Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

666 ratings
Emergency Light Changer
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7.168 KB
20 Nov, 2015 @ 5:07pm
10 Jun, 2016 @ 8:51am
2 Change Notes ( view )

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Emergency Light Changer

This mod changes the color of the emergency vehicle lights. You can choose one of the preset in the options menu of the mod:
  • The 'American' preset changes the lights of all fire trucks to red-blue (selected by default).
  • The 'European' preset changes the light color of all emergency vehicles to blue-blue.

You can change the preset "live" in the game.

The mod changes the light color of all emergency vehicles, that means also custom ones from the workshop.

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Chamëleon TBN 3 Sep, 2022 @ 9:46am 

Use instead:
Emergency Lights Manager

Use Compatibility Report to check your actual subscriptions and find information about updates and possible conflicts.
Nutronic 11 May, 2022 @ 6:00am 
Is this working with the current version of the game? v1.14.1-f2
cheengus 3 Oct, 2021 @ 10:28pm 
Hey just like Oregon fire trucks (they run red and blue). I'll try this with the Pierce mod.
The Doot Slayer 17 Feb, 2021 @ 4:45pm 
Any chance to add a prop version of emergency lights? Would be great for detailing :)
DrunkBastard 25 Sep, 2020 @ 12:50am 
MAGENTA CRIMSON PINK PURPLE coloured L.E.D. lights are restricted to Special Law Enforcement agencies only including but not limited to Heavy-Vehicles, Fisheries and Local Rangers. Members of the public are not allowed to use this colour on public roads. In the USA, MAGENTA coloured lights are often used for funeral procession vehicles.

WHITE CLEAR coloured L.E.D. lights are often used in conjunction with other colours as WHITE by definition offers no distinct colour for identification. WHITE lights provide a very powerful effect when used in combination with other colours. Traditionally, it is recommended that WHITE colours only be used for front facing applications only and definitely not for rear facing.
DrunkBastard 25 Sep, 2020 @ 12:49am 
GREEN coloured L.E.D. lights have a different definition across Australia. Whilst it is primarily used to identify incident command vehicles for Police, Fire and Ambulance services whilst on scene, Amber & Green combination lights are also used in Queensland for authorised Animal & Fire Management vehicles. The private construction and works sector have also begun a new safety identification initiative for machinery, tractors and diggers to feature dual colour AMBER + GREEN coloured lights as the machinery is safe for others to approach when the GREEN coloured light is flashing.
DrunkBastard 25 Sep, 2020 @ 12:49am 
AMBER YELLOW ORANGE coloured L.E.D. lights are the most widely used warning colour available and deployed in Australia. By definition, a vehicle with an AMBER coloured warning light signifies that it is operating in a hazardous environment cautioning other road users that are around or approaching that vehicle to slow down and manoeuvre cautiously paying extra attention in case of a hazard or obstruction to the standard free flow of traffic. AMBER warning lights are not to be used when there is no hazard and this colour does not give the vehicle any right of way or emergency response status on public roads.

DrunkBastard 25 Sep, 2020 @ 12:48am 
BLUE coloured L.E.D. lights are highly restricted to Emergency Vehicles only. Whilst in Australia, most emergency service vehicles operate both RED + BLUE colours together, some law enforcement police agencies have begun trials into all BLUE only coloured L.E.D. light configurations for easier identification. Traditionally, BLUE is very much a representation of a vehicle that is operated by and for Law Enforcement & Policing duties such as Highway Patrol. General members of the public are not permitted to operate BLUE coloured warning lights legally in Australia.

RED coloured L.E.D. lights are restricted to Emergency Response Vehicles only. Whilst some exceptions have been allowed for secondary tier medical, fire and volunteer vehicles, RED coloured lights usually represent danger, warning and keep away. Often used in conjunction with BLUE, most emergency vehicles in Australia utilise this combination to safely respond on public roads.

DrunkBastard 25 Sep, 2020 @ 12:46am 
Whilst some colours are restricted for authorised vehicles only, the 6 official colours are:

1. AMBER also known as Yellow or Orange
4. MAGENTA also known as Crimson, Purple or Pink
5. RED
6. WHITE also known as Clear
TehF0cus 28 Mar, 2020 @ 5:32pm 
here in germany everything is blue except service vehicles like tow trucks, they use yellow. So this mod is pretty much a must have