Critters for Sale

Critters for Sale

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We need more pieces of media like this that has fun with its weirdness while still having its themes that tie it all together
This game was such a unique experience and while some people would write it off as a pretentious art piece trying to seem smarter than it actually is, I don't think that's the case. While it still has running themes that tie everything together and there is actual lore here with its own weird logic if you actually think about it so it isn't just 100% random nonsense, I don't think this is one of those types of games for the reason I described in the title, it has fun with its weirdness and it knows that it's weird. I mean, It has an ending where you stop an alien invasion by giving a Martian prince spicy Earth food and you eat dinner with him, a baboon and a gibbon arguing with each other, seals and polar bears signing a peace treaty, a talking goat's first line being "what's up," in I think ancient Egypt and a character casually responding at first only to realize immediately how weird that was and some clown guy in a suit with a gun yelling "Die sucka!" and killing some indescribable entity that's apparently like a physical manifestation of ego itself (that's how the game describes it, not me)! These are so ridiculous and hilarious and it's clearly not taking itself seriously the majority of the time. Plus, the majority of the interactions and characters in chapters like "Spider" and "Dragon" are all bizarre. The visual style and the soundtrack help in making the whole experience feel like a fever dream. Especially, with the use of real celebrities in weird contexts, it reminds me of The Monument Mythos and anything made by M4NTICOR3 if they were on crack. Going from the dev's twitter account recently, it seems we're finally getting a followup to this game soon. I look forward to seeing Nosferatu of the East's and Michael Jackson's roles in the story. Update: Finally completed the game 100% and it's baffling that this is only the "introduction" of the world since there's so much to unpack here! Things are only gonna get crazier from here!
Last edited by troinliveshere; 18 Jan @ 5:12pm
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Believe me, if I had any way of having Sonoshee's talent, I could create a little Critters for Sale style game to try to bring you things that are just as strange and fun, but with a touch of his own and paying homage to Sonoshee and his game, huh.
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