

Is it worth starting in 2025
How is the gameplay/playerbase etc etc
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Hi, I'm a new player. I'm currently at level 15 and I play for 45 minutes a day. The gameplay is smooth and the missions are easily solvable, they are fundamentally helpful in my opinion. I can't remember, but perhaps at level 20, the dungeons unlock and you can play in multiplayer.
Socrum 13 Feb @ 11:57am 
Hi, this game should have been played a long time ago... Now she's dead and a lot of activities are not working. ( For example, guild battles are called sieges ) The gameplay is also boring and outdated. I played this game before Steam was released and it was much more interesting than it is now...
733 active players.
Moontrap 15 Feb @ 8:05am 
Originally posted by .Daddyo?-Tom:
733 active players.
You this game has external launcher too?
Last edited by Moontrap; 15 Feb @ 8:05am
Originally posted by Treedom:
How is the gameplay/playerbase etc etc
i wish it was controller compatible cause i have really big hands sometimes i can play for long on my KBM. lol or i would definitely play this on steam.
ye 18 Feb @ 7:07am 
The game seems very lively now with Siege Battlefield going on. : ))
Depends on the time of the day, more than 20 instances were open up
Last edited by ye; 18 Feb @ 7:11am
its not "dead" but its on cruise control, updates are simple and reuse a lot of old materials for its new content. (don't expect any new classes, paths or even new races at this point)

there's nothing wrong with trying it out and if you're having fun it wouldn't matter much in the grand scheme of things, but you won't find the same level of dedication like WoW, ESO or even GW2 has.

its still populated but the "crowd" usually moves to whatever the flavor of the week is (events, new mod or the bonus campaign) so if your lvling expect to see a few dead zones in your forecast
Last edited by Lord Doober De La Goober MXI; 19 Feb @ 10:39am
JuNiX44 21 Feb @ 3:40am 
Im new to this game. I'll give it a try.
Originally posted by Chopperino:
Hi, I'm a new player. I'm currently at level 15 and I play for 45 minutes a day. The gameplay is smooth and the missions are easily solvable, they are fundamentally helpful in my opinion. I can't remember, but perhaps at level 20, the dungeons unlock and you can play in multiplayer.
bro dungeons unlock at item lvl 30000
Give it a go, it used to be fun, but it is not the game it used to be. Think twice before spending real money on it.
Just try to get a good guild and play like you want- game will be really fun, dungeon's mechanics are great
I have 6.3 hours logged so far on my 256 LCD steam deck. pretty easy to set up Key-binding if you just look them up. game runs smooth and i haven't really had any issues other then network issues on my end
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