Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

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How to Prevent Friendly-Fire In L4D2
By swift
Hello guys, ghost here with a new guide. This guide will give some players with friendly fire (FF for short) trouble and how to cut it down. You will NOT walk away from this guide averaging absolutely 0 FF a game with over 20 protects. We're all human and we all make mistakes, this is only a guide on how you can help prevent FF coming from your teammates and yourself.
Always keep your eyes on every place on your screen.
Teammates have a tendency to run straight into your line of fire, thus having a friendly fire occuring. After playing this game for 1.6k hours, I can tell you that this will happen a lot. So, one way to prevent friendly fire is to prepare and pretty much expect that people WILL do that on all difficulties (easy, normal, advanced, expert).

Make sure that your eyeballs is glued on EVERYWHERE on your screen. The front, the right, the left, and the corners. You can even train yourself to learn how to shoot and automatically stop yourself once a teammate is passing, and then resume once they're gone. It's an effective technique that I used and it's been working for me for years.
Limit your shots.
When shooting, make sure to limit your shots. This will make sure that you save ammunition and prevent friendly fire damage.

For example, don't run around and hold LMB with an M16. You can run into other people shooting and take damage, shoot other people, and even both. Try to pick off your targets by tapping or holding your LMB for a short period of time.
Pick your weapons wisely.
On expert, a grenade launcher or a chainsaw may not always be the best option. A grenade launcher can INSTANTLY send your teammates into incap, and the same thing can go with a shotgun, m60, etc.

When choosing weapons, you're always going to go with the ones that you feel comfortable with. However, you're also going to choose which weapon is most necessary for the team AND which one can deal the least friendly-fire damage, depending on the difficulty. So, with that being said, a grenade launcher won't be so useful to your team in a tight corridor on expert.
When shooting over a teammate, be sure to communicate.
Shooting over a crouched teammate can be effective at clearing an area quickly. However, an issue with this is that a teammate can out of nowhere stand up, causing a friendly fire if you're still in the process in shooting.

It'd be most practical to only inform your teammate during an event or horde that you're shooting over them and asking them to stay crouched. So, if you catch yourself in those kinds of situation, quickly type or talk into your mic, "[Player name], I'm shooting over you". This can decrease the chances of an unwanted friendly fire.
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dsaS 11 Nov, 2023 @ 11:07am 
scarecrow 8 May, 2021 @ 1:06pm 
I was losing my mind when a random kept shooting his grenade launcher in close range against the infected, even with another teammate nearby. He could've simply used a Magnum as backup, but literally keeps damaging the whole team and himself.
TheNecroticGamer 28 Apr, 2021 @ 8:13pm 
Anyone else ever get shot by a teammate you're standing BEHIND? Or is it just me?
dvbz 24 Apr, 2021 @ 7:55pm 
wtf is that image WutFace
Tymn 23 Apr, 2021 @ 9:27pm 
I don't know why more people don't do it, but whenever I see a lot of Z's coming, I go to the front to protect my teammates, and I CROUCH, whether I'm using firearms or melee. This lets me attack the Z's, and also lets my teammates still be able to see and shoot clearly while I defend them.

Crouching is an important action in this co-op game, and many others. :gordon:
VRU19CS 21 Apr, 2021 @ 10:04pm 
haha i like to shoot my team like 1 or 2hp i dont really care lol
Wataru20A 16 Apr, 2021 @ 6:24am 
so, if i accidentally threw Molotov towards my friends, will it consider as "friendly fire" too?
Vokun Vulon 5 Apr, 2021 @ 6:10am 
I would also like to state that a lot of this is entirely down to your team, and communication within that team, I never run with random groups because it's always a clusterfuck, find yourselves a party to run with, spend time working with the same people and you'll start to synergise with them, making all aspects of almost any game much smoother and more efficient with those same people.
If you dont consistently run with the same people, there is only ever so far you can go, before you are being limited by the slowest member of the team (be that literal, or metaphorical).
Hardcore Tort Reform 16 Nov, 2018 @ 6:41pm 
Couple things to mention also:
1. If you feel you might hurt a teammate it is a good idea to shove instead of attack
2. It is usually common practice to shove teammates a couple times if you want to pass to let them know you want to.
Hardcore Tort Reform 16 Nov, 2018 @ 6:19pm 
You forgot to mention to have people just not walk in front of or even through other teammates for no reason. If someone is crouched chances are they are ready to fire.