Strategic Command: World War I

Strategic Command: World War I

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Death  [developer] 16 Nov, 2023 @ 7:16am
Strategic Command: World War I - Empires in Turmoil is out now

Strategic Command: World War I - Empires in Turmoil, comprises seven campaigns, including some of those most frequently requested by our gaming community, Empires in Turmoil expands Strategic Command: World War I to include some of the most momentous battles of the 20th century’s turbulent second decade. With battlefields stretching from Siberia to East Africa, the fate of empires is in your hands.

This DLC contains:

  • Seven new campaigns, including the First and Second Balkan Wars, the Russian Civil War and WWI’s German East Africa Campaign.
  • New unit types including German Freikorps, African ‘Askaris’ and the famed Graf von Goetzen steamer.
  • New events including the Albanian independence movement, Allied and possible German intervention in the Russian Civil War, and an all-new victory condition making the destruction of the enemy army, as opposed to the capture of territory, the sole determinant of victory.

Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of the release offer to complete your Strategic Command collection, grab your copy of the base game now with a 60% discount for a few days.
Last edited by Death; 16 Nov, 2023 @ 7:17am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
LoonStriker 14 Mar, 2024 @ 10:27am 
Yes it is out but it should be included in a bundle with the original game not in a bundle with every single game of the franchise.
American civil war dlc is included in it's own bundle and this is not.
Stefan1984 9 Jun, 2024 @ 3:37pm 
Ok, add Steam achievements and it will be fine :)
cpimentel ~PdS~ 18 Nov, 2024 @ 7:23pm 
Is there a strategy guide for Empires in Turmoil? Should I just the use the one that came with my copy of the 2011/12 game if the wider strat situation remains the same or no? :ambition:
cpimentel ~PdS~ 18 Nov, 2024 @ 7:25pm 
Asking before my December buy spree, so I can re-engage with my 1919 Scenario blueprints
Bill Runacre  [developer] 19 Nov, 2024 @ 1:18am 
Every campaign comes with its own Strategy Guide, that can be accessed either via the Game's Launcher or one of the buttons at the top right of the screen while playing, so you will not need to refer to ones from past games.
cpimentel ~PdS~ 19 Nov, 2024 @ 5:17pm 
Originally posted by Bill Runacre:
Every campaign comes with its own Strategy Guide, that can be accessed either via the Game's Launcher or one of the buttons at the top right of the screen while playing, so you will not need to refer to ones from past games.

Thank you most kindly, Mr. Runacre. <3
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