Scars Above

Scars Above

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1st boss chapter 1 unbeatable...
anyone have any ideas as to how I beat him.
FIRE weapons is useless to me, I CANT hit him quick enough.
Just running around in circles getting bashed :*(

Tried to freeze him to slow him down, but that counters the fire LOL

is there something I am missing here ?
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PMSL.... this might not be the 1st BOSS, It is a gorilla rock monster.
SCREW the Fire WEAPON... Freeze it then smash with the electric gun.
almost refunded due to this.
I'll just c/p what I wrote in the other thread:

The freeze and electric gun option only works on the easiest difficulty. On normal, such a shot only takes away about 1% of the boss's HP.

HERE is how the boss works:

You have to wait until the Alpha (and it's a she just so you know) gets VERY close to you.

At this point, it'll do one of two attacks: an overhead slam, or a horizontal swipe. Regardless of which attack it does, you only have about 0.5 sec to react, or you'll take damage.

If it's the horizontal swipe, you can't harm it, so you have to evade. Initially, I too thought this impossible because you'll still get hit as the Alpha will swipe you with its other claw right after the 1st swipe.

In reality, it IS possible, but you have to be VERY quick. In short, when you see it raise its claw for the 1st swipe, dodge to the side immediately (you only have about 0.5 sec window to do this). After that, you have to do ANOTHER side evade right away, but you have only 0.25-0.5 sec to do that. I've done it many times over, but you have to know exactly when to push the evade button. Furthermore, you have to evade to the SIDE. Evading backwards doesn't work.

As soon as you're done with the two evades, IMMEDIATELY begin sprinting, or the Alpha will follow up with a ground slam attack to harm you. In short, there's THREE things you have to take into account: evade once, evade again, and then begin sprinting right afterwards.

Now, with regards to how to harm the Alpha via the Thermal Gun:

You have to wait until it gets close (and not via charging either, because if it's charging, then you have to run as you can't harm the Alpha when it does that).

Once it gets close and begins to do an overhead slam, its heart will be exposed, but you only have about 0.5 sec to fire the thermal shot. Because the thermal shot takes charging time, what you have to do is be aiming at the Alpha while it's approaching you. Otherwise, when it raises its arms to do an overhead slam, you don't have enough time to aim the Thermal Gun, let it charge up, and also fire. This is something a LOT of people didn't understand initially.

But even if you succeed in hitting the heart, it takes at least TWO shots to the heart to actually set the Alpha on fire. Again, that's what a lot of people didn't understand in this boss fight because they expected the Alpha to burn as soon as you hit the heart, which isn't the case.

After the first time you cause the Alpha to burn, it'll use one of its claws to protect the heart. Again, the pattern is still the same: wait for it to walk close to you, and then see if it'll do an overhead slam or not. If yes, repeat what I said above.

For all the OTHER TIMES, you just have to keep sprinting, as the Alpha can't be harmed during the times when it's charging at you, or doing the ground trajectory at you.

See, if you had the Barrier shield ability, this would be very easy because when the barrier is active, you can't be knocked to the ground or take damage from the Alpha. But you can only get the Barrier ability AFTER you beat the Alpha, not BEFORE that. THIS is the reason why the Alpha is the hardest boss fight in the game.

Just go back and try what I said, see if it helps.
Last edited by ragnarok; 4 Mar @ 1:31am
Ya, .5 seconds. No wonder I can't beat her. That is ridiculous for the lowest level of difficulty.
Originally posted by brnphoenix75:
Ya, .5 seconds. No wonder I can't beat her. That is ridiculous for the lowest level of difficulty.

I never said it was EASY, this takes some practice. See, the way I did it was I bound all the moment keys to the 10-pad on the keyboard, and the "evade" button to the "+" button on the 10-pad.

So yes, your key bindings DO matter in dealing with the Alpha.
Whitey 5 Mar @ 12:16am 
Originally posted by brnphoenix75:
Ya, .5 seconds. No wonder I can't beat her. That is ridiculous for the lowest level of difficulty.
It's really not that bad. Just stand there and as she's getting close start charging your gun. When she raises her fists fire at the heart. Getting to the point where you understand where the heart is naturally (so you're not having to reposition your aim every time) helps. After you fire once just dodge to the side. Repeat. If she starts slamming the ground multiple times dodge or run sideways. You don't necessarily need to memorize the phases. Just memorize the basic idea. She gets close (let her get close), you charge weapon, she extends her body, you shoot the heart, you dodge. After awhile you get the feel for which attacks will hit multiple times.
Originally posted by Whitey:
Originally posted by brnphoenix75:
Ya, .5 seconds. No wonder I can't beat her. That is ridiculous for the lowest level of difficulty.
It's really not that bad. Just stand there and as she's getting close start charging your gun. When she raises her fists fire at the heart. Getting to the point where you understand where the heart is naturally (so you're not having to reposition your aim every time) helps. After you fire once just dodge to the side. Repeat. If she starts slamming the ground multiple times dodge or run sideways. You don't necessarily need to memorize the phases. Just memorize the basic idea. She gets close (let her get close), you charge weapon, she extends her body, you shoot the heart, you dodge. After awhile you get the feel for which attacks will hit multiple times.

Yeah it's not really bad once you fight the Alpha a few times over. Basically it's just that unless you're playing on the lowest difficulty, you can't cheese it via the ice and electricity guns.
Whitey 5 Mar @ 11:40pm 
Originally posted by ragnarok:
Originally posted by Whitey:
It's really not that bad. Just stand there and as she's getting close start charging your gun. When she raises her fists fire at the heart. Getting to the point where you understand where the heart is naturally (so you're not having to reposition your aim every time) helps. After you fire once just dodge to the side. Repeat. If she starts slamming the ground multiple times dodge or run sideways. You don't necessarily need to memorize the phases. Just memorize the basic idea. She gets close (let her get close), you charge weapon, she extends her body, you shoot the heart, you dodge. After awhile you get the feel for which attacks will hit multiple times.

Yeah it's not really bad once you fight the Alpha a few times over. Basically it's just that unless you're playing on the lowest difficulty, you can't cheese it via the ice and electricity guns.
Speaking of, I was trying to use the fire gun for the first wet rock creatures you come across. I was like...why is this so much harder!? I would freeze them here and there, but one I time I accidentally switched to VERA and shot while it was frozen. Did a noticeable amount of damage and was like....well, duh! Why didn't I think of that sooner? lol
Originally posted by Whitey:
Originally posted by ragnarok:

Yeah it's not really bad once you fight the Alpha a few times over. Basically it's just that unless you're playing on the lowest difficulty, you can't cheese it via the ice and electricity guns.
Speaking of, I was trying to use the fire gun for the first wet rock creatures you come across. I was like...why is this so much harder!? I would freeze them here and there, but one I time I accidentally switched to VERA and shot while it was frozen. Did a noticeable amount of damage and was like....well, duh! Why didn't I think of that sooner? lol

Yeah that's what a lot of people didn't understand: they had expected the ice gun to just freeze the enemy in place, and forgot that using the thermal gun would negate that.
Whitey 6 Mar @ 3:49pm 
Originally posted by ragnarok:
Originally posted by Whitey:
Speaking of, I was trying to use the fire gun for the first wet rock creatures you come across. I was like...why is this so much harder!? I would freeze them here and there, but one I time I accidentally switched to VERA and shot while it was frozen. Did a noticeable amount of damage and was like....well, duh! Why didn't I think of that sooner? lol

Yeah that's what a lot of people didn't understand: they had expected the ice gun to just freeze the enemy in place, and forgot that using the thermal gun would negate that.
It was less about the negation that the FREEZE did and more about the negation the WET status does for fire. You were trained by the game to use fire with those enemies to then be jerked around by it. Not mad, but it's understandable why it would take people a sec to figure it out.
ragnarok 7 Mar @ 12:43am 
Originally posted by Whitey:
Originally posted by ragnarok:

Yeah that's what a lot of people didn't understand: they had expected the ice gun to just freeze the enemy in place, and forgot that using the thermal gun would negate that.
It was less about the negation that the FREEZE did and more about the negation the WET status does for fire. You were trained by the game to use fire with those enemies to then be jerked around by it. Not mad, but it's understandable why it would take people a sec to figure it out.

Yeah that's initially what happened to me upon scanning the enemies where Kate said they were vulnerable to fire.

But then you find out that doesn't exactly work when they're in the water and you shooting them with the Thermal gun.
Imo 8 Mar @ 11:20am 
I will have to give up at that early point then I am afraid. -.-
ragnarok 8 Mar @ 12:14pm 
Originally posted by Imo:
I will have to give up at that early point then I am afraid. -.-

It's NOT as difficult as you think. You just have to be willing to sit down and try it multiple times over.
Satrell 8 Mar @ 11:36pm 
The trick if you're using M+KB is that you hold RMB to aim, hold LMB to Charge the incendiary weapon AND THEN click LMB again to fire.

This felt so very counter intuitive at first. Once you've got that down the rest is super easy
Originally posted by Satrell:
The trick if you're using M+KB is that you hold RMB to aim, hold LMB to Charge the incendiary weapon AND THEN click LMB again to fire.

This felt so very counter intuitive at first. Once you've got that down the rest is super easy

So you also felt that the key bindings make a difference in this fight
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