Baldur's Gate 3

Baldur's Gate 3

Buggy ass game
everything is broken. leap of faith trial is damn near impossible. you take falling damage just walking through the game. throwing a healing potion can kill random ♥♥♥♥ just kills you no explanation. This was a very awesome game at launch. LOS is buggy as hell 3 feet from an enemy on flat ground, cant attack. Can we get stuff fixed instead of adding more ultra gay cut scenes that was funny the first time through. Can we get the A team back to take care of this game proper. How do you make a very nice game at launch and turn it into a pre alpha? Im not running any mods.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Charliee; febr. 1., 23:28
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Kind of. Leap of faith trial is easy, got it first time. Never experienced any damage in my playthrough just by walking. The bug Larian is aware regarding that is the elevator bug some people experienced. Throwing an healing potions to heal someone is plain stupid and this should not be permitted at the first place. I would not allow that as a DM with exception of a DEX check to know if the potion fall on the ground and break, no healing.

Like any other recent games, BG3 is not bug free; there is probably a couple of thousands but very few are very serious to critical unless you are playing in honor mode like most people don't do.
party member cant ride the elevator without falling through it. right now
Charliee eredeti hozzászólása:
party member cant ride the elevator without falling through it. right now
how is the connection between you two?
Charliee eredeti hozzászólása:
party member cant ride the elevator without falling through it. right now
There is a workaround that should work. Send only one character thru the elevator and walk up to the next portal behind the big locked door that lead to Shadowfell (need Knock or Umbral gems to open it). Send everyone to camp, take Shadowfell's portal. Next time you leave the camp, job done.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: belgix; febr. 2., 1:08
Charliee eredeti hozzászólása:
everything is broken. leap of faith trial is damn near impossible. you take falling damage just walking through the game. throwing a healing potion can kill random ♥♥♥♥ just kills you no explanation. This was a very awesome game at launch. LOS is buggy as hell 3 feet from an enemy on flat ground, cant attack. Can we get stuff fixed instead of adding more ultra gay cut scenes that was funny the first time through. Can we get the A team back to take care of this game proper. How do you make a very nice game at launch and turn it into a pre alpha? Im not running any mods.
The Leap of Faith trial is laughably easy if you have a reasonable attention span.

A healing potion can kill because everything is assigned a mass and a bludgeoning factor. If there is a significant height difference, mass is accelerated by gravity and the target can take damage. So yes, you can kill someone with a healing potion. That is also why an owl bear can kill Grym in one pounce from the ledge above simply by landing on it (and also why you can kill Grym just by raining useless crap down on it).

Surprisingly, falling through the elevator is related to performance, and not necessarily poor performance, just glitchy performance, as in too many background processes interfering at just the wrong time. The platform and the party members move separately from each other and get moved incrementally. Evidence of this is your cloth physics making your clothes sway back and forth as you descend. If the party members move too far before the platform moves - let's say due to a glitch in performance - they can miss the collision with the surface of the platform and fall through. A genuine bug for sure. But not a common one. Most players - including me after almost 2k hours - haven't had that happen to me once.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Worlord; febr. 2., 1:18
Charliee eredeti hozzászólása:
everything is broken. leap of faith trial is damn near impossible. you take falling damage just walking through the game. throwing a healing potion can kill random ♥♥♥♥ just kills you no explanation. This was a very awesome game at launch. LOS is buggy as hell 3 feet from an enemy on flat ground, cant attack. Can we get stuff fixed instead of adding more ultra gay cut scenes that was funny the first time through. Can we get the A team back to take care of this game proper. How do you make a very nice game at launch and turn it into a pre alpha? Im not running any mods.

I don't have any of these issues. It sounds like you're just trying to stomp your way through the game without thinking at all.

Leap of faith took me a couple of minutes. Hit O for top down view and just follow the map on the floor.

I've never taken falling damage just walking? What were you doing at the time? Are you sure it was falling damage? What did it say in your log?

Throw the healing potion at their feet, not at their head, lol. Of course it's going to do some damage if you throw a bottle at someone's face.

Nothing kills you with no explanation. You have a log that tells you every single thing that happens. Just check the log, see what happened, and don't do that thing next time.

Can we PLEASE stop whining about 2 minute cut scenes you have to put real work into seeing? If you don't want to see the 'ultra gay cut scenes' don't do the stuff that unlocks them. Go play the game that has 100+ hours of content and don't worry about the optional 2 minutes you don't like and don't have to interact with.
Leap of Faith is not hard once you learn what you need to do. So is the sneaking one. The one which is the most challenging for me the Self Trial. Depending on what classes I am playing and lately, I do runs with the group made up of all the same class. 4 Monks can absolutely wreck my party. lol.
i just use a potion of fly..........................and or teleport
Our multiplayer group also passed those easily...
You always face the same # of "clones" as people who enter the Self Same Trial after someone puts their blood in the bowl, but with a max of 4.

If you enter with 4 party members, they all face their 4 clones.
If you enter with 6 party members (cuz PLA) ... 4 will be cloned, 2 will not, a nice unfair fight.
But if you have SH (or any party member) do this alone, put her blood in the bowl, and enter alone, she only faces herself. A 1v1 fight (which if you use surprise or cheese, can be over very quickly).

If SH takes off all her equipment and armor as she puts her blood in the bowl, walks in the room naked, but then puts it all back on right before facing herself, the cloned version will be unarmed and unequipped. (Still will have all her spells, though.)
Legutóbb szerkesztette: seeker1; febr. 2., 7:59
seeker1 eredeti hozzászólása:

If SH takes off all her equipment and armor as she puts her blood in the bowl, walks in the room naked, but then puts it all back on right before facing herself, the cloned version will be unarmed and unequipped. (Still will have all her spells, though.)

Lol. Gheeze. While it is up to the player to play the game the way they want, I would never do it that way.

That for me, would be just flat out cheating. Against my own standards of course.
wtiger27 eredeti hozzászólása:
That for me, would be just flat out cheating. Against my own standards of course.
That's a little bit more extreme than what I did. I just dropped weapons of my 3 origin characters at the door before the trial. Pointless strategy for my Tav because she was a monk.
wtiger27 eredeti hozzászólása:
That for me, would be just flat out cheating. Against my own standards of course.


Of course, it's the 100% cheese technique. As is using Halsin in raven form to fly from platform to platform in the Leap of Faith, but I still do it. It's the easiest way. It takes too long to take off all of SH's equipment, so I don't bother with this method anymore. The key to killing "herself" is of course getting in the surprise of having the first shot.

The bottom line is the player always had advantage over their clones without any cheese because the AI will never use your spells and abilities and equipment as well as you do ... of course. The game's AI's weakness is always your advantage in this fight.

But then, you can cheese the whole set of Trials by casting Knock on the final door, which means you only need one Umbral Gem (and if you use the feather fall cheese method, you don't even need that one, although you might want to deal with Yurgir anyway for other reasons).

Many have opined that as Shar has Trickery as one of our domains, the fact that you can trick your way out of doing all the Trials altogether is something she approves of.

Can't skip the Library, though, SH won't enter the Shadowfell without the Spear of Night.

But, and again, is this perhaps other cheese Larian didn't anticipate, or ...? If you absolutely don't want SH to kill Aylin, make her drop the spear on the first rock you're standing on, and when she gets to the bottom of the Fell, she is incapable of killing Aylin. Even if she wants to.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: seeker1; febr. 2., 12:29
belgix eredeti hozzászólása:
Kind of. Leap of faith trial is easy, got it first time. Never experienced any damage in my playthrough just by walking.
Your characters will just walk off the roof in the Blighted Village if the ladder and boxes are destroyed.
The Trials of Shar are annoying obstacles once you've done them. After I got the Achievement I only play Honor Mode Ruleset in custom so I can save before stuff like that.
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