ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Mods ARK server Fullstyx
Liste de mods afin de rejoindre le serveur ARK Fullstyx
Items (22)
Created by GyozaGuy
Mod ID 729171778 Mod Description The world is in turmoil as the four nations struggle for control of a newly discovered island rich in resources. Aggravated by the conflict, as well as the impending Harmonic Convergence, spirit sightings have been on the r...
The Ark Game of Thrones
Created by Gnasty
FULLY CLEAN AND STACKABLE WITH ANYTHING! Mod ID = 642114461 This mod brings in tons of items from the very popular show Game of Thrones including clothing, weapons, furniture, structures and much more. Even if your not a fan of the show these new items are...
STARK WARS: Survival Evolved -V48- Map Ext.
Created by P0k3r
A long time ago on an Ark far, far away... There came a STAR WARS mod! IF YOU ARE RUNNING THIS MOD ON A SERVER, BE SURE TO DELETE THE MOD FOLDER FROM YOUR SERVER BEFORE UPLOADING ANY UPDATES! Added 4 new vehicles, 3 tamable droids, 1 "Alpha" probe droid wi...
Created by Ivam
Creative version of this mod is now an open project. Feel free to collaborate. Add a new set of Metal with Glass structures The structures have the same durability than the metal ones, but with less cost of meta...
Bionic ARK
Created by Itsr2ghgaming
Rate this mod up if you like it! It helps alot! :) 3 Arc Productions Presents to you the Future! Stronger and Better looking Bionic creatures and structures! With Custom Materials and Destructible Meshes. And the one and only Bionic Giga and many more exot...
Dragao Imperial
Created by Roegelin
Dragão Imperial, é uma modificação do Boss Dragon com 1/3 do tamanho original. Os atributos de ataque foram balanceados para o jogo original. Local de spawn: Red Wood. MOD ID: 745190317 Spawn Code: admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/MyDragon/MyDrag...
Pet Res
Created by Duncanas
-- I no longer have the time to maintain my mods. I may come back to them and do an update once the game goes out of Early Access and the code base stablilizes somewhat. The source code for all of my mods can be found at
Pimp My Dino
Created by The Mod Cookers
V1.1 Pimp My Dinos! Brought you Badass Armor for your Dinos! and stuff. You've probably already heard of it! They're back, and now, they've got more friends!
Small Dragons
Created by Encryption
This mod is long since outdated and you probably shouldn't be using it. Haven't cared to install Ark in years, just look at the last time this mod was updated (2016). SMALL DRAGONS ModID = 519998112 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ This mod ad...
Elite Dragons+ Mod
Created by SPEZZ
Elite Dragons+ Mod This is a WIP mod as of right now there is only 1 Fire Dragon We will be adding Addition Dragons ( Example Ice Dragon, Poison gas dragon, and Boss Dragons too etc....) as well as unique dinos! This mod will not ever replace any dinos tha...
Cute Hair (v6.1)
Created by Sakura
The mod has expanded to include skins for other equipments. Over 200 different customizations for your RP needs! Mod ID: 618916953 Learn the engram for the Apple bowl (Female Hair), JD (Male Hair), Skyrim (Helmet & Mask from Skyrim) , Black Kitty (Requeste...
Wireless Electrics
Created by Tij
Mod ID: 715254910 | Cooked via Dev Kit v242.8 | 100% Stackable. Wireless Electricity will NOT work with the default ARK electrical strucutures. Disclaimer: As with any mod, back up your server and saves before updating mods & ARK. I can't help if you lose ...
Auto Repair Station
Created by Artanys
ID# 788530831, Clean and Stackable Automatically repairs items in its inventory, provided it is turned on and has enough resources. Repairs one item every 2 seconds. Repairs armor, weapons, and structures with durability (like turrets). Glows green when re...
Auto Torch
Created by dubCUT
Auto Torch CONTENT Auto Standing Torch Auto Standing Torch (with Timer) Auto Wall Torch Auto Wall Torch (with Timer) Auto Ceiling Torch (with Timer) FEATURES No Fuel needed Timer Set to switch on at 9pm and off at 6:30am Bigger Light Radius than standard t...
eco's RP Decor
Created by eco
MOD ID: 741203089 Craft decorative furniture and tons of other items for your RP (Role Play) servers! 100% Stackable Mod All items can be picked up. (Hold use key to pick up.) If item is destroyed, after placing, it will return the exact amount of material...
Flaming Sword +Plus 4.0
Created by P0k3r
Flaming Sword, Electric Sword & Lightning Sword Changeable flame, electricity & lightning colors! Sets Animals & Humans on fire! Allows you to harvest while using! Go hand gathering at night comfortably with 1 hand while having light PLUS a formidable weap...
Omnicular v1.51
Created by Icebreccer
*** All items and features in this mod are additional. The mod should work with every new version of Ark and stack with other mods. Doesn't require a clean save file. *** OMNICULAR REMOTE WITH DOOR OPENING MECHANICS CAN BE FOUND HERE: http://steamcommunity...
Tek Gear
Created by Atrocitus
High level Tek gear. Armor: 500+ Durability: none Admin spawn commands Helm Blueprint'/Game/Mods/MyMod/Tek_Armor/PrimalItemArmor_TekHelmet.PrimalItemArmor_TekHelmet' Chest Blueprint'/Game/Mods/MyMod/Tek_Armor/PrimalItemArmor_Tekshirt.PrimalItemArmor_Tekshi...
Created by dubCUT
Backpack CONTENT Small Backpack Medium Backpack Large Backpack FEATURES Enhance your Weight with a Backpack Small gives 120% Medium gives 150% Large gives 200% Adds a little more Food/Water/Oxygen consumption Can be colored (To equip, just drag it to the o...
Skins Mod
Created by FusionGamers
Mod ID=783890376 General Information The purpose of this mod is to allow administrators to give out skins to their players. Remove the engram for the crafting bench if you don't want players to craft the skins! Presently, there are 95 new weapon skins. Any...
Light Controller (Open Source)
Created by orionsun
Source Code (No License, use as wanted, with or without attribution) Automatically turns lights and torches on at dusk and off at dawn. Works with all mod lights. New Items: - Light Controller (made in inventory) Usage: 1.) Place the light controller and i...
ACM V2.7.1294 [UNSTABLE]
Created by Woeful Macabre
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