Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

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StarPanda RP - Addons
This Is the addon pack to starpandarp.
Items (59)
Star Wars Clonetroopers P1
Created by Captain Charles
IMPORTANT!: This is only part one of the addon, there is only one other part. Part 2 contains the remaining materials missing from Part 1. - Thank you Name: Clonetrooper Star Wars Models Version: 1 Description: Clonetrooper Star Wars Models for Garry's mod...
Star Wars Clonetroopers P2
Created by Captain Charles
IMPORTANT!: This is Part 2 of the Clone Trooper addon. Please download Part 1 in order to use this. - Thank you This only adds the remaining materials missing from Part 1. There is nothing else included in this....
Star Wars Lightsabers
Created by Rubat
3D2D Textscreens
Created by James
Create 3D2D text anywhere in the world. This addon is now open source! Contribute to development of this addon on GitHub. All pull requests are welco...
Star Wars: Jango Fett and Boba Fett Player Models
Created by Quandale Dingle
The Mandalorian warriors and bounty hunters of the Star Wars universe are now in Garry's Mod! Some info about the characters: "Jango Fett was a renowned Mandalorian bounty hunter, assassin, mercenary, and the "father" of Boba Fett, a genetic clone of his, ...
HK 47 & HK 51
Created by nikout13
A pack containing HK-47 and HK-51 droids with custom skins from Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic, models are from the game Star Wars: The Old Republic developed by BioWare, and published by Electronic Arts.
Created by C.
Rp_starwars_r2 Reupload of an already existing map just small change of the name of the map) Since the upload of this map on the workshop I have never dedicated my time to its "maintenance" but maintaining I am going to make with pleasure. Content map : CS...
Star Wars - LAAT Transport & Gunship WAC
Created by Ishi
A model and vehicle of the LAAT gunship/transport from Star Wars, the model is ported from Kinect Starwars, it has however been heavily modified and given a detailed collision mesh, this means you can wander around inside it. The model itself has multiple ...
Star Wars Battle Droid NPC
Created by Grand-Lobster-King
It's a Battle Droid NPC from YOU MUST NEED: "Star Wars Battledroids" from the Workshop. Just search it and click subscribe or else these will just be ERRORs. Thanks. Credits: Shotgunguy for the battle droid models, Nullen for the NPCs. This i...
Star Wars Battledroids
Created by Captain Charles
Name: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players Version: 1 Description: Battledroid Ragdolls & Players for Garry's mod. Contents: Battledroid Battledroid Commander Battledroid Geonosis Battledroid Pilot Battledroid Security BAW E-5 Blaster Features: Phong shaders Bum...
Star Wars Battlefront: Scout Trooper Ragdoll and Playermodel
Created by Ninya
This addon contains a Scout Trooper, and three guns from the new Star Wars Battlefront game Since the game is in alpha there may be issues. The scout trooper uses helper bones and has a bunch of bones for the movable equipment like the side pouches, elbowp...
Star Wars Death Troopers
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: Star Wars Death Troopers based on the book: "Star Wars: Death Troopers". I used the Penumbra Infected SNPCs as a base for these SNPCs, so the sounds are from Penumbra, alt...
STAR WARS Han Solo and Chewbacca Playermodels
Created by Voikanaa Han Solo was a Human smuggler from the manufacturing planet Corellia who achieved galactic fame as a member of the Rebel Alliance and l...
Star Wars Music (Extended Version) [NEW UPDATE]
Created by Caldryk
*-BIG UPDATE-* ICONS & MODELS FIX - NEW STAR WARS MOVIE = NEW SONGS HERE In this Addon you can find many music of the Star Wars Universe: - Padme & Anakin Theme (III) - The Chosen One (III) - Cantina Band (IV) - Star Wars Theme (ALL) - Imperial March (IV-V...
Star Wars Music Speakers
Created by DeltaWolf
Play the Music from one of the most well known movies of all time; Star Wars out loud, in client or even on servers. With this mod you can spawn the speaker from the enities menu, in the Star Wars Music section. Press E on the speaker to play the Music. Ho...
Created by Rubat
Hoverboards is a reboot of 2008's quite popular mod for Garry's Mod. It was originally created by Foszor and Jinto. This pack also includes some props for your enjoyment. Usage Information READ! It is a TOOL 'Hoverboards' under 'Robotboy655' category. Pres...
Star Wars Pick-ups
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A set of Star Wars themed ammo, health and armor pick-ups made for the MelonServers Star Wars servers. MelonServers Webpage To use these, one must press the use button (E)...
Star Wars Playermodels
Created by SyntaxError752
A small pack of Star Wars playermodels made for the Refugee Gamers servers. Includes: Anakin (Episode III) Count Dooku Imperial Meleetrooper Imperial Scouttrooper Obi-Wan (Episode III) Plo Koon
STAR WARS R2-D2 and C-3PO Playermodels
Created by Voikanaa R2-D2, pronounced Artoo-Detoo and often referred to as Artoo, was an R2-series astromech droid manufactured by Industrial Automaton pri...
Star Wars Republic Commando Models
Created by Captain Charles
Name: Star Wars Republic Commandos Version: 2 Description: Star Wars Republic Commando ragdolls and playermodels Pack for Garry's mod. Contents: -Clone Commando (white) -Clone Commando 07 -Clone Commando 38 -Clone Commando 40 -Clone Commando 62 -Clone Comm...
Star Wars RP Content 1
Created by Express
Addon fait par John Oakman bien que ce soit moi qui le publie pour des raisons techniques. Cet addon vous sera utile seulement si vous souhaitez rejoindre notre Star Wars RP. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
Star Wars Sentinel Landingcraft
Created by Lord Trilobite
An Imperial Sentinel Class Landingcraft from Star Wars. This vessel was featured in the Special Edition of A New Hope, even though it was only a couple of seconds on screen. Contents: This includes three versions of the ship. Two full sized ones, one with ...
Star Wars Ships Outtakes
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of useable Star Wars ships with working weapons; the ships use an edited copy of the shuttle script. If you make use of these ships on your server, you must give ap...
Star Wars Ships
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of useable Star Wars ships with working weapons; the ships use an edited copy of the shuttle script. If you make use of these ships on your server, you must give ap...
Star Wars Sith Acolyte Playermodel
Created by Jundy
This a Sith playermodel i made for people to use in their servers More will be made :) Compile and Decompile- Grizzle coding- Grizzle Required: Ragdolls from-i hate csgo Feel free to send requ...
Star Wars Troopers
Created by x64 spinbot
Star Wars Troopers ragdolls This is not my models...
Star Wars Weapons
Created by SyntaxError752 Description: A pack of Star Wars weapons with both first person and third person models. This pack contains the following weapons: Bowcaster DC-15A DC-15S DC-15 Side Arm DC-17m Anti-Ar...
Star Wars Weapons (Clone Hands)
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ This addon is outdated. I am certain that this addon conflicts with the 10,000 other Star Wars weapons addons that have been created and added to the Garry's Mod workshop since these were originally released years ago. Stand-alone, th...
STAR WARS: B2 Super Battle Droid
Fully rigged Super Battle Droid from Star Wars. Rigged by me - SilverKnight. This is for our upcoming star wars roleplay - You can check it out at It's a Playermodel. You can make npcs or do whatever. Please give credit to me\HGN for thi...
Starwars - Neo Crusader Mandolorian Soldier
Created by Lord Tyler
★ Asurii Gaming: Clone Wars RP ⁃‣ steam://connect/ We run a unique clone wars server. Our servers are custom coded, and have features that are extremely unique. No other clone wars is taken care of ...
Starwars Jedi Ships
Created by Comp Hesi
These are actual, flyable, sENTs. They are easily maneuverable. The Five Ships are: - LAAT Republic Gunship - ARC-170 Clone Starfighter - Yellow Eta-2 Starfighter (Episode 3) - Red Eta-2 Starfighter (Episode 3) - Delta-7 Jedi Interceptor with Turbines The ...
Starwars models
Created by Keen
some starwars models...
Sith & Jedi Playermodel Pack
Created by Joekr
Note: I Just Want To Let Everyone Know That I did Not Make All The Playermodels In This. Some Were Made By Other People, Which I Will Give Credit Below. This Pack Includes: Darth Vader Anakin Skywalker Obi-Wan Kenobi Yoda Darth Sidious Mace Windu General G...
The Sit Anywhere Script!
Created by Xerasin
This script allows you to sit on nearly every flat ledge or simply on the ground! Just press Alt (or the key you have 'Walk (Move Slowly)' bound to) + e (or the key you have 'Use' bound to) on the place you want to sit. Great for RP servers for that touch ...
[SBS] CGI Clone Wars Playermodels
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ I am proud to present an expansion of the CGI Clone Wars experience in Garry's Mod. These models were commissioned by Star by Star Gaming for thechrist to create. These player models are free for any and all people or servers to use. ...
[SBS] Custom CGI Clone Troopers
Created by [SBS] The Guy
✨ Addon Information ⓘ Important Note: This addon is now outdated. You can find these same models but updated in a brand new addon of mine, found here: Star Wars: The Clone Wars | Phase 1 Clone Troopers This is a custom expansion of my original CGI Clone Tr...
Starship Troopers bug SNPC's
Created by Maxwell
Starship Troopers was released in year 2005 by now dead Strangelite Studios, i always wanted these bugs and some stuff in GMOD, first i made ragdolls but this is not enough for me eventually. So i did it, first SNPC's from this game of my childhood - exclu...
Imperial ShadowGuard
Created by Acrow
This playermodel is from Star Wars and is an Imperial ShadowGuard, feel free to use this model on your server. This model was made for Grealms and will be used on our server. Thanks to the "The Guy", for texturing it! i'm currently learning to make playerm...
Rocket Boots
Created by Whiterabbit
Rocket boots! (No actual boots, just flaming feet) Hold jump to fly using the power of feet. You get pushed 'up' from whichever direction you are facing eg. if you are looking forward you go straight up, if you are looking straight down you would get pushe...
Hit Numbers
Created by ief~☆
Adds damage indicators whenever you hurt something. This is a serverside (or singleplayer) addon. The server must have this addon installed in order to work in multiplayer. Console Commands: Click here for a full list of commands and settings to customize ...
Riot Shield
Created by Jordan
"I can dodge bullets... no?" - Sinavestos Anyway , this is a SWEP that uses the Modern Warfare 2 Model. The shield will stop any bullets from dealing any damage to you. It's great for DarkRP and Trouble in Terrorist Town , or any other game-mode that invol...
Shaak T'I TFU
Created by Acrow
This playermodel is from Star Wars and is Shaak T'i : TFU Version, feel free to use this model on your server as long as you ask. This model was converted into a playermodel for Grealms and will be used on our server.|This model is not mine and if asked to...
Created by RoyalUpdate
The half naked jedi from Star Wars the Force Unleashed. Credits: -Lucas Arts for model -Ryan7259 for porting ...
STAR WARS Alien Playermodels
Created by Jellik
Map is dm_neon INCLUDES: Three Common Star Wars Aliens: - Rodian (Greedo) - Weequay (Hondo) - Tusken Raider (Sand Person) These models are very well made and HD, however I did not originally create them. Modeling and texturing credits go to the creators of...
Clone Troopers - Phase 2
Created by dhkatz
A new pack for all future Phase 2 models that I release. Want to separate it from my community name so that everyone can use them without any distrust. These are NOT all lore based. Clonewars content mainly meant for any Clonewars servers. Use it how you p...
STAR WARS Darth Vader Playermodel
Created by Voikanaa Once a heroic Jedi Knight, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force, became a Sith Lord, and led the Empire’s eradication ...
Created by Lord Trilobite
Rp Kashyyyk Jungle Beta 2 The jungle on Kashyyyk from Star Wars. Featuring a Wookiee village taken over by the Empire. Role Play _____________________ Recomended Players 1 to 32 ~ REQUIREMENT WARNING! ~ This map requires Counter Strike: Source and Half Lif...
CGI clone troopers Playermodels
Created by thechrist
Yes, This are the clone troopers from the clone wars show. The Screenshots were made by ღ❤Ayumu-Chan❤ღ my friend Phase 2 has finally been added. Sorry it took a decade to update the addon, but I had no internet for a month, so yea. Expect phase 2 versions ...
Created by Lord Trilobite
Rp Tatooine Dune Sea version 2 The Dune Sea from Star Wars. Role Play _____________________ Credits Map made by: Olof Moleman AKA Lord Trilobite Custom textures by Lord Trilobite Custom models by Lord Trilobite and KingPommes Please do not make any edits o...
Savage Opress Playermodel/NPCs
Created by Spartan Revenant
Description edited 11/27/17 Made for Vanguard Nation StarWarsRP ip: But can be used on any server :P. This is the first playermodel I have made. I decided to make Savage Opress from star wars because I have not seen anyone make him anywhere y...
Sanctum 2 Weapons
Created by zodiacaca
Instructions: E(Use) + RClick - Turn On / Off Flashlighs -Assault Rifle- E(Use) + LClick - Quick Grenade Launch E(Use) + R - Auto / Semi -SMG- E(Use) + LClick - Quick Ignite E(Use) + R - Auto / Igniter -Tesla Rifle- Keep shooting enemy in the face, has a r...
Clonewars Content 2
Created by dhkatz
Clonewars content you can use yourself but don't complain if everything is not 100% perfect. Check out the community here: Want to see what we're working on? Visit our Trello board here. Contents: Playermodels: ARC Sergeant 18...
Starkiller Sith Stalker Armor Playermodel
Created by |⁧⁧Riddick
For those of you who need this! Made for: Undead Servers I'm not claiming this as my own work, full credit goes to LucasArts, Aspyr, Krome Studios, THQ, Universomo, n-Space and MrSheep for porting the model to the Source engine....