My Time at Sandrock

My Time at Sandrock

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bipolargirl 29 Sep, 2022 @ 7:36pm
Horse fatigue?
When did this get added? I ran from the farm to the area with the bones past Gecko station and he wouldn't run anymore. I have ridden 10 times longer in the past. I hope this isn't a thing now. I've gotten used to riding anywhere I want. (This is a rented horse-I don't see the option to buy that others have mentioned)
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Showing 1-15 of 27 comments
KarmicRequiem 29 Sep, 2022 @ 7:38pm 
It got added in the update - with the stable ... you have to level up your horses stamina and loyalty i'm guessing to get more out of him ... happened to my horse too .. not a big deal really ... (?)
Edgar Allan Hoe 29 Sep, 2022 @ 8:16pm 
I'm not a fan of it solely because I have no indication of the horse's current stamina level or when it's about to run out. :T
Some kind of warning or literally any indicator at all or a way to replenish the stamina would be nice.
Last edited by Edgar Allan Hoe; 29 Sep, 2022 @ 8:17pm
bipolargirl 29 Sep, 2022 @ 8:30pm 
Originally posted by KarmicRequiem:
It got added in the update - with the stable ... you have to level up your horses stamina and loyalty i'm guessing to get more out of him ... happened to my horse too .. not a big deal really ... (?)

I guess you don't run around as much as I do. I'm all over the place farming stuff. Like I said I usually run 10x further than I can now. With the horse fatigued I can walk faster. And yes that is a big deal. It was a HUGE time saver in game being able to ride everywhere.

I don't have a stable. I don't have room for a stable. I went all out with the machines and garden and they take up my whole farm so I have to rent and I don't think you can gain loyalty with rentals.
KarmicRequiem 29 Sep, 2022 @ 10:27pm 
Originally posted by Edgar Allan Hoe:
I'm not a fan of it solely because I have no indication of the horse's current stamina level or when it's about to run out. :T
Some kind of warning or literally any indicator at all or a way to replenish the stamina would be nice.
yea like feeding it some water ... or food even ....

@bipolargirl - i do run around alot - but depends on the which day it is .. some days i just mine, others i just cut down stuff and harvest plants etc, mine ores (not in the mines) kill stuff, fish ... i don't do all this in the one day .. i spread it out while my machines are cranking out stuff i do all this. And since i have the comissions board in my yard, i see what i want to do, don't accept them until i've made what it requires then grab it and hand in so i get the bonus.
Last edited by KarmicRequiem; 29 Sep, 2022 @ 10:29pm
idlespectator 29 Sep, 2022 @ 11:49pm 
Originally posted by bipolargirl:
With the horse fatigued I can walk faster. And yes that is a big deal. It was a HUGE time saver in game being able to ride everywhere.

I don't have a stable. I don't have room for a stable. I went all out with the machines and garden and they take up my whole farm so I have to rent and I don't think you can gain loyalty with rentals.

You can replenish stamina by feeding your mounts in the stable. I'm pretty sure right now that's also how you build loyalty. The stable also lets you see your mounts - both rental and owned - stats, including their current stamina levels.

I'm currently renting a regular horse and I own a rare yakmel . Oddly, I'm building loyalty with both even though I don't ride the rental horse. My yakmel has the same speed potential as the horse and a 5 star potential (it's currently at a 4) for stamina. I've ridden my yakmel all day for days not dropping below a sprint and I haven't seen its stamina drop below 70%. If I didn't have a stable, I'd forget horses and just get an animal with decent speed and level 4 stamina.

The devs said that this was just the early edition of the stables and that they'd be refining it later so this feature is likely to change significantly.
Edgar Allan Hoe 29 Sep, 2022 @ 11:51pm 
that's a bit lame. I'm renting a horse because I don't have a stable. T-T
idlespectator 30 Sep, 2022 @ 12:04am 
Originally posted by Edgar Allan Hoe:
that's a bit lame. I'm renting a horse because I don't have a stable. T-T

If you can afford it, try renting a faster yakmel next time. I'd never rented one before I bought mine and now I love her (I decided her name was Princess). She's got a double saddle for when we can finally ride with others and she never gets tired. With built in stamina, you won't have to worry about feeding to replenish or walking home from the back end of the desert.
Last edited by idlespectator; 30 Sep, 2022 @ 12:05am
Murder of Crows 11 Oct, 2022 @ 11:30pm 
Oh, that must be what happened. I thought my horse suddenly not running was a bug. Anyway, the rental yakmel are much slower than the rental horse but with a lot more stamina. I remember from renting them before that they were so slow it just didn't seem worth it. I really don't like this change. If they want to implement it, then there ought to be a way to regain stamina. I mean, I went down into the ruins for hours and the horse still didn't recover.
idlespectator 12 Oct, 2022 @ 12:00am 
Originally posted by Murder of Crows:
Oh, that must be what happened. I thought my horse suddenly not running was a bug. Anyway, the rental yakmel are much slower than the rental horse but with a lot more stamina. I remember from renting them before that they were so slow it just didn't seem worth it. I really don't like this change. If they want to implement it, then there ought to be a way to regain stamina. I mean, I went down into the ruins for hours and the horse still didn't recover.

If you have your own stable, feeding your mount regains stamina. Choosing which mount to rent /buy is now a more complicated trade-off than it was in Portia. Especially since the mounts come at different quality levels - extraordinary, perfect, and rare. At each level, the horse will always be the fastest, the yakmel will always have the most endurance, and the camel will always be a compromise balance between the two traits. My rare quality yakmel has the same speed as an ordinary/extraordinary horse and more endurance than I can use up in a day. I've also rented a perfect quality horse and didn't have any issue with it running out of steam. What I won't ever do again is rent an ordinary horse (too unreliable) or an ordinary yakmel (too slow).

I think what people are running into is the shock of the changed system and adjusting to the idea that ordinary/extraordinary horses are just *not* going to be reliable all day fast transportation. I personally like the new system, but the resistance to it isn't surprising since it's such a huge change from Portia and from the way the riding mechanics worked up until the stable update.
Murder of Crows 16 Oct, 2022 @ 2:16pm 
Originally posted by idlespectator:
If you have your own stable, feeding your mount regains stamina. Choosing which mount to rent /buy is now a more complicated trade-off than it was in Portia. Especially since the mounts come at different quality levels - extraordinary, perfect, and rare. (the rest cut)

Where does it show their rarity? I was over by the cash register. It showed the mounts available, but not rarity. I could see their speed and stamina stars, but not quality? (I am probably blind and completely missed it). Also, do camels and yakmel come in different varieties (like horse colorsl)? Do the colors indicate quality or stats?
idlespectator 16 Oct, 2022 @ 4:08pm 
Originally posted by Murder of Crows:
Where does it show their rarity? I was over by the cash register. It showed the mounts available, but not rarity. I could see their speed and stamina stars, but not quality? (I am probably blind and completely missed it). Also, do camels and yakmel come in different varieties (like horse colorsl)? Do the colors indicate quality or stats?

The ranch rental/purchase options use the same quality color system as everything else: grey = ordinary/wild gathered, green = extraordinary, blue = perfect, pink = rare. There's also a very steep price increase with each upgrade in quality, but I was willing to pay it to avoid having to walk back from the back end of the desert every day.
Last edited by idlespectator; 16 Oct, 2022 @ 4:09pm
Murder of Crows 16 Oct, 2022 @ 5:00pm 
Originally posted by idlespectator:

The ranch rental/purchase options use the same quality color system as everything else: grey = ordinary/wild gathered, green = extraordinary, blue = perfect, pink = rare. There's also a very steep price increase with each upgrade in quality, but I was willing to pay it to avoid having to walk back from the back end of the desert every day.

Ah! They were all colorless, so must have been normal. TY for explaining. I built my stable first and am now miffed that I have to feed the rental horse. I miss the horse coming to us every morning after a hearty breakfast at the ranch! Oh, well. I will wait for a good one and pay the big bucks. (Too bad I can't stuff them in my refiner!)
Ihateeverybody 16 Oct, 2022 @ 9:25pm 
Just an FYI incase anyone doesn't know. You can sell purchased horses back (not sure of loss or profit depending on Loyalty rating).
A serious question, is there any actual advantage to owning a horse? Does it move that much faster than the PC just dashing everywhere? The impression I got from the initial "free" rental was that the horse wasn't really any faster and was a significant pain to control compared to the PC.
idlespectator 17 Oct, 2022 @ 12:59pm 
Originally posted by Dimensional Traveler:
A serious question, is there any actual advantage to owning a horse? Does it move that much faster than the PC just dashing everywhere? The impression I got from the initial "free" rental was that the horse wasn't really any faster and was a significant pain to control compared to the PC.

It depends on the stats of the individual animal. I wouldn't bother with anything that had less than a 3 star capability for stamina or less than 3.5 star capability for speed. I think you start hitting those stats at perfect quality and above for horses and camels. Yakmels are slower and you'd need a rare one to travel at any real speed.
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