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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
PHANTOM_X 20 Aug, 2019 @ 8:45am 
PERFECT!!! Thank you!!!
SciFiArtMan 20 Aug, 2019 @ 8:46am 
Good stuff! Hope this help ease the burden of fielding dumb questions from us newbs!
Iron Dice 20 Aug, 2019 @ 4:51pm 
Wow, definitely helpful. Many thanks. Just starting to fiddle with it, and it's got an incredible amount of depth. This cleared a lot of initial questions I had.
hartbreak1 20 Aug, 2019 @ 10:44pm 
Very nice tutorial. I learned quite a few things and corrected others I got wrong.
CavalierLady 21 Aug, 2019 @ 7:04am 
This will help so much! Thank you for creating this video!
i am the muffin 22 Aug, 2019 @ 7:14pm 
oh my gosh thanks! i'm loving this, so relaxing.
Sky715 30 Aug, 2019 @ 7:44am 
Very nice, thank you! Just have to review it a couple times to get the commands right.
SciFiArtMan 30 Aug, 2019 @ 8:59am 
That's where a Reference Page would be so helpful! Might even want to print it out and keep next to you while you play. All the keyboard commands and shortcuts and process descriptions on one page.
Big Bad Nonja 4 Nov, 2019 @ 8:25am 
Does anyone know how to mirror objects during placement? There used to be a promo video some months ago showing this feature, but I cannot find it anywhere. What I'm referring to is flipping an object along an axis, (like stairs or a building, for example) to mirror it for placement.
I'm surprised this feature isn't in the video up above.
Last edited by Big Bad Nonja; 4 Nov, 2019 @ 8:25am
妙欲妄执 10 Nov, 2019 @ 7:43pm 
Add some crystal plz
SciFiArtMan 11 Nov, 2019 @ 3:16am 
BBN, you can spin objects from within FS, i.e. not imported objects, using the N & M keys as you are placing them. The increment of the angle is set at the top menu, 15 degrees is the default I believe, but can be set to 180. But this isn't "mirroring" (door on right is now door on left). I know of no way to "mirror" within FS.
SciFiArtMan 30 Nov, 2019 @ 7:22pm 
BBN, new info, just in! You CAN mirror in-game objects by placing your cursor over the item and pressing "I". I just tried this and it works on buildings, trees, animals, and even ships - just be sure you place cursor over the item base.
Big Bad Nonja 1 Dec, 2019 @ 4:29am 
@SciFiArtman > Ty ! I knew we could do it, just not how LOL. There WAS a video clip showing the method at one time, but that seems to have disappeared :)
SciFiArtMan 1 Dec, 2019 @ 11:48am 
The shortcut was just revealed last night - had many of us slack-jawed, but happy! Just wanted to let you know.
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