Fallout 76

Fallout 76

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waste lander147 (Banned) 20 Feb @ 5:35pm
I love getting all my glowing masks just spinning in circles while everyone else does that work.
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Phantom 20 Feb @ 5:47pm 

Personally I love taking small videos of people using bots / script to exploit the afk system and sending them to bugfesta along side the report player - using a bot / exploit

Bonus if you are doing something more than spinning in your script, like the stand, crouch, stand, crouch

or slow turn, stop slow turn stop

stand punch crouch stand punch crouch

any repeated action in a definite timeframe makes the proof solid

Even just a report they will tend to check how long the player was on, if they moved or stayed in spot, etc
I doubt Bethesda gives a crap. We're talking about digital garbage here.
To be fair, the work isn't that hard.:catinablanket:
Originally posted by Phantom:

Well no since I don't use any form of cheats in any online game, I am more of a sheepdog protecting the herd from sly wolves seeking to do them harm

What harm?
1 - Deflation of rare items value
2 - Plugging servers making it harder for buddies to play together
3 - Plugging servers making it harder for people to get a server hop in
4 - Delaying the start of the event, stealing time from other people and making it harder
5 - Using third party cheats or exploits to avoid the anti-cheat afk kick program
Originally posted by Phantom:
1 - Deflation of rare items value
No it's all digital. I doubt we're all rng'd together
2 - Plugging servers making it harder for buddies to play together
There's a butt ton of servers. It's minimal.
3 - Plugging servers making it harder for people to get a server hop in
See above
4 - Delaying the start of the event, stealing time from other people and making it harder
Huh? I don't think that's a thing.
5 - Using third party cheats or exploits to avoid the anti-cheat afk kick program
Do you really care? Who cares?

I mean, you do you, just saying it's all pretty minor stuff. You'll get a mask. You'll get to play with buddies. The Rng is within your account only. Hey I could be wrong. Just, let go a little and chill. The servers are big enough to handle some of that stuff.
Last edited by Zenventius; 21 hours ago
Fasnacht: most boring event while sober but most fun event when drunk.
Last edited by put dispenser here; 21 hours ago
A 21 hours ago 
Just did the Event, out of 18 people at the event, 3 of us was doing the preps and protecting robots.
Best event ever!
If you are a regular Joe/Josie with a life, kids, work, school and sleep....why begrudge them for a loophole that Bethesda allows, jam a paperclip into your keyboard and hope the server does not shut down.

Now if you are on Gameflip etc or this "Deflation of rare items value" has anything to to with RMT...ok off to Guantánamo Bay.
waste lander147 (Banned) 20 hours ago 
Originally posted by AussieChris:
If you are a regular Joe/Josie with a life, kids, work, school and sleep....why begrudge them for a loophole that Bethesda allows, jam a paperclip into your keyboard and hope the server does not shut down.

Now if you are on Gameflip etc or this "Deflation of rare items value" has anything to to with RMT...ok off to Guantánamo Bay.
Cause some neckbeards that are unemployed can’t stand it when someone takes advantage of something Bethesda refuses to fix or even address for years
Originally posted by AussieChris:
If you are a regular Joe/Josie with a life, kids, work, school and sleep....why begrudge them for a loophole that Bethesda allows, jam a paperclip into your keyboard and hope the server does not shut down.

Now if you are on Gameflip etc or this "Deflation of rare items value" has anything to to with RMT...ok off to Guantánamo Bay.
It would be good if at the end of the parade a giant scorchbeast flew over and rained down Nukashine, infecting everyone and sending them to some random location.
Originally posted by AussieChris:
If you are a regular Joe/Josie with a life, kids, work, school and sleep....why begrudge them for a loophole that Bethesda allows, jam a paperclip into your keyboard and hope the server does not shut down.

Now if you are on Gameflip etc or this "Deflation of rare items value" has anything to to with RMT...ok off to Guantánamo Bay.

Not an excuse and doesn't make anyone 'special'. All that proves is they have fallen for the FOMO, of a hat FFS...

If you can't play at least have the fortitude to miss out. That is how you depower the whole FOMO system. Instead of relying on the work of others which you can NEVER reciprocate.
I don't worry about AFKers, as I practise it myself in places.

Bethesda designed the event so that you have to do it over and over and over again. I'm not even there for the masks. But Bethesda still hasn't managed to drop only the plans that you don't know yet. And so it becomes more of a Russian roulette every year.

But the fact that AFKers are still trying to hide somewhere is sometimes very funny to watch.

I only had one very annoying encounter where the event didn't continue because 3 AFKers had blocked the music slots at the robot and the bar didn't fill up as a result - server hopped.
Another day, another glowing Jackalope on the barn roof crouched in stealth. Another glowie sitting on church roof 3+ hours spinning in circles. Eternal musicians playing on the bandstand. Standard showcase of garbage community. And they come here to excuse it, just "regular" joes indeed. Listening to people talk about this great community is like watching the reddit crowd enjoy a tasty ♥♥♥♥ sandwich and then swear it was filet mignon and reinforce each others mental illnesses with encouragement and a wave of updoots. I'm just in Helvetia for the C.A.M.P plans, they are coming very slowly and rare loot not at all.

It's always good for a few laughs though, like every event it rapidly degenerates into a horde of frenzied kill stealing and douchebaggery with roof jumpers firing before the mob even spawns. Like why do you people even wait on starting events in general? You know that when the timer hits 0, it is going to be another orgy of tesla jizz and plasma spam with mobs falling over one second after spawn in before anyone else can tag them. And don't get me started on the lunchboxes....there is nothing more droll than watching a pack of people wait 5 minutes to countdown a timer and then pop lunchboxes and then murder everything at the periphery of the game field. I guess it is all about the pretense isn't it?

Originally posted by chargera134:
Originally posted by waste lander147:
So you’re a rat 😂😂 always one person that’s salty. Maybe try afk and you’ll get the mask you want

Like you said, I know that most players with rare masks made others do the work for them. The rare masks are NOT a sign of honor, so I stopped wearing my rare masks for this event.

I only do Fasnacht for the Daily score. Really. Bethesda needs an ultra rare, glowing RATA mask for those who are proud to be AFK. A real piece of digital garbage.

It has been my experience that mask wearers are the bigger ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in the game. Generally accompanied by a costume, marsupial mutation, no PA, and a heavy gun. No need for any aggrieved mask afficionados to post, it is a generality. Also the VBOY bobblehead mask is usually a sign that extreme ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ is incoming. Samurai skin gets honorable mention as well as being the gear of choice for scumbags.
^ Wow, a lot of jealousy wrapped up in self righteous platitudes. Was that all written by A.I.? Why play then? Damn you make it sound so boring. People in general are so beneath you. Your thoughts must be difficult to manage. Oh no! Players are firing their weapons at nothing while wearing masks! The horror!
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