As Far As The Eye
macOS version?
Is there a plan for a version for macbook?

I would like to play, but there is just a version for Windows at this moment.
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กำลังแสดง 1-6 จาก 6 ความเห็น
It seems to work on MAC and was LABELED MAC on Humble Bundle but has an annoying screen size bug.

PLEASE DEVS (if u read this) RESOLVE THIS!
I'am playing on mac too (trying at least), but I can't go past the tutorial, when you're supposed to right clic, because it doesn't work... size bug is also annoying right...
forget the devs, they won't be working on this game anymore, they are on their next game & as an indie they can't afford to work on 2 games unfortunately.
Their last update was in February 2021 so that says it all!
(but if you want, contact "Zerator" on Twitter, Twitch (he's a big streamer) etc & ask him because it's his development box)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Yolix; 9 พ.ค. 2022 @ 8: 47pm
This is ridiculous, just turn is not active and you can't progress. What a pity that something with great art direction is rubbish! When you think that there is no problem with the games that look terrible, one gets even more upset.
Hello !

Je confirme le bug en fullscreen pour MacOS.
Personnellement j'ai juste mis en fenêtré pour pouvoir valider ce qui n'est pas accessible en full screen.
Le jeu est jouable mais c'est ennuyant de devoir toujours repasser en fenêtre lors du tutoriel pour lire les conseils et en partie pour les aléas qui arrivent.
J'espère que ce bug sera un jour corrigé.
et bien pour moi mac mini/mac os 14.2.1 rien ne fonctionne, ni plein écran, ni fenêtre. dommage.
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กำลังแสดง 1-6 จาก 6 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50

วันที่โพสต์: 24 ต.ค. 2020 @ 1: 59pm
โพสต์: 6