Beyond The Wire

Beyond The Wire

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
List of Known Issues
Below is a list of current known issues in Beyond The Wire.

  • Players using AMD FX will experience worse performance due to issues with the way the audio system in BTW works. A temporary workaround can be found here: Beyond The Wire Community
  • Some weapon and vehicle icons are displayed incorrectly
  • Personal awards are not correctly displayed
  • Some weapons and explosives are still using placeholder SFX
  • Melee charging may cause rubberbanding and a broken weapon animation
  • Rally Point placement limits aren’t applied in all cases
  • Tear Gas effect can sometimes appear with a gas mask
  • A shooting range for ANZAC team is missing
  • Flamethrower hose appears detached from the tank visually
  • Customized characters appear with their default loadout in multiplayer matches
  • Too much progress is added for certain tasks, including: Objective Capture, Objective Defense, Objective Offense, Combined Spawn, Mask Kills, Artillery Marker Used, Rally Placed
  • Bots have no head during local matches/training
  • Bots walk backwards during melee sometimes
  • Bots do not cut barbed wire during melee
  • Bots can become stuck and will die at certain spots. Please let us know of spots where this happens frequently (Layer name, position, screenshot)
  • Bots appear idle sometimes