

123 ratings
Accidently Reviewed General Guide
By Ms. Morgayne Swain and 1 collaborators
If you're new in the group here you can find some recommendations about how it works. Welcome!
General Rules

This group was made for you! The idea is helping other people to get games for free and having fun! So please for a better experience in the group and with the community:

  • Respect each other: No offensive comments against any mod or member in the disccussions, remember if you have something to say you can send a direct message and try to solve the differences (peacefully), if it's about a mod, you can contact our Admin or another mod and tell him/her about it.

  • NO begging or spamming for keys: Mods are here to help but we actually have our own lifes out there (Incredible, isn't it?), if you already messaged a mod give him a moment to reply, before spamming or texting other mod. If the mod is playing (Online games for example) be patient, we also enjoy games just like you.

  • NO spamming about updating the list: Every mod knows what he has to do in the group, if you donate some keys or want to ask for a game and the list hasn't been updated yet, wait, surely there is a reason for the late.

  • MODS ARE PEOPLE: not bots so please... Be nice, saying hello and thanks it's not that hard and we'll appreciate it

  • NO "+Rep" or free CS:GO skins, or referal links spam

  • NO self advertising: If you want us to advertise you, your giveaway or your group, please message any mod we will talk about it and decide what to do.
    If you Stream check this

Key thread rules
  • These keys are ABSOLUTELY FREE, you don't need to do anything for them. Just keep being awesome.

  • If your account is 5 level (and less) or limited you can get just one game per week (Sorry we have to watch out for cheaters)

  • NO keys to private profiles: Keys are for your personal use, and it's absolutely forbidden
    to sell them

  • You can ask for any key listed in key thread these are ALL keys we have so please do NOT ask us for the game if it's not listed there.

  • You can ask (or donate) for the keys directly from any moderator (Just add him/her as friend and send a message):

    Our mods are:

  • Feel free to write a review for a key you got and tag our group as a sponsor, if you want the community to check your review check this thread

  • These keys aren't guaranteed to work because we cannot check donated keys without activate them

  • Please don't try to cheat, any cheater will be banned immediately and forever

Active contests
Here you can check what contests are happening now!

Q: These games are actually free?

Q:How to get a game?
A: Add as friend and ask any online mod

Q:May i ask for multiply keys?
A:Yes, but don't take too many, we give max 4 keys at once, probably more if you are really good donator or supporter

Q: I don't have anything to give you, Can I still get keys?
A: Yes, we want everyone to have something to play foward, you can just promote us, making a review on game(s) you got here, or you can just invite your friends

Q: I'm banned for taking keys what should i do?

A: It depends, ask a mod why you are banned, but dont try to argue, it will probably make things worse, if you're banned because you got too many keys - just donate something back or wait sometime before asking for more. (Banned means here "you cannot get more key" no "Banned from the group")

We will update FAQ as getting more common questions

Thanks for your attention
That's all
byteframe 29 Sep, 2024 @ 3:55am 
EXO-97 14 May, 2021 @ 4:48am 
What IF I ask about destiny 2 beyond light dlc or expansion, for free, im curiousabout that, one of my friends has it so, i cant play with him or so a raid that req beyond light expansion
Zhariel 23 Jun, 2018 @ 12:36am 
Can I get that snek? :steamhappy:
UnibrowPower 10 Aug, 2017 @ 10:49am 
op idea i gotta say
Ms. Morgayne Swain  [author] 29 Jul, 2017 @ 1:31pm 
No, if it is not in the list we don't have it, so it is not posible for us to send it to you.
SoulWolf 29 Jul, 2017 @ 1:28pm 
I have a question, if I want a game and its not listed anywhere is there a way to let people know about the game I want? Or is that impossible.
I searched the game name but I am not sure in which category the game is classified. The game is starbound
Hugh Jass 22 Jul, 2017 @ 6:37am 
one thing: how do i enter the big giveaways?
Glass of water™ 17 Feb, 2017 @ 9:47pm 
Nice guide. This will surely be helpful to those who don't know the rules.
casper 8 Nov, 2016 @ 8:07am 
:alwayschicken: yo :alwayschicken:
Feared Alien Voodoo 22 Aug, 2016 @ 10:43pm 