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번역 관련 문제 보고
in b41 it would go from green to red, how do i know in b42 is the shot is going to be good?
i went thru an entire mag on 1 zombie didnt hit 1 shot... even while aiming right on the zombie
whereas now you aim where you want, and then your aiming skill determines how close you get to your target
i shall try some more now and see if i can work it out - probably with true debug enabled so i can spawn in more ammo :-)
if you have any idea why the new aiming does not work that would be great otherwise, your comment was not useful.
B41 had a way to aim guns, and B42 has a different way - the issue is we are not yet sure how the new way is supposed to work, and whether a character with similar skill as previously should still be able to get frequent head shots - or whether player aiming skill has been added to the mix
and FYI - the reason guns are problematic is because they are loud, not because they are hard to aim for characters with high aiming skill....
still looks like your aiming skill determines whether you get a headshot regardless of where you are aiming, just so long as you are aiming at a zombie
but i will keep shooting stuff and report back if i get anymore info
and the frequency of headshots for my standard police officer seems similar - a few misses or non headshots here and there - but mostly kills
but like i say - i shall report back
personally i am enjoying a whole new version of the game to play and test - and i am sure that the devs will tweak the aiming system if and when they get enough feedback to know how best to do so - plus i am sure modders will be doing all their own things too
good times :-)
the system now is a little less clear, and possibly has some more factors - since you will still shoot in the direction of aim, even if not over a zombie - and the centre will turn red if you are aiming at one - but the reticle can be at your feet - implying that it has no bearing on where you might hit the zombie
so possibly it is the same as before with just the size of the reticle giving feedback on the current accuracy (presumably based on aiming skill and movement) and if you are aiming at a zombie - and then the headshot/hit chance will still be calculated as before
i shall continue to do some shooting without aiming over zombies and see how it goes, headshot wise - since i am leaning towards assuming the new system to just be about giving the player more feedback on their current chance to hit - rather than any other substantive change to the chance to hit based on where the cursor is relative to the zombie
I guess I'll test with someone who has a high reloading skill, and see if its any better. It would kind of make sense that your weapon would jam more frequently if you didn't know how to properly load it. Like thinking you fully racked it when you only went halfway, or leaving a magazine not fully inserted...rookie mistakes.