Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

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Items (22)
Created by 旋转抱歉
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no grassgekko 禁用草蜥蜴
Created by Out 85折代
no more grass morphing and plant disease Subscribe and thumbs up if you like it 草不再变异为草蜥蜴。作物不患病 如果对你有用,订阅,点个赞...
Global Positions
Created by rezecib
Map sharing works again! You don't even need to be in the A New Reign beta anymore! Code contributions are welcome: Features Show other players on the map (and hover over them to see who they are). Show player in...
Created by Skull
Server side mod. Instruction: Type cammands below to Re select your character / resurrect / Kill youself. spam can be stop by set the time interval! Drop function supported. Configuration supported. Commands: #restart - (Returning to character select scree...
Created by 旋转抱歉
Only Chinese so far...
Created by 不死总会出头
此mod基于青木的mod制作而成,专门为多层世界(世界>=3)使用 功能一:在所有世界门口生成通往所有不同世界的落水洞 功能二:当玩家第一次进去服务器时,会自动被分配到人数最少的世界(简称自动分流) 功能三:洞口上方显示每个世界人数 功能四:限制每个世界最大人数 功能五:不需要自动分流进入的世界(例如洞穴)可以自行在mod选项中添加 注意事项: 1、每个世界的id需要改成1,2,3,4…(在server.ini中更改); 2、自动分流会导致第一次进入世界比较慢; 3、自动分流功能需要门口有通往每个世界的落水...
Show Me (Origin)
Created by star
It's Tell Me mod but it shows hint ON MOUSE OVER. And this is server mod. Recommended ShowMe (this mod) + Health Info I have to enable only 2 mods? Yes. Actually you can disable all other interface mods and enable only Show Me. But it's better to enable He...
JiShaGongGao - DIYb [DST]怪物击杀公告 Boss出现公告
Created by Shang
Sorry! This mod language into Chinese. =.= Temporarily does not support other languages. 如果你喜欢这个,请点赞,谢谢! 为了回应评论里的要求,困难模式功能已删除 查看玩家坐标推荐一个mod:Coordinate 修改内容如下: 海象、座狼、钢羊、电羊、蜘蛛女王和各大Boss的击杀公告。 各大Boss、赃物袋出现公告以及坐标位置。 威洛遭受攻击,攻击者会自燃,不可被点燃者除外。 格罗姆出现公告以及坐标位置,再也不担心错过...
Extra Equip Slots
Created by NubsPixel
I stopped supporting this mod! I don't and wont update this mod anymore. I stopped playing this game a long time ago. It will break your game. ------------------------------------------------------ Adds a backpack and amulet slot to the game. Patch List v1...
Enhanced Houndius Shootius
Created by 辣椒小皇纸
Think Houndius Shootius is too weak when besieged by plenty of other creatures? Now, everyone can enhance the Houndius Shootius with this mod. You can change the damage, health, health regen rate, attack range and attack period of Houndius Shootius. Defaul...
Chinese Language Pack(中文语言包)
Created by L.Yun
饥荒联机简繁汉化Mod。 Simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese language pack. 请将游戏的“Small Textures(小型纹理)”设置为“禁用”! Please set the "Small Textures" options to "Disabled".!!! 将steam语言偏好修改为中文或点我获取详细的中文版Mod描述。 By L.M.U~...
Chinese Plus
Created by Skull
中文增强 Do Not Use This. Only for chinese! If you want to know what this mod do. Just make the game support Chinese better. Nothing else. If you want to see more content, please change your display language. Thanks....
Damage Indicators
Created by 雪拉比
Baaaaam Baam. Take that, nasty brute of hell!, modify from 修改: 1.显示最大血量由256增加到65535 2.回血颜色修正 3.修复男子汉复活后提示扣血的bug...
Hot Coffee! - Discontinued
Created by NormalGuy
Feel Free To Update and re-release as your own(i require no credit needed)Do as you please Kickstart your day with a cup of joe! Who didnt love this in Shipwreck, seemed fitting for multiplayer and was unable to find a stand-alone with just adding coffee. ...
Welcome Message
Created by Ysovuka
Display a custom welcome message to all users which join the server. Note: This is a personal mod made for public use. = { enabled = true, configuration_options = { title = "Welcome!", message = "Read the signs! Chests unlock after 2 days! Tele staffs & mo...
Setpiece Config
Created by Joe
This mod gives you some control over the amount of set pieces that spawn during worldgen. The skeleton dude that you can set to lots in the worldgen options applies only to skeleton boons, which are different from set pieces. Set pieces include things like...
Super Hound Waves
Created by KingofTown
Anyone that would want to contribue can simply push to my github for this mod. I will review and apply the changes and upload them here (giving credit of course). Are the occasional Hound attack getting boring? Try...
Repair Combine
Created by Serp
With this mod you can repair your equipment with the same equipment. So you can combine a logsuit with 10% and a logsuit with 30% to a logsuit with 40%! This mod works for things with: finiteuses (like weapons), armor, fueled and perishable+equipable. Adde...
More durability [Amulets|Staffs]
Created by Aire Ayquaza
More durability : Amulets & Staffs edition. Allow you to modify amulets and staffs durabilities by configuring it. 耐久性:护身符&修改版。 允许您修改护身符的耐久性通过配置修改它。 Copyright 2017 Aire_Ayquaza, Klei. You are not allowed to redistribute this content....
Epic Healthbar
Created by Tykvesh
Spice up your combat experience with this stylized health bar! Epic Healthbar is a new widget which provides information about the current boss: Displa...
Created by Sarifynna
TURFED! Adds twenty-three BRAND NEW turf options to the game! - Currently there are ten carpet flavors, two nature, four rock, three tile, three wood, and one spiked. Allows the crafting of fourteen turfs which were previously not craftable! - Cave Rock, D...
Created by 76561198223450764