Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Fenny 17 Dec, 2024 @ 10:31pm
It's just not good.
At this point, it is clear that the development team/game philosophy that brought us Build 41 is no longer part of the studio. While overall build 42 unstable has a lot of features that look interesting, it is impossible to ever access them in the current unstable version due to the combat rework. Muscle strain is a cool concept if balance properly, but it is not. The main combat skills feel extremely weird, and the general game design has slowly begun to be less about fun and more about difficulty or realism. Now, time may have to be spent fixing the reworked combat system if another players dislike it, which from the response of the community to this change, its most likely going to happen.

TLDR: The game has more depth now at the cost of being fun. With a still broken stealth system and now broken combat system, after a decade of development, we are still tweaking core mechanics that should have been ironed out a long time ago. Small team, being in an unstable version, are not excuses if you wish to respect the players time into your product. The philosophy of "we go at our pace" works only so far as you create good content and have a good development team behind it.
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Showing 1-10 of 10 comments
Ashley 17 Dec, 2024 @ 10:44pm 
What's broken about combat? A day in and i've killed 50 zombies just fine
Dewit 17 Dec, 2024 @ 10:46pm 
Tldr: he doesn't like the combat system and is blaming the devs because he doesn't like it.
Munkey 123 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:15pm 
Skill issue
Eightball 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:22pm 
Originally posted by Munkey 123:
Skill issue

You are everything that is wrong with the gaming community epitomised. Congratulations, you win a jester, you clown.
Last edited by Eightball; 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:23pm
kod77 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:24pm 
Originally posted by Munkey 123:
Skill issue
Copium clowns rise.
Phade 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:26pm 
Originally posted by Fenny:
At this point, it is clear that the development team/game philosophy that brought us Build 41 is no longer part of the studio. While overall build 42 unstable has a lot of features that look interesting, it is impossible to ever access them in the current unstable version due to the combat rework. Muscle strain is a cool concept if balance properly, but it is not. The main combat skills feel extremely weird, and the general game design has slowly begun to be less about fun and more about difficulty or realism. Now, time may have to be spent fixing the reworked combat system if another players dislike it, which from the response of the community to this change, its most likely going to happen.

TLDR: The game has more depth now at the cost of being fun. With a still broken stealth system and now broken combat system, after a decade of development, we are still tweaking core mechanics that should have been ironed out a long time ago. Small team, being in an unstable version, are not excuses if you wish to respect the players time into your product. The philosophy of "we go at our pace" works only so far as you create good content and have a good development team behind it.

The dev team hasn't changed. You're complaining because you don't like the combat, and the muscle strain when you can turn muscle strain off.
Clunker 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:27pm 
im not having all that hard of a time with the combat how many zombies are you guys fighting jesus christ go play a hack an slash if you wanna cleave through 20 enemies every 5 seconds
Last edited by Clunker; 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:27pm
Lexyvil 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:30pm 
It's been more challenging at 0 Strength and 0 Fitness (my usual early playstyle), that's for sure. It really makes you choose when to fight. A good tip is knowing that levelling Strength and weapon skills makes muscle fatigue/soreness less severe from fighting.

Personally I'm really enjoying this new challenge, it prevents me from constantly going on a killing spree and I now have to think whether I should engage zombies or not.
Last edited by Lexyvil; 18 Dec, 2024 @ 12:18am
Ronin 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:36pm 
Sandbox mode...
Ashley 17 Dec, 2024 @ 11:42pm 
Originally posted by Clunker:
im not having all that hard of a time with the combat how many zombies are you guys fighting jesus christ go play a hack an slash if you wanna cleave through 20 enemies every 5 seconds
Yeah like exactly this. I went hard in my 2nd day. Got muscle strain (one up from minor strain and went straight home to rest, do base activities when I finished the kills I was in the middle of. And i'm pretty sure if it was build 41 instead I would have had tired debuff and still done less dmg anyway

Besides one random glitch I had swinging my melee weapon spazing out I have had no issues in combat going into the 3rd day now 88 zombies killed. This patch as of yet hasn't changed how I play. Though maybe it matters more depending on where you play? I chose the new town to start in. While I know they reduced zombies spawns i've yet to run into anything crazy.

But this is the same as build 41. If I killed 10-15 zombies in rapid succession my character would be tired and i'd back out and this is no different for me. I don't know if minor muscle strain even does anything severe.
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Date Posted: 17 Dec, 2024 @ 10:31pm
Posts: 10