @ 6:26am 
Just deleted it from my library. Never again. My GOD. Go away with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ puzzles and constant locked doors. Who finds that interesting, entertaining???

Why was it ever popular to begin with? The characters are uninteresting and the dialogue retarded.

Was it just tall mommy domme meme and that's it? It sure as hell isn't fun to play.

Yeah man just run around and look for a mask in a giant mansion. Oh that's locked. Locked. Also locked. You're being chased while you look for something that's unlocked. Having fun? I sure hope so. Locked.

Pity the game designer's email isn't on hand. I would trash him to oblivion.
< blank > (Banned) 17 Jun @ 6:26am 
Originally posted by potato:
learn to play and get good


You're out.
Saph 17 Jun @ 7:39am 
Skill issue. :2016bee:
Daniel 17 Jun @ 8:22pm 
Resident Evil is not a traditional shooter. What you are experiencing is the intended gameplay.
Seamus 17 Jun @ 9:37pm 
Originally posted by Daniel:
Resident Evil is not a traditional shooter. What you are experiencing is the intended gameplay.
This, tbh.

Go play cod or something.
KripTed 18 Jun @ 12:56am 
Originally posted by Daniel:
Resident Evil is not a traditional shooter. What you are experiencing is the intended gameplay.

Yeah it isn't. But somehow this game turns into Terminator and COD near the end.
Last edited by KripTed; 18 Jun @ 12:57am
KripTed 18 Jun @ 1:04am 
Originally posted by Bongo :3:
Just deleted it from my library. Never again. My GOD. Go away with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ puzzles and constant locked doors. Who finds that interesting, entertaining???

Why was it ever popular to begin with? The characters are uninteresting and the dialogue retarded.

Was it just tall mommy domme meme and that's it? It sure as hell isn't fun to play.

Yeah man just run around and look for a mask in a giant mansion. Oh that's locked. Locked. Also locked. You're being chased while you look for something that's unlocked. Having fun? I sure hope so. Locked.

Pity the game designer's email isn't on hand. I would trash him to oblivion.

The game does suck in a lot of aspects. I think that's the only reason it has such a positive rating is due to the tall mommy thing you mentioned. The puzzles are a little meh in this game but Resident Evil is about puzzles and backtracking. You're right, the dialogue is terrible. The game was pretty easy and basic. It was just follow the unlocked doors until you unlock a new one. It just dragged on so much. By the time I got to the last lord I just wanted it over already. I'm still baffled how this game has an overwhelmingly positive rating.
< blank > (Banned) 18 Jun @ 1:07am 
Originally posted by Daniel:
Resident Evil is not a traditional shooter. What you are experiencing is the intended gameplay.

Puzzle. Another puzzle. Door. Locked. Another door. Locked. Cutscene. Locked door. Puzzle. You have to rotate every item because who knows whether that item could be used for some obscure puzzle. How incredibly stupid. That maroon eye ring clearly needed to fit on that statues head but because I didn't rotate it I couldn't use it "as is*. You're being chased. Door? Locked. Another door. Also locked. Ring the bells. How on earth was the player supposed to find that Bell in the ceiling??? I was playing with a massively wide FOV and couldn't see it at all. YouTube saved me. Elevator down. Should be able to jump the distance on the ledge but can't. Should be able to climb to the house with the red chimney. The fence isn't even barbed. Can't. Now you have to find a code to a safe that just so happens to have the thing you need to move the tractor even though that tractor should be possible to get around.

This game is a door-unlocking simulator. With way too many obtuse puzzles thrown in.

The key I bought was 10 bucks and I still feel ripped off.
< blank > (Banned) 18 Jun @ 1:09am 
Originally posted by KripTed:
Originally posted by Bongo :3:
Just deleted it from my library. Never again. My GOD. Go away with the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ puzzles and constant locked doors. Who finds that interesting, entertaining???

Why was it ever popular to begin with? The characters are uninteresting and the dialogue retarded.

Was it just tall mommy domme meme and that's it? It sure as hell isn't fun to play.

Yeah man just run around and look for a mask in a giant mansion. Oh that's locked. Locked. Also locked. You're being chased while you look for something that's unlocked. Having fun? I sure hope so. Locked.

Pity the game designer's email isn't on hand. I would trash him to oblivion.

The game does suck in a lot of aspects. I think that's the only reason it has such a positive rating is due to the tall mommy thing you mentioned. The puzzles are a little meh in this game but Resident Evil is about puzzles and backtracking. You're right, the dialogue is terrible. The game was pretty easy and basic. It was just follow the unlocked doors until you unlock a new one. It just dragged on so much. By the time I got to the last lord I just wanted it over already. I'm still baffled how this game has an overwhelmingly positive rating.

Thanks bud. Yeah I appreciate you taking the time to take the unpopular view...

I tried the first game a while ago and within 10 minutes I was out. Fixed cameras. Zombie chasing you around. Door locked. Another door. Also locked. No you need the dagger key. No you need the shield key. I remember thinking: this is the franchise so many people think is a MASTERPIECE??? WTF

Different strokes for different folks I guess.
KripTed 18 Jun @ 1:19am 
Originally posted by Bongo :3:
Originally posted by KripTed:

The game does suck in a lot of aspects. I think that's the only reason it has such a positive rating is due to the tall mommy thing you mentioned. The puzzles are a little meh in this game but Resident Evil is about puzzles and backtracking. You're right, the dialogue is terrible. The game was pretty easy and basic. It was just follow the unlocked doors until you unlock a new one. It just dragged on so much. By the time I got to the last lord I just wanted it over already. I'm still baffled how this game has an overwhelmingly positive rating.

Thanks bud. Yeah I appreciate you taking the time to take the unpopular view...

I tried the first game a while ago and within 10 minutes I was out. Fixed cameras. Zombie chasing you around. Door locked. Another door. Also locked. No you need the dagger key. No you need the shield key. I remember thinking: this is the franchise so many people think is a MASTERPIECE??? WTF

Different strokes for different folks I guess.

My opinion on most games is unpopular. I'm a harsh critic when it comes to video games.

I do prefer the older classic Resident Evil games though. At least compared to these last two. It can be very tedious at times though. I understand what you mean by locked door, with another locked door, but wait you need a key. No, not that key, the other key to unlock that door 2 floors down. Lol.

Yeah, everyone has their preference I guess. Just like mine is any Resident Evil before 4 and up.
Seamus 18 Jun @ 8:33am 
Originally posted by KripTed:
My opinion on most games is unpopular. I'm a harsh critic when it comes to video games.

I do prefer the older classic Resident Evil games though. At least compared to these last two. It can be very tedious at times though. I understand what you mean by locked door, with another locked door, but wait you need a key. No, not that key, the other key to unlock that door 2 floors down. Lol.

Yeah, everyone has their preference I guess. Just like mine is any Resident Evil before 4 and up.
So in other words you only like roughly 1/5 of the series.

At this point why do you even buy them? Do you enjoy wasting money on things you know you're not going to like because they'll never go back to tank controls and fixed camera angles?
Not sure why you're having trouble progressing. There's yellow paint to lead idiots the way all over the place and the puzzles are so easy it's an insult to puzzles to call them puzzles. Well I'm about halfway to 60% through so far and it's definitely no match for the any of the mainline RE games before it (including 5 and 6). It's better than 7, but I would still currently rank 7 and 8 at the bottom 2 places of the mainlines series personally.
KripTed 18 Jun @ 3:21pm 
Originally posted by Seamus:
Originally posted by KripTed:
My opinion on most games is unpopular. I'm a harsh critic when it comes to video games.

I do prefer the older classic Resident Evil games though. At least compared to these last two. It can be very tedious at times though. I understand what you mean by locked door, with another locked door, but wait you need a key. No, not that key, the other key to unlock that door 2 floors down. Lol.

Yeah, everyone has their preference I guess. Just like mine is any Resident Evil before 4 and up.
So in other words you only like roughly 1/5 of the series.

At this point why do you even buy them? Do you enjoy wasting money on things you know you're not going to like because they'll never go back to tank controls and fixed camera angles?

I don't buy them at full price. I usually wait for sales. Most of the Resident Evil games were bought years ago. Except this one or the really old cheap ones. The last two iterations still feel sluggish. Movement and aiming has not been improved at all. The fixed camera angles, while annoying, added a certain layer of difficulty and horror. I've been playing RE0 and it's 100 times better than RE7 and RE8. Even RE2's remake has better controls and movement. Who's to say I won't like it? That's why I give it a try, to see. I'm just not paying full price for these new implementations. I can wait.
Last edited by KripTed; 18 Jun @ 3:34pm
Juanma 18 Jun @ 9:42pm 
I'm sorry but you actually think the puzzles here are hard? IDK if I'm desensitized to RE puzzles, but I genuinelly think that this game has THE easiest puzzles in either Resident Evil or Silent Hill. (I'd say Outlast but that game has zero puzzles).

Either way, besides the bell puzzle in having an unexpected twist with the bell outside of the room, I see no complication with any puzzle here: get item, put item in other place, the puzzle is now solved. The only thing this game could do better is have clearar key words, like the old RE games where Examining would tell you how the square crank you got had a square notch, and then you find a place that BEFORE suggesting item usage says "this is a square hole". That's a QOF thiing this game could do better, but besides that... I'd say this might not be the best game series for you.
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