 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
henrik  [developer] 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:01am
Known Issues
The current public beta (version 1.3.6844.16819) fixes the following issues:

-Added a way to force keyboard and mouse control on the title screen.
-Made timed music areas (such as the rising debris sequence) more resistant to mistimings that made it possible to progress.
-Fixed a softlock in the pirate attack, where if you hugged the wall of the first pirate, you would have to reload the level.
-Added a hidden option (in C:\Users\<Your username>\Saved Games\Owlboy\Config\options.ini) called DisableTapToFly which if set to True will make you not enter flight when you flick the left control stick upwards.
-Added a hidden option (in C:\Users\<Your username>\Saved Games\Owlboy\Config\options.ini) called DisableFlash which if set to True will disable most screen flashes.
-Fixed a crash in the hot spring in Vellie.
-Fixed a soft lock in the computer boss in the floating continent.
-Fixed an audio crash.

If you want to access the public beta build, right-click Owlboy in Steam and go to Properties -> Betas, and select "publicbeta" from the drop-down menu.

In the meantime, here are workarounds for known issues with the current default version of the

- Otus spins when you press the RT button. This is because Steam has misconfigured your controller. If you go to the Steam Big Picture mode settings by pressing the controller icon in the top right of the Steam window, you can go to Library -> Owlboy -> Manage game -> Controller options, and select Forced Off. This disables the Steam controller configuration, and should fix the problem.
- On some PCs, the game will not launch at all. In these cases, we recommend trying an alternative version of Owlboy that uses OpenGL instead of DirectX. To try this version, right-click Owlboy in Steam, and go to Properties -> Betas, and select "fnatest" from the drop-down menu.
- PS4 controllers aren't supported out of the box on Windows. You need a third party driver, such as DS4Windows, which lets you use a PS4 controller on any PC. When that's done, you can select PS4 button prompts in Options -> Controls -> Controller. Alternatively, the "fnatest" version of Owlboy, described in the previous bullet point, has out-of-the-box support for PS4 controllers.

If you need any help, don't hesitate to contact us at support@dpadstudio.com.
Last edited by henrik; 27 Sep, 2018 @ 1:00am
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Showing 1-15 of 232 comments
Teod 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:07am 
>The build may have strange borders on the top and/or bottom of non-16:9 screens. We're testing a fix for this.

I'll take black borders over current vertical stretching 100% of the time.
henrik  [developer] 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:09am 
Originally posted by Teod:
>The build may have strange borders on the top and/or bottom of non-16:9 screens. We're testing a fix for this.

I'll take black borders over current vertical stretching 100% of the time.

You can enable letterboxing in the Video/Audio options. That will hopefully fix the vertical stretching.
Teod 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:16am 
Originally posted by henrik:

You can enable letterboxing in the Video/Audio options. That will hopefully fix the vertical stretching.
Ah, thank you, I didn't notice that option.
prox 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:20am 
I tried to leave the house after starting the game and got this error. If it is something incorrect on my end please tell me.

Song playback failed. Please verify that the song is not DRM protected. DRM protected songs are not supported for creator games.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play(Song song)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreatePlayMusicWithTiming(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.AddEvent(String eventName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreateStartEvent(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadEvent(Level level, String eventName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevelIni(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevel(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at Screens.MainGameFrame.LoadContentMethod()
Draconis 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:23am 
Originally posted by prox:
I tried to leave the house after starting the game and got this error. If it is something incorrect on my end please tell me.

Song playback failed. Please verify that the song is not DRM protected. DRM protected songs are not supported for creator games.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play(Song song)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreatePlayMusicWithTiming(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.AddEvent(String eventName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreateStartEvent(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadEvent(Level level, String eventName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevelIni(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevel(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at Screens.MainGameFrame.LoadContentMethod()

I'm getting the same error. It crashes everytime I try to leave the house.
Last edited by Draconis; 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:24am
manbearpig 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:23am 
Originally posted by prox:
I tried to leave the house after starting the game and got this error. If it is something incorrect on my end please tell me.

Song playback failed. Please verify that the song is not DRM protected. DRM protected songs are not supported for creator games.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play(Song song)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreatePlayMusicWithTiming(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.AddEvent(String eventName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreateStartEvent(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadEvent(Level level, String eventName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevelIni(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevel(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at Screens.MainGameFrame.LoadContentMethod()

I get the same error too
Sir Pencil 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:37am 
Originally posted by prox:
I tried to leave the house after starting the game and got this error. If it is something incorrect on my end please tell me.

Song playback failed. Please verify that the song is not DRM protected. DRM protected songs are not supported for creator games.
at Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Media.MediaQueue.Play(Song song)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreatePlayMusicWithTiming(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.AddEvent(String eventName)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.CreateStartEvent(EventCreationCache create, EventStringReader re)
at GameEvents.GameEventCreator.LoadEvent(GameEventHandler eventHandler, EventStringReader re, String currentEvent, EventQueue existingQueue)
at GameEvents.GameEventLoader.loadEvent(String eventName, String mapName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadEvent(Level level, String eventName)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevelIni(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevel(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
at Screens.MainGameFrame.LoadContentMethod()

Having the same issue, resulting in the inability to proceed further.

Edit: Having seen similar errors in the past, It seems that installing Windows Media Player may be a potential workaround. I tested it and it does work, but I've no desire to install Windows Media Player on my machine. It may be a potential solution for users who don't mind installing the application.

Looking forward to a real fix!

Edit 2: Taken from my second post in this thread. Placing here for visibility.

Found a few steps that might help my peers who do not wish to install Windows Media Player:

1. Search for wmp.dll in C:\Windows\*. The files should located in a folder called C:\Windows\winsxs\wow64_microsoft-windows-mediaplayer-core... I had a few folders containing wmp.dll so I made sure to grab the most recent copy. 2. Copy wmp.dll and wmploc.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 (or C:\Windows\system32 if using 32bit windows) 3. Open cmd as admin 4. In cmd window enter regsvr32 c:\windows\syswow64\wmp.dll (or regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\wmp.dll if 32bit windows). 5. A "Succeeded" message should appear. 6. Start the game.

Note that these steps were done on Windows 7. I'm not sure how to proceed otherwise. Also, this is a pretty hacky workaround so if you don't feel comfortable following these steps then you should not do so. Hopefully the developers can remove the WMP dependencies in the near future or package the dependencies in with the game so we're not required to make system changes.
Last edited by Sir Pencil; 2 Nov, 2016 @ 9:14pm
kia256 1 Nov, 2016 @ 11:48am 
Found a rather unpleasant problem. The music keeps disappearing in about a minute after I enter any map. It first cuts for a second, returns for one more and then cuts off for good. Entering other map (going into a hut or back outside) restarts the music, but it cuts off in another minute.
Teod 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:06pm 
I found that with letterboxing enabled there's pop-in at the top and bottom of the screen. Apparently it doesn't cover enough. I have an old 5:4 monitor, there's almost always some related problems...
TariMiriel 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:15pm 
I keep getting this error please help
I just opened the game but I keep getting an error when I press the start the new game button.

the error is
-The containing folder does not existed
some file locations(I can't write down all of em)
and give me these choices
-exit the main menu
-load from checkpoint
-copy the clipboard
-enable crush dumps(unsafe)
Achelon 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:34pm 
Originally posted by Teod:
I found that with letterboxing enabled there's pop-in at the top and bottom of the screen. Apparently it doesn't cover enough. I have an old 5:4 monitor, there's almost always some related problems...

I get pop-in as well with letterboxing enabled on a 16:10 monitor.
Alucryd 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:38pm 
Please do not force players to install crapware like windows media player :(
Captain Faraday 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:43pm 
When I try to start game I get this:

Could not find C:\Owlboy hg\OwlboyXNA4Repo\OwlboyGame_XNA_4\XNAGame2\Content\Textures\sprıtemeffect_80x84.png
The containing folder does not exist.
konum: Owlboy.TextureContentAdder.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(String filename)
konum: Owlboy.TextureContentAdder.InternalLoadAndAddToContent(String filePath)
konum: Owlboy.TextureContentAdder.LoadAndAddToContent(ContentLoadException exception)
konum: Owlboy.TextureHandler.GetTexture(String textureName, LoadHandle handle)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Renderers.TextureSpriteRenderer.set_Texture(String[] value)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Renderers.TextureSpriteRenderer.loadTexture()
konum: Owlboy.TextureSprite.LoadTexture()
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.EffectCreator.PremakePickupEffect(Pool`1 pool)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Pool`1.<CreateParticles>d__0.MoveNext()
konum: System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Pool`1..ctor(Int32 capacity, Func`2 spriteCreate)
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.EffectCreator..ctor(Level level)
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevelIni(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevel(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
konum: Owlboy.Screens.MainGameFrame.LoadContentMethod()
henrik  [developer] 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:44pm 
Originally posted by Tari_MirieL:
I keep getting this error please help
I just opened the game but I keep getting an error when I press the start the new game button.

the error is
-The containing folder does not existed
some file locations(I can't write down all of em)
and give me these choices
-exit the main menu
-load from checkpoint
-copy the clipboard
-enable crush dumps(unsafe)

It sounds like you might have to verify the integrity of the game cache? If that doesn't help, then you can press the Copy To Clipboard button and paste the error in here.
TariMiriel 1 Nov, 2016 @ 12:53pm 
Originally posted by henrik:
Originally posted by Tari_MirieL:
I keep getting this error please help
I just opened the game but I keep getting an error when I press the start the new game button.

the error is
-The containing folder does not existed
some file locations(I can't write down all of em)
and give me these choices
-exit the main menu
-load from checkpoint
-copy the clipboard
-enable crush dumps(unsafe)

It sounds like you might have to verify the integrity of the game cache? If that doesn't help, then you can press the Copy To Clipboard button and paste the error in here.

Thank you so much but unfortunately it didn't work.

So I'm sending you the error below.

Could not find C:\Owlboy hg\OwlboyXNA4Repo\OwlboyGame_XNA_4\XNAGame2\Content\Textures\sprıtemeffect_80x84.png
The containing folder does not exist.
konum: Owlboy.TextureContentAdder.GetProperFilePathCapitalization(String filename)
konum: Owlboy.TextureContentAdder.InternalLoadAndAddToContent(String filePath)
konum: Owlboy.TextureContentAdder.LoadAndAddToContent(ContentLoadException exception)
konum: Owlboy.TextureHandler.GetTexture(String textureName, LoadHandle handle)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Renderers.TextureSpriteRenderer.set_Texture(String[] value)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Renderers.TextureSpriteRenderer.loadTexture()
konum: Owlboy.TextureSprite.LoadTexture()
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.EffectCreator.PremakePickupEffect(Pool`1 pool)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Pool`1.<CreateParticles>d__0.MoveNext()
konum: System.Collections.Generic.Queue`1..ctor(IEnumerable`1 collection)
konum: Owlboy.ScreenManagement.Pool`1..ctor(Int32 capacity, Func`2 spriteCreate)
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.EffectCreator..ctor(Level level)
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevelIni(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
konum: Owlboy.GameMovements.LevelCreator.LoadLevel(Level level, MainGameFrame gameFrame, ContentManager content, TextureSprite& hero, Option`1 levelData)
konum: Owlboy.Screens.MainGameFrame.LoadContentMethod()
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