RPG Maker MZ

RPG Maker MZ

Guides for absolute beginners?
I am a *complete* noob at this. I am starting from scratch. I know absolutely nothing about how to use this software. I have managed to create a basic map and a few characters. I can't even figure out how to find the characters I've created and get them onto my map.

Are there any very, very basic beginner guides for people like me?

Basically, I need an RPG Maker for Dummies. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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Here is some information that I shared with a new user over on the RPGMAKERWEB.COM Forums. I highly recommend joining that forum. You can get a TON of support, get questions answers, find free assets, etc. It is much more active than these discussions.

The first, of course, is doing the MZ built in tutorial. I had a couple of problems with it when I started about 2 years ago, but it could have just been new person errors on my part.

There are quite a few content creators that have entire series of tutorials on YouTube. Most of them are still completely correct although some things could have changed over the years.

What I did was I searched for RPG MAKER MZ TUTORIALS and then looked for the top rated tutorials. Those are usually the ones who have been around the longest. Then I checked to see which videos were part of playlists. Then I looked at the playlists to see how many tutorials there were and what they covered.

I ended up just picking one to go all the way through. Then I sort of just spot picked tutorials from other series. And Caz has a series of 100 second videos that explain certain things pretty quickly.

And when I was recreating the tutorials, I also branched out and experimented on ideas as the inspiration hit me. That is also very useful.

Here are a few examples of creators with entire playlists that you might check out.






Anyway, I hope some of these are helpful! I think I did the RPG Gamer Maker series along with samplings of other series. And some of these are new to me, but look interesting.

I don't specifically recommend my own tutorials because I sort of assume that anyone watching mine have already done more basic tutorials. Mine are just things I have experimented and built that I think might be helpful for someone.

The Help file documentation what comes with MZ is also helpful in explaining a bunch of things.

So, 3 years ago I was completely new and had no experience with game making, RPG Maker, or programming. But I recreated a bunch of tutorials that cover the basics (not just watched), I experimented, I searched for how to do specific things, I asked questions when needed, I started learning JavaScript from a free online course, and I started trying to really understand the MV/MZ Script Call Reference sheet.

I just takes time, patience, and a willingness to put in the effort.

As far as I know, there isn't any sort of one-stop reference for learning any of the RPG Makers.

Good luck and I hope to see you over on the forums. I use the same user ID for the forums and for my YouTube channel.

Currently, I am making a Sudoku Game and here is my YT channel if you want to check it out.

Loath_G 1 Oct @ 6:16am 
Start with the interactive Tutorial in the game itself, you can find it in the Help section.
After that, watch this series of videos on YouTube, they are also kinda funny to watch:
sudokek 2 Oct @ 12:28am 
Hey OP, I've been working on a game for awhile and I'm happy to answer questions if I know the answer to them. I'll add ya
here is my own youtube playlist, doubt any of it will help since i am not past the draw phase yet. there is a video or 2 which covers making characters and how to find them somewhere in here. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBmpAX5RyFQ2RklA8EHFmUj7mNTIUOVnT
Last edited by LoneWolfLegend; 10 Nov @ 1:42pm
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