Into the Radius VR

Into the Radius VR

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Immersive Consumerable Idea
There are a lot of little things that add up to make this game an immersive masterpiece. From the box's of cigarettes you open, fill up and then empty when the mood hits, to the lighting of said cigarettes, the methodical packing of magazines (when I'm in a safe place, in combat I just use the boxes lol), to pealing back the lid of food cans and eating the contents with a knife.

An additional mechanic in the same flavour as those listed would be to add the ability to crack open the cans of energy drinks. EVERYONE loves the satisfaction of "cracking open a cold one" - the blissful crisp hiss as the carbonation is released - and it will make consuming the item more immersive because you have to actually interact with the object instead of just magically teleporting the entire thing into your gullet.