Wild Terra 2: New Lands

Wild Terra 2: New Lands

Wild Terra 2: New Lands - Links
Links related and connected to Wild Terra 2: New Lands.
Business and press: info@wildterra2.com
For technical difficulties and other questions about the game: support@wildterra2.com
最近の変更はJackhammer (Wholf)が行いました; 2020年1月15日 3時41分
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1-7 / 7 のコメントを表示
tengo problemas para ejecutar el juego tengo un i7 con 12 de ram y 2gb de video y sigue el problema

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝑾𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒇⚡ の投稿を引用:
Links related and connected to Wild Terra 2: New Lands.
Business and press: info@wildterra2.com
For technical difficulties and other questions about the game: support@wildterra2.com
Any 2021 roadmap /majors updates estimations dates? :)
Nyck Slyder の投稿を引用:

𝑶𝒅𝒊𝒏'𝒔 𝑾𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒇⚡ の投稿を引用:
Links related and connected to Wild Terra 2: New Lands.
Business and press: info@wildterra2.com
For technical difficulties and other questions about the game: support@wildterra2.com
Any 2021 roadmap /majors updates estimations dates? :)
Only one currently is: (2020) https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1134700/view/2760094685596963189
lynnde 2021年3月16日 11時53分 
Wild Terra won't load. Please Help
:) 2021年8月24日 7時45分 
I still don't have enough support for Korean, so can I upload some of the things I find frequently?
Please open a new server. My friends and I have prepared money to shop in the new server. The old server is occupied by the enemy. We can't play anymore. If you don't open the new server, we will quit the game forever.
ok quit , new players join everyday
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1-7 / 7 のコメントを表示
ページ毎: 1530 50

投稿日: 2020年1月11日 12時14分
投稿数: 7