Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Enlarge hit boxes for entering vehicles
I have had several instances now where I am trying to drag a zombie horde close behind me to lure them away from a location I want to loot and I was unable to get back into my vehicle in time, because the "hit boxes" - the green squares - for entering/opening the vehicle door are strangely positioned or too small to be used securely. Sometimes they do not extent to the actual hull of the vehicle so you have to actually move away from the door to be able to enter.

I also see this with experienced players on Twitch. They have to wiggle around to find the very small interaction boxes to get into the vehicle, interrupting the game flow and immersion. I have over 230 hours in PZ now and I STILL struggle to enter the vehicles when in a hurry. Especially with all the different vehicle types. For some reason, the Chevalier Dart has larger interaction boxes (???), but they don't extend inwards enough.

It would be greatly appreciated if you would make it easier for use players to enter the vehicles by making the interaction boxes larger!

Thank you!