Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

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Ron Swanson 17 Dec, 2024 @ 9:47am
Game destroying bug
It appears my game in Ironman mode is broken. I had just finished a (my character's) royal wedding. I got a screen saying that it was good to get home, but when I click on the button to advance, nothing happens. I think it's the travel event screen. I've clicked on the button several times, I have paused and un-paused the game - nothing changes. I have quit the games and reloaded - nothing changes. I have closed the game, restarted Steam, and restarted the game - nothing changes. I have even restarted the computer, restarted Steam, and the game - nothing changes. I know that the game is detecting the click, because I can open other screens. Also, can move the travel screen to a different location and when I click on the button, the travel screen re-centers on the monitor. Anyone with any suggestions? I will also post this in the bug report section. TIA
Last edited by Ron Swanson; 17 Dec, 2024 @ 9:53am
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armyissue69 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:17am 
This happened ONCE and I couldn't find ANY solution other than, IF it happens again just hard reset your computer so logging out doesn't auto save and do it again. OR throw your machine out the window lol. I read a suggestion that you can call for a hunt and that would fix wouldn't work in my case because I was a child and couldn't call for a hunt.

Has not happened in awhile though.
Ron Swanson 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:33am 
Thanks. It looks like I'm totally done/screwed with the save. The game will not let me start ANY activity because "I am travelling"....which of course is the event screen I'm stuck in. I'll remember the 'hard reset the computer' option. Thanks
VBigB 17 Dec, 2024 @ 1:13pm 
So a similar thing can happen when you are an adventurer… sometimes a contract will auto complete or cancel and you will be stuck travelling. For adventurers the solution is to raise an army, assign your ruler as leader and then disband the army. The army commander teleportation seems to fix things. I have no idea if this would work in your situation but it can’t hurt to try (it may not as you seem to be stuck on the travel screen).
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Date Posted: 17 Dec, 2024 @ 9:47am
Posts: 3