Substance Painter 2020

Substance Painter 2020

Awaylin 20 May, 2021 @ 1:39am
Software work just in "read only"
Hello guys, I installed the steam version of SP and the software works fine until I start a new project that change the project to "read only". I had tried to use different .OBJ and .FBX but that bugs still occurring. With that bug I cant save my project. I have a account in SP's site but I didnt find a place to link with Steam. Someone please help me, I dont want to believe that I wasted my money in that.
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Pte Jack 20 May, 2021 @ 10:21am 
Did you buy a Subscription on Steam or directly from Adobe/Substance?

If from Adobe, I don't know if you can do a back link from your Substance account to Steam to get the unlocked product.
Similar to buying a game from an outside commercial source that is also available on Steam, you can't get the Steam version without re-buying it on Steam. There's nowhere on Steam to enter the activation code for the bought product that I know of.

But that said, I have the Steam version of the Substance products here. When I log into my Substance account through there used to be a link available to link my Steam account (I think the link used to be called Partners and there was a link to link accounts). I don't see that link page on the new Substance site. It may be something that has to be done when setting up a Substance account now (I don't know).

However when I go into My Licenses, I see my current products and the links to download previous versions for them (in accordance to my paid subscriptions).
Last edited by Pte Jack; 20 May, 2021 @ 10:23am
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