Fallout 76

Fallout 76

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Pyromaniac Mod
Anyone selling the pyromaniac mod?
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Yes I got an extra! Do you have any Reflective or Rejuvenator mod?
Originally posted by 🍭Minatozaki 사나🍭:
Yes I got an extra! Do you have any Reflective or Rejuvenator mod?

I dont have either of those unfortunately
Awww may I know what mods you might have? If not is okay I can accept caps too. :VBOY:
Aristocrats, exterminators, hunter, insigating, overeaters, vanguard, zealots, inteligence, luck, warming, arms keepers, belted, burning, cavaliers, safecrackers, thru hikers, bruisers, electricians, limit-breaking, and stalwarts

I also have loads of mutations to spare
Okay sounds good! How many Pyromaniac would you want? I might have like 2, so I can do one with limit breaking and other with arms keepers and cavaliers.
il take the limit breaking one if thats alright? do you want to add me on steam and il send you a friend request on fallout?
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Date Posted: 18 Feb @ 7:18am
Posts: 6