Arma 3
Charlie 7 2 Des 2014 @ 5:32pm
29th Infantry Division *Now Recruiting*
The 29th Infantry Division is a realism unit with a long legacy (founded 2006), having served tours in The Battle Grounds, Day of Defeat, Darkest Hour: Normandy 1944, Arma 2 I44 and Red Orchestra 2/Rising Storm.

We are currently active in Rising Storm 2, Squad and Arma III with over 300 members serving in the unit. The 29th is a traditional realism unit; we strive to conduct our organization and experience as close to real combat as possible.

We have members from across the world and a long and storied history. Charlie Company, our Arma III Company, remains focused on Player vs. Player (TvT) combat, and we are also currently active in several community operations with other units.

We are seeking recruits who are dedicated and mature. Skill and knowledge base are not an issue; everyone of any skill level is welcome. While occasional absences are understandable, the 29th requires its member to attend a minimum 2 drills a week at an hour each. There are plenty of drill times to meet most anyone's schedule. Our members are very dedicated, skilled and well trained. We seek those that either want to become like them, or want to fight with individuals like them. If you are looking for a realism unit that is stable and active, Join Today![]

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Terakhir diedit oleh Charlie 7; 21 Nov 2022 @ 2:11pm
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Menampilkan 1-15 dari 942 komentar
Berg 3 Des 2014 @ 8:05am 
Some examples of drills in the 29th: ambushes, CQB room clearing, leapfrogging. We have a charismatic bunch who are as into it for the comraderie as they are for the realism/gameplay. Not only will we play ARMA together but many other games as well. Truly a community!
A couple of short videos of the 29th ID in action:
The 29th Goes Rolling In
Charlie 7 6 Des 2014 @ 10:57am 
Check out our Youtube Channel:
Look for the Charlie Company - Arma3 Video. More Videos with our current operations soon!
Berg 6 Des 2014 @ 1:51pm 
Our Battalion server (Public) is now running PvP type missions!
Terakhir diedit oleh Berg; 6 Des 2014 @ 1:51pm
25 guys on the Battalion server for 3.5 hours playing DTAS TvT. Excellent every Saturday at 8:30 EST. Come join us!
WhyClydeWhy 6 Des 2014 @ 10:59pm 
We focus on building individual soldiers into a functioning fire team, that operates as a squad, which supports a platoon, executed into a company standard operating procedure. Implementing real world military training, strategies, operations, and executions. From which our members in Charlie Company and the 29th as a whole received from real life military careers and experiences. If your real big into the real aspect of the Arma3 realism. Then this is the home for you. Its an experience that you'll never forget. We also don't just focus on Coop and AI. We're a unit that's highly into PvP and TvT. Feel free to give us a spin!
Terakhir diedit oleh WhyClydeWhy; 6 Des 2014 @ 11:00pm
hazza1105 7 Des 2014 @ 3:17am 
is this still open ?
Diposting pertama kali oleh hazza1105:
is this still open ?

We are still recruiting if that is what you mean... Head over to our enlistment page[] to join. Feel free to add me on Steam as well and say hi. I'd be happy to answer any question you have.
Terakhir diedit oleh Cpt. Hill [29th ID Ret]; 7 Des 2014 @ 6:36am
Join our public steam group for updates and COOP or PvP game announcments.
29th Infantry Division - Arma 3
Terakhir diedit oleh Cpt. Hill [29th ID Ret]; 7 Des 2014 @ 6:42am
Charlie 7 8 Des 2014 @ 6:24pm 
Our Next Arma III BCT class begins this Sunday! enlistment page[] Click here to sign up today. If you cannot make this one, do not worry! We run BCTs regularly. We are currently filling positions for the 582nd. We started at #100. So, doing a little math: the 29th ID has graduated nearly 500 Training Platoons. A roughly 10 year old unit, with 500 Training Platoons. Stable, storied and proven.
Join Today!!![]
Check out an article recounting the actions of our latest medal recipient, PFC Rogers.

American Campaign Medal: PFC Rogers
Charlie 7 10 Des 2014 @ 4:34pm 
Training for a recent Operation:

So excited about a recent Operation, Learned to hover....

Terakhir diedit oleh Charlie 7; 10 Des 2014 @ 4:34pm
One of the things I enjoy about Arma, the fantastic screenshots! I love the kaleidoscope lens flare in the first shot. Keep you camera handy T/5, many more fantastic senic moments await in the months to come...
Terakhir diedit oleh Cpt. Hill [29th ID Ret]; 12 Des 2014 @ 1:26am
Stylint 12 Des 2014 @ 1:13pm 
So who is pumped for Sundays BIG mission ?
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Tanggal Diposting: 2 Des 2014 @ 5:32pm
Postingan: 942