Fallout 76

Fallout 76

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How to get old score board items?
Is there a way to get old scoreboard items? I really sad I missed out on the typewritter and fan and sutff like that
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Most of the outfits, paints and camp items pop up in Atomic Shop occasionally.
if you have pay2win1st you can sometimes pickup partial old season stuff for 15-20 dollars of atoms
Look up, what Season they were in. Buy that season items when they come up, in the Atomic Shop. If Fallout First, wait for that ketch up bundle to pop up, as well.

Or, wait for it to show up in the Atomic Shop. Or full price with, if Bethesda support still does it, request it, if its been added to the lists.

Good Luck. :cozybethesda:
Phantom a écrit :
if you have pay2win1st you can sometimes pickup partial old season stuff for 15-20 dollars of atoms
The only "pay2win" is Bugthesda's pocket. There is no advantage in the game for 1st members as getting through the quests. The only advantage is the extra storage space and some different "survival" tents.
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