

174 ratings
Crop Example
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340.221 KB
26 Sep, 2014 @ 9:12am
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Crop Example

This is an exampe mod from the Banished Toolkit. This mod adds lettuce to crop fields, and lettuce seeds to the trader. The source data to this mod can be found in the mod kit at
樱桃老丸子 5 Oct, 2021 @ 8:10pm 
hipsu 1 May, 2018 @ 9:14pm 
Sadly bugged for me, crops are not visible, just the shades of them
Waldkatze_P210 6 Jun, 2015 @ 7:25am 
thanks i need this nice uppdates
Crystal Rose 28 Feb, 2015 @ 8:13pm 
Very much needed! Well done. Thank-you so much.
Lykere 27 Nov, 2014 @ 6:11pm 
The mod worked as well as the other crops available in the original game. I would just like to comment that maybe the brightness of the colors of the crop and the icon in the warehouse or market be reduced. It's almost so bright that it hurts the eyes.
Opalescent Opal 5 Nov, 2014 @ 3:44am 
@Freeasabird: I compared both mods' files. They're exactly the same. It's nearly impossible to create a keylogger or trojan in a mod, at least in Banished since it loads mods as script data, basically.
Freeasabird🕊 10 Oct, 2014 @ 4:39am 
This other ... Guy, Chick idk ( kitorio-yuko ) copied this mod. It was on the same line even, so it was blatantly obvious. The basterd even copied the description. >:( Pfft
Geeze this is happening a lot EH? I hear some ... "Delightful" people (that should go fall in a ditch >:C ) are deliberately copying mods and adding Keyloggers and Trojan and the like to em. So its basically a game of Russian Roulette with the workshop until steam or the dev fixes this or something :/
Lucis 27 Sep, 2014 @ 10:16am 
Oh man I've been thinking about a Bakery for a while now. Would make sense because there's wheat in the game. And there could be different types of food that could be produced... Like some cakes and stuff that would require wheat and berries (and milk but that only comes with a mod) or apple pie and stuff... That'd be great.
Lenkdrache 26 Sep, 2014 @ 12:07pm 
More crops, and more types of manufacturing (how about a baker please) always make me a happy player :) Micromanagement FTW
Daniel Mtanous - USA - INACTIVE 26 Sep, 2014 @ 10:54am 
Yes Please!