Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky DX

Atelier Escha & Logy: Alchemists of the Dusk Sky DX

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KTG_Dev_Messenger  [developer] 14 Jan, 2020 @ 12:13am
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Showing 1-15 of 117 comments
Accelerator 14 Jan, 2020 @ 10:00am 
Shadows are completely missing in this port. In other 2 games shadows are rendering fine.
Trider 14 Jan, 2020 @ 1:14pm 
I can confirm that all the shadows are missing.
Comparison between PC, PS4 and Switch
Last edited by Trider; 14 Jan, 2020 @ 5:12pm
Cry 15 Jan, 2020 @ 11:23am 
I have also the Switch and PC version. This version is missing the shadows.
Lanceyyxy 15 Jan, 2020 @ 10:46pm 
I can barely start any of the games because it just keeps on crashing. I've read and followed the read me but nothing has changed or helped the situation
skeith20 16 Jan, 2020 @ 8:15pm 
Is the sliding normal whenever you stand still on pretty much any slightly slanted terrain?

On most terrain if I stop controlling the character's movements it will still slowly slide in one direction depending on what looks like a slant on the terrain.
百合 姫 17 Jan, 2020 @ 4:47am 
The game actually calculates shadows, saving them to a render target, but the later parts of the pipeline responsible for applying the shadows fetch the wrong (=a blank) render target.

This should be a relatively easy for me to fix, but KT really ought to fix this - it's a one-liner.
hashmid 17 Jan, 2020 @ 7:53am 
1: each time i start the game it resets my options references such as sound volume and skip all or read only. 2: when i reported my first term i lost the pub outfit i was wearing. 3: i had to re-load a previous save because i reported all my progress the day before evaluation. apparently when you have nothing new to report, you can not progress.
BoogieWoogie 17 Jan, 2020 @ 9:28am 
Please add the widescreen resolution option to the settings menu. I had to manually edit the .ini configuration file to change the resolution to fit my screen.
hashmid 18 Jan, 2020 @ 11:06pm 
It appears any additionally obtained accessories/clothing items beyond those you start off with are deleted from time to time, i think it coincides with the options menu reverting to it's default settings.
banana123 19 Jan, 2020 @ 6:04am 
No shadows and the game doesn't save system data. What hashmid said.
百合 姫 19 Jan, 2020 @ 8:09am 
Shadow mapping is bugged in this game because they are not only using the wrong output resource from the shadow mapping pass, but also because they are relying on undefined behaviour (that only works on the AMD graphics driver) because of a bug in their pixel shader.

After some fun efforts in reversing the HLSL, this is the source code of their shader:
Texture2D<float4> meow : register(t0); SamplerState samp : register(s0); void main( float4 position : SV_Position, float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, float4 oColor : COLOR0, uniform float4 sbias ) { float tex = meow.Sample(samp, uv).w; tex -= sbias.w; if (tex < 0) discard; return; }

This code has no return type (as it is a void type), and on AMD hardware, causes the render target to be set to float4(0, 0, 0, 0), corresponding to shadow. On Intel and NV hardware, the render target is not touched, and remains set to float4(1, 1, 1, 1), corresponding to no shadow.

The proper HLSL for this shader is:
Texture2D<float4> meow : register(t0); SamplerState samp : register(s0); float4 main( float4 position : SV_Position, float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, float4 oColor : COLOR0, uniform float4 sbias ) : SV_Target { float tex = meow.Sample(samp, uv).w; tex -= sbias.w; if (tex < 0) discard; return 0; }
Last edited by 百合 姫; 19 Jan, 2020 @ 8:35am
Monterossa 19 Jan, 2020 @ 8:56am 
Originally posted by 百合 姫:
Shadow mapping is bugged in this game because they are not only using the wrong output resource from the shadow mapping pass, but also because they are relying on undefined behaviour (that only works on the AMD graphics driver) because of a bug in their pixel shader.

After some fun efforts in reversing the HLSL, this is the source code of their shader:
Texture2D<float4> meow : register(t0); SamplerState samp : register(s0); void main( float4 position : SV_Position, float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, float4 oColor : COLOR0, uniform float4 sbias ) { float tex = meow.Sample(samp, uv).w; tex -= sbias.w; if (tex < 0) discard; return; }

This code has no return type (as it is a void type), and on AMD hardware, causes the render target to be set to float4(0, 0, 0, 0), corresponding to shadow. On Intel and NV hardware, the render target is not touched, and remains set to float4(1, 1, 1, 1), corresponding to no shadow.

The proper HLSL for this shader is:
Texture2D<float4> meow : register(t0); SamplerState samp : register(s0); float4 main( float4 position : SV_Position, float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, float4 oColor : COLOR0, uniform float4 sbias ) : SV_Target { float tex = meow.Sample(samp, uv).w; tex -= sbias.w; if (tex < 0) discard; return 0; }

Can you tell me which file you're editing?

Just in case KT never fix these games.
百合 姫 19 Jan, 2020 @ 9:42am 
Can you tell me which file you're editing?

Just in case KT never fix these games.
Not editing a file here, this is a pixel shader passed into the graphics API. The workaround I proposed above is really not the right way to do it, as the shadow shader expects a high precision depth map and not a low precision render target (which just says "there's a shadow here" on AMD hardware).

The proper fix is to replace the shadow shader's input to actually use the depth stencil view, which is probably only a few lines of code for KT. To do this via injection is... harder (and something I'd like to get around to eventually).
Professor Daisuke 19 Jan, 2020 @ 2:47pm 
Game Keeps Crashing Cant Even Start it
Strix 19 Jan, 2020 @ 4:15pm 
Playing at windowed 1600x900 resolution, there's a weird sharpening issue. Some of the fonts are jagged, and things look generally low quality. Is there any fix for this? I do have shadows, fortunately, but it's distracting to see the tears in the font when a character is introducing themselves.
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