Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

27 ratings
A Beginner's Guide to CD
By lilill
Explain "Basic Knowledge and How to Fight" on CD Servers
KF2 Version: 1150

To briefly explain the CD, it is a MOD that adjusts the difficulty level of the game. The purpose of the guide is to first learn "basic knowledge" about the CD. From the beginning, you can smoothly participate in the CD server by reading "-4.4.1) Rough indication to Adjust the difficulty level" in the table of contents. If you have a word you don't understand, look at "2) Glossary" in the table of contents.

It's an unspoken rule
KF2 has some unfriendly explanations, and beginners and intermediate players sometimes play without knowing the game specifications. If you have been kicked out of a server on a high difficulty level without knowing why, it is likely that you were playing without knowing the "unspoken rules" that are common knowledge among skilled players.

Please read even just "6.1) Elementary level - You have to know" in the table of contents. If you keep this in mind while playing, the other players will be nice to you.

Thank you and Notification
The sites and guides I referred to are listed at the end of this page. You may not need this guide of mine if you watch at "9) Referenced sites and guides". I learned a lot in making the guide. thank you very much.

I apologize for my poor English. This guide is complete. If a better method is found, it will be added or modified.

The Japanese version of this guide
1) What's a high difficulty server?
In this guide, a high difficulty server is "a server where only Precision perks are available that have been adjusted to a difficulty level harder than the official highest difficulty 'Hell on Earth' using mods". A mod called CD is often used.

About other than Precision perks
Berserker, Demolitionist, Firebug, and Survivalist are often not available on high difficulty servers, so this guide will not discuss these perks.

ㅤ1.1) What's CD?
CD stands for Controlled Difficulty. This mod adjusts the difficulty of the game. Difficulty can be made easy, but it is generally used to make it harder than HoE. There are servers with fixed settings and servers that allow players to freely set and adjust the difficulty level.

If you want to know more about it, you can find it here.

There are several types of CDs. The following three are commonly used. When practicing in Precision perks, the Combined Edition is recommended.

2) Glossary
  • HoE = Hell on Earth

  • Medic = Field Medic
  • GS = Gunslinger
  • SS = Sharp Shooter

  • SC = Scrake
  • FP = Fleshpound
  • QP = Quarter-Pound

  • Large ZEDs = SC, FP, QP
  • Elite Variants = Rioter, Elite Crawler, Gorefiend
  • Medium ZEDs = Husk, Bloat, Siren, E.D.A.R
  • Small ZEDs = Cyst, Alpha Clot, Slasher, Stalker, Crawler, Gorefast

  • Precision perks = Commando, Support, Gunslinger, Sharp Shooter, SWAT
  • a high difficulty server = In this guide, it stands for "a server where only Precision perks are available that have been adjusted to a difficulty level harder than the official highest difficulty 'Hell on Earth' using mods".
  • 6PHP = The enemy's HP value changes depending on the number of players. This stands for "6 Players' HP", meaning that the mod sets the enemy HP to 6 players' HP.

  • Zed-Time = It is the time when the screen is monochrome and the movement is slow motion.
  • Enraged or RAGE = SC and FP move slowly when docile, and sprint when enraged. If you deal a certain amount of damage, it will be "enraged". Enraged FP will calm down as soon as it land a hit.
  • Buff = It is an effect that enhances status.

  • Camping spot = It is good spots to fight.
  • Kiting = It refers to keeping an enemy chasing you while also keeping it at a range where it cannot attack you.
3) Rough indication to join a CD server
If you get used to the vanilla HoE difficulty by using the precision perk, you can participate. Maybe there will be a case of total annihilation because of you, but no problem! It's good to get used to the higher difficulty levels little by little.

If you don't know how you can beat Large ZEDs.
Please search "Killing Floor 2 Takedowns" on YouTube or a Website. Some content may be out of date, but I think you can figure out how to do it.

If you don't know whether you can beat Large ZEDs.
Let's practice on the SomeTestMap_v3. You must set the enemy's HP to 6 players HP. Take one look at "7) The number of bullets required for taking down Large ZEDs" in the table of contents. The goal should be "Stably kill within 1.5 times the required number of bullets for SC and within 2 times for FP". Once the goal is achieved, the minimum preparations for fighting on a high-difficulty server are complete.

If you have any questions while playing.
Let's ask in chat. There are many players who will answer if you ask a question, so feel free to ask questions.

4) When joining a CD server
ㅤ4.1) Advance preparation
The game may crash if you do not change the settings in "KFEngine.ini". Always make a backup before editing the ini file.

  1. In order to fix it, look for "KFEngine.ini". It's usually here.
    C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Games\KillingFloor2\KFGame\Config
  2. Open "KFEngine.ini" and Use "Ctr + F" to look for this.
    MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC=179220 SizeOfPermanentObjectPool=179220
  3. Change each to the following values and Save. That's all.
    MaxObjectsNotConsideredByGC=33476 SizeOfPermanentObjectPool=0

ㅤ4.2) How to find a CD server
If there is a left mark in front of the server name on the server browser screen, it is often a high difficulty server.

After joining, please read the explanation of the server displayed on the screen. Each server has different rules.

ㅤ4.3) Chat commands - Basic

When joining a CD server, enter a command in the chat to use a function. During trader time, type "!ot" in the chat to open the trader screen to buy weapons. When you are ready, type "!cdr". When everyone's "!cdr" is completed, the trade time countdown will proceed.

An easy to understand guide to the chat commands is here.
Commonly used basic the chat commands.

View the current settings of the CD.
Open Trader
Open trader menu
declare ready
Cancel declare ready
Pause Trader
Pause trader time
Unpause Trader
Unpause trader time

Chat commands available on servers using the Combined Edition.

Restrict Perk & Weapon Info
View Restricted Perks, Levels, Skills and Weapons
You can open the menu and set the function. You can prevent others from picking up your weapons, etc.
Spawn Cycle Analyse
View detailed analysis of Spawn Cycle
The following parameters can be specified (CycleName / Wave / WSF)
Example of use: "!cdsca ts_mig_v2 wave10 wsf12"
Parameters can be in any order. If there is no input, the analysis is performed with the current settings.
Fill Spares
Fill ammo for all your dropped weapons.
!cdfs fal
Fill Spares FAL
Fill ammo for all dropped Fal. (for Commando)
Map Vote
Open map voting menu

Let's bind commonly used chat commands.
Here's my example. It will be used many times, so it will be easier if you bind it.
  • !ot: F8
  • !cdr: PageUp
  • !cdur: PageDown
  • !cdfs: F7
  • !cdfs fal: O

Example of setting by console command
Setbind F8 "say !ot"

Here is a recommended method for SETBIND.
ㅤ4.4) Chat commands - Adjust the difficulty level
On a CD server where the difficulty is freely adjustable by the player, someone has to set the difficulty by the chat commands. It's okay if you don't know at first because someone who is used to it will set it up for you. If you know how to set up the difficulty, you will be able to play alone while waiting for people. When you enter the server, let's check first the current settings by using "!cdinfo".

Chat commands available on the server that allow players to set the difficulty level.
It can be set by entering a specified value or numerical value after opening a space after the command.
Example of use: "!cdsc albino_heavy" "!cdmm 32" "!cdwsf 12"

This determines whether the number of players is added to fake player values. "add_with_humans" counts the number of players + fake player values. "ignore_human" counts only fake player values. It is common to set with "ignore_humans".
Boss HP setting (set by fake player values)
All HP setting except Boss (set by fake player values)
Set presets for ZED's spawn order. (default: unmodded)
Maximum number of monsters on the map. (1P 12, 2P 24, 3P~ 32)
Total number of enemies in the wave (set by fake player values)
The max number of Zeds to spawn simultaneously. (default: 4)
A value related to the speed to spawn. (default: 1, HoE: 0.75, fastest: 0)
Spawn interval [default: 1, fastest: 0.1 (sec)]

An easy to understand explanation is here.

SpawnCycle (!cdsc)
This will set the pre-arranged things to determine how the enemy spawns.

Although it is Japanese, this site and video are easy to understand.

ㅤ- 4.4.1) Rough indication to Adjust the difficulty level
Items that greatly affect the degree of difficulty are AllHPFake, SpawnCycle, MaxMonsters, WaveSizeFakes. Items used to fine-tune the difficulty level are CohortSize, SpawnMod, SpawnPoll.

It has two items that basically don't change settings. They are AllHPFake and SpawnMod. AllHPFake is set to "!cdahpf 6" and SpawnMod to "!cdsm 0".

SpawnCycle (!cdsc)

Large ZEDs at last wave
SpawnCycle (it gets harder the further left it go)
(asp_v3) / ts_mig_v3 / dtf_pm_plus_fx / (asp_v2) / doom_v2_plus_rmk / ts_mig_v2
nt_v2 / (ebr_hh_v1) / osffi_v1 / (dtf_pm) / ts_mig_v1 / bl_v2 / *doom_v1 / *asl_v3
*asl_v1 / *nam_pro_v5_plus / *nam_pro_v5 / nam_pro_v3
unmodded / albino_heavy / basic_heavy

It is SpawnCycle often used. SpawnCycles marked with an asterisk appear QP. Parenthesized SpawnCycles are only implemented in the Combined Edition. Please remove the brackets and asterisks when setting with "!cdsc".

Recommended SpawnCycle
  • Advanced: (asp_v3) / ts_mig_v3 / dtf_pm_plus_fx / (asp_v2) / doom_v2_plus_rmk
  • Intermediate: nt_v2 / (ebr_hh_v1) / osffi_v1 / (dtf_pm) / bl_v2 / bl_light
  • Elementary: *nam_pro_v5 / nam_pro_v3
Recommended for those who have just joined the CD server is nam_pro_v5. Compared to vanilla HoE, it may seem difficult. If it's too difficult, use nam_pro_v3. For those familiar with CD servers, bl_v2 is recommended. If there are only very well players, let's try Advanced recommendation.

MaxMonsters (!cdmm)

Number of people
MaxMonsters (If you have a Medic)
46 (48)
38 (40)
30 (32)

The value of MaxMonsters at 6 players is often 48-56. Up to 64 are relatively common. Appropriate MaxMonsters will change depending on the map.

WaveSizeFakes (!cdwsf)
Twice the number of players is common. Set with "!cdwsf 12" when there are 6 players.

CohortSize (!cdcs)
"!cdcs 7" is common. I don't know why it's odd number. 4 or 12 is a good way to fine-tune the difficulty level.

SpawnPoll (!cdsp)
"!cdsp 1" and "!cdsp 0.7" is common. For now, set it to 1 and set it to 0.7 if you want to make it a little more difficult.

5) How to practice individually with a CD
It use Controlled Difficulty - Combined Edition and KF-Corridor.

Here is why use KF-Corridor.
You can practice on the official map, but if you run away and spend some time circling the map, you can clear it with a high difficulty setting. It's not good. If you use KF-Corridor, there is a limit to what you can escape. You will clearly see which difficulty level you can clear.

ㅤ5.1) How to start a solo game with the CD
  1. Subscribe to Controlled Difficulty - Combined Edition and KF-Corridor.
  2. Start KF2. If KF2 was running when you subscribed, then restart KF2.
  3. Open the console. On US-style keyboards, the backtick/tilde key (` or ~) opens the console.
  4. Type or paste this line into the console.
    Open KF-Corridor?Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival?Difficulty=3?GameLength=0

The "KF-Corridor" section is the map. The "Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival" section is a setup using the Combined Edition. Difficulty is 0 for Normal, 1 for Hard, 2 for Suicidal, and 3 for HoE. GameLength is 0 for Short, 1 for Medium, and 2 for Long. The command options can be set by connecting them with "? " to set the command line.

An easy to understand guide to The command options (Combined Edition) is here.
AllHPFake is not available on the command line. Type in chat like "!cdahpf 6" to set it up.

ㅤ5.2) Target practice level
Your immediate goal is to clear the practice level "2. Elementary level" as explained in the table of contents starting from "5.2.1". If you can clear this level, you will be able to barely keep up with the higher difficulty servers. Elementary level on a high difficulty server does not mean easy. Don't be discouraged if you can't clear it. Let's try "1. Basic level" first.

ㅤ- 5.2.1) Practice Levels in SS and GS
Before you begin, type "!cdahpf 6" in chat to set it up.
  1. Basic level: A little more difficult than HoE.
    Open KF-Corridor?Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival?Difficulty=3?GameLength=0?MaxMonsters=10?CohortSize=4?WaveSizeFakes=2?SpawnMod=0?SpawnPoll=1?SpawnCycle=unmodded
  2. Elementary level
    Open KF-Corridor?Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival?Difficulty=3?GameLength=0?MaxMonsters=8?CohortSize=4?WaveSizeFakes=2?SpawnMod=0?SpawnPoll=1?SpawnCycle=nam_pro_v3
  3. Lower intermediate level
    Open KF-Corridor?Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival?Difficulty=3?GameLength=0?MaxMonsters=10?CohortSize=4?WaveSizeFakes=2?SpawnMod=0?SpawnPoll=1?SpawnCycle=nam_pro_v5

ㅤ- 5.2.2) Practice Levels in Commando
Before you begin, type "!cdahpf 1" in chat to set it up. The purpose of this practice is to learn to kill small and Medium ZEDs quickly. The goal is to "consistently extend Zed-Time by at least 10 seconds" at each level.
  1. Basic level: A little more difficult than HoE.
    Open KF-Corridor?Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival?Difficulty=3?GameLength=0?MaxMonsters=16?CohortSize=4?WaveSizeFakes=2?SpawnMod=0?SpawnPoll=1?SpawnCycle=albino_heavy
  2. Elementary level
    Open KF-Corridor?Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival?Difficulty=3?GameLength=0?MaxMonsters=22?CohortSize=4?WaveSizeFakes=2?SpawnMod=0?SpawnPoll=1?SpawnCycle=albino_heavy
  3. Lower intermediate level
    Open KF-Corridor?Game=CombinedCD2.CD_Survival?Difficulty=3?GameLength=0?MaxMonsters=28?CohortSize=4?WaveSizeFakes=2?SpawnMod=0?SpawnPoll=1?SpawnCycle=albino_heavy

6) How to fight well
When you join a high-difficulty server, Please have a look through "6.1) Elementary level" in The table of contents. "6.2) Intermediate level" is OK if you can gradually learn while playing. If possible, try to "6.3) Advanced level".

ㅤ6.1) Elementary level - You have to know
If you ignore what is written here, you may get kicked from the server.

The Commando's ability to extend Zed-Time.
The Commando extends ZED-Time for 3 seconds each time he kill a ZED. Max 6 times! The first one can be extended with any perk. Therefore, the actual number of extensions is 5 times. If the torso remains, you can't extend. You can extend Zed-Time it by killing the torso. Note that the extended time does not add up. If you have killed 6 ZEDs at once, the time is 3 seconds from the last time you killed them.

When you stay the same position with the Commando.
If you take out the enemies for extension that the commando is targeting, it will be difficult to extend. You should shoot Large ZEDs and Bloat during Zed-Time. Husk depends on the situation, if there are too few enemies for extension, do not defeat them. If there are too many enemies and you want to reduce them, kill 1-2 ZED within 1 second immediately after the Commando extends Zed-Time.

Please note that on high-difficulty servers, the act of interfering with the commando's extension is disliked. This is the main reason someone get kicked.

2nd Commando is NG!
Even if there are two commandos, the maximum number of times that can be extended is 6 times. The extension time is 3 seconds from the last time you killed within the number of extensions possible without accumulating. ZED-Time ends rather quickly with two Commandos.

Don't sell other people's weapons.
Ammunition is not enough with only the weapons you have on high difficulty servers. Buy a spare weapon and put it on the ground. If you sell it, it will cause annihilation. If you pick up a weapon that someone drops when he is defeated, it's a good idea to return it. The act of selling someone else's weapons is one of the main reasons for being kicked.

Don’t anger multiple SCs and FPs.
Basic is 1vs1. Throwing a grenade with damage in a place with a lot of SC and FP will cause annihilation. You should be careful.

If a Enraged FP hits an ally, you wait and see a little.
If you are not used to a high difficulty server, try to wait a second after a crazy FP hits an ally. The reason is that the SS may be throwing freeze grenades when the FP stops going crazy, or he may be hit by the FP on purpose to reload once. If you rush and shoot the FP, the FP will get angry again before the ally can get ready, and the ally will be defeated.

Don't block the view of allies.
The act of standing in front of the player and shooting while moving left and right will be an obstacle for other players. You should try to stop and shoot as much as possible.

Position of each perk
It's in Japanese, but please read the KF2 CD japanese wiki's map-specific strategy[]. This is very excellent. The main maps are covered. It is also very informative as it explains how to move in each position.

Skills that increase ammo.
Some perks have skills that increase ammo or magazine capacity. Change to a skill that increases ammo during trader time, increase ammo and magazine capacity, and then drop the weapon. Pick up the weapon after switching skills to the other side. You can maintain increased ammo with the other side skill. Please be careful, If you take an ammo box in this state, the increase is reset.

ㅤ6.2) Intermediate level
Reload speed.
There are three reload types.
  1. Constant reload speed
  2. Reloads faster after firing all bullets
  3. Reloads faster if there is ammo left in the magazine
Tommy Gun is probably the only one that belongs to 3. It depends on the situation, but basically it's a good idea to reload after firing all the bullets.

Discarded shot (I named it temporarily)
If you are using a gun that reloads faster when the magazine is empty, such as a dual AF, it may be faster to reload after using the remaining ammunition than to reload when the remaining ammunition is low.

Reload motion cancel.
There are two general methods of reload motion cancel.
  • 1st: Standard reload motion cancel
    1. Pressing the reload key starts the reload motion.
    2. When the magazine is full, reloading is complete. (Reload motion continues)
    3. Bash to cancel reload motion. (Bash motion begins)
    4. Bash motion is canceled by shooting. You shoots faster than usual.

  • 2nd: Fastest reload motion cancel
    1. Pressing the reload key starts the reload motion.
    2. Hold down the left mouse button. (Reload motion continues)
    3. When the magazine is full, reloading is complete. (Reload motion continues)
    4. Press the bash key briefly for the fastest shot.
If you're not used to it, look closely at the yellow circles in the image and bash when they increase in number. You will gradually learn which motion timing to cancel. In some cases, the timing can be determined by sound.

I used this guide as a reference for 2nd reload motion cancel.
Check your surroundings while reloading
The spawn of large enemies can be unbalanced, so you can be the first to notice a pinch at such times.

When the bash hits the enemy, it cancels the enemy's action. An example of use is when a Siren is emitting sound waves at close range in a situation where there are no bullets without reloading, use the bash to stop the sound waves. Some actions cannot be cancelled. Husk's self-destruct and FP's swing and strike attacks cannot be canceled.

Some enemies can be killed with a single blow if the bash is applied to the head. They are Cyst, Alpha Clot, Slasher, Crawler, and Elite Crawler.

The bash is also a very useful defensive tool. If the enemy is close, use it aggressively. Examples of use are when you are surrounded by enemies and have nowhere to run, or when you want to pass by an enemy. Also, if you are hit by an Enraged FP, you can use bash immediately to prevent the FP from pursuing you.

Stomping on an enemy causes a knockdown condition.
An example of use is when you want to buy time to reload when approached by a Crawler.

Money Management.
Money management in the early stages can be sometimes severe. If the Commando makes too much money in Wave 1, the SS may not be able to buy weapons in Wave 2 and may be wiped out. If you earn too much, check the money situation on the scoreboard and give it to someone who has less!

When you stay the same position with the Commando.
Avoid killing too many enemies the moment you see them. if you leave the enemies, the Commando can easily respond to Zed-Time.

Difference between SC and FP hitboxes.
Click on the image on the right for a larger image. The head shape is long in SC and round in FP. SC has a hitbox that extends below the chin, making it easier to hit the head. FP is a hitbox with an area extremely close to the head. If the FP goes crazy and comes at you while guarding your lower face with its arms (bottom right of the image), you should aim at your forehead.

ㅤ6.3) Advanced level
Techniques related to action of dropping a weapon.
  • Dropping a weapon allows you to instantly switch to a different weapon.
  • Drop your weapon, then pick up the gun on the ground and shoot it.
These two methods are very useful. Please use properly depending on the situation.

Give the Commando a ZED for Zed-Time extension.
Remember the number of bullets that will reduce the HP of the bloat or SC.

When a dying ally is about to be hit by a Enraged FP
Only if it is safe for the FP to hit you, get between a dying ally and the FP and take on the FP's target.
  • Example (My Clip - YouTube)
    There was a possibility that an ally would die if he was hit by a QP and his strength was reduced and hit by a Enraged FP, so I got between the FP and the ally and took the attack.

How to avoid skipping the FP's rage motion.
Sometimes when a FP is nearby, the rage motion is skipped and you get hit. If you bash and cancel the FP's attack, the FP will perform the rage motion as usual. Thanks to Simple Rabbit's video, i know it.
FP Juke.
You pass by a Enraged FP, and you go around the FP. The FP lose sight of you. Tamari's video is helpful.

Example of use (by Keetoxxx)

Corner Kiting
Wait near the corner so that the enemy can see you, and when the enemy attack motion occurs, hide behind the corner so that the enemy will be caught by the wall.

7) The number of bullets required for taking down Large ZEDs
Skill selection is written like "RLLLL". R is right, L is left. It set up in numerical level order. "RLLLL" means Lv.5 Right skill, Lv.10 Left skill, Lv.15 Left skill, Lv.20 Left skill, Lv.25 Left skill.

The number in parentheses after the weapon name indicates the number of upgrades.

The "- w/ Buff" entry in the table is the number of bullets required for taking down Large ZEDs with the damage increased by 20% by the medic's buff. This will show the importance of the medic's buff. The number of bullets required overtly changes.

Commando | Skill: RLLLR

Magazine capacity
SC w/ Buff
FP w/ Buff
FAL (+1)
SCAR (+1)

Sharp Shooter | Skill: RLLLR
"Rack'em Up" were examined with the maximum of 5 stacks. For items that require less ammunition when shot with ADS, the number is marked with an asterisk. For those without an asterisk, the number of bullets required does not change even if ADS is used.

Magazine capacity
SC w/ Buff
FP w/ Buff
8, *7
7, *6
6, *5
SPX (+2)
8, *7
M14 (+1)
12, *11
10, *9
11, *10
15, *14
9, *8
13, *12
FAL (+1)
8, *7

Gunslinger | Skill: RLRLR
"Rack'em Up" were examined with the maximum of 5 stacks.

Magazine capacity
SC w/ Buff
FP w/ Buff
SPX (+2)
DE (+1)

8) Perks
The SS that can do anything dexterously, the GS that can defeat large enemies, the Commando expected to perform well, and an important unsung The Medic. The Support and the Swat aren't bad, but It's better not to pick them when you are a beginner, because they don't deal as well against large enemies as the SS and the GS.

About other than Precision perks
Berserker, Demolitionist, Firebug, and Survivalist are often not available on high difficulty servers, so this guide will not discuss these perks.

ㅤ8.1) Ideal team composition
  • 2 SS + 2 GS + 1 Commando + 1 Medic
Make it easier for the SS headshots to generate Zed-Time, the Commando extends Zed-Time, and the GS annihilates Large ZEDs with the effect of Fan Fire skill during Zed-Time.

ㅤ8.2) Appropriate positioning
  • When divide into two groups
    1. The commando goes to the place with the most enemies. The SS and the GS go there.
    2. There are The SS and the GS on the other side.

  • When divide into three groups
    1. First the Commando and the SS go to the place with the most enemies or the next.
    2. The SS and the GS go to the other place.
    3. The GS goes alone to a place with relatively few enemies.

Why Commando and SS team up when divide into three groups
  • Because I want GS to go to Sololane.
  • When there are few enemies for extension during ZED-Time, it is good to be able to keep SC in its place as an enemy for extension with the SS's ability to stun.
  • Those grenades are a good match. It is strong because when you freeze them with the SS freeze grenade, you can take them all down at once with the commando grenade.

Why GS is going to Sololane
Even if you are pushed back, you may be able to recover during ZED-Time because of the effect of the skill Fan Fire. It is also good to be able to freely go to a position where it is easy to aim using the speed of your feet without worrying about the line of fire of other allies.

ㅤ- 8.2.1) Position of each perk
I introduced this before at "6.1) Elementary level", but I will write it again. It's in Japanese, but please read the KF2 CD japanese wiki's map-specific strategy[]. This is very excellent. The main maps are covered. It is also very informative as it explains how to move in each position.

ㅤ8.4) Commando

The Commando's primary role is to stably extend Zed-Time. Even good players fail to extend Zed-Time unexpectedly, so do not worry if you fail to do so continuously. Let's try! You will mainly be killing small and medium ZEDs on a CD server.

  • Standard: RLLLR
This is a skill structure that ensures magazine capacity and damage increase. Under the effect of the Lv.10 left skill, a right-click attack of the knife on the head of the Rioter can kill it with a single blow.

Left Skill
Right Skill
Tactical Reload
Increase reload speed with perk weapons.
🔴High Capacity Mags
Increase magazine capacity of perk weapons 50%.
Increase damage with your 9mm pistol and knife 85%, and increase weapon switching speed 50%.
Impact Rounds
Increase stumble power for perk weapons 150%.
Increase total Health and Armor 25%.
Carry up to 20% more ammo for each perk weapon.
🔴Hollow Point Rounds
Increase damage of perk weapons 30%.
Eat Lead
Increase magazine capacity of perk weapons 100%.
Zed-Time - Tactician
During ZED Time, you reload perk weapons at full speed and switch perk weapons twice as fast.
🔴Zed-Time - Machine Gunner
During ZED Time, you do 3% more damage with perk weapons and shoot 3x faster with all guns.

  1. Standard: 401, FAL
  2. Optional: SCAR, FAL (+1)
The Commando is expected to play a role as a sub-healer, so 1st loadout that has 401 that can heal allies is often used. 401 is used against Small, Medium ZEDs and SCs. FAL is used against Large ZEDs. 2nd loadout is good if you don't like 401 or if you kill Large ZEDs frequently.

How to fight
The Commando's role is to kill Small and Medium ZEDs. Basically, the position should be slightly behind the the GS or the SS. Having large enemies head towards the GS or the SS makes it easier for allies to kill them. Prioritize killing enemies approaching the GS and the SS.

Basically, you should aim for the closest enemy. It's very nice to be able to kill a Husk depending on the situation. The best time to help kill a Large ZED is when there is a large nearby and when allies start shooting. If there is a ZED in front of a Large ZED, give priority to that. Don't forget that the Commando's main role is to kill Small and Medium ZEDs so that allies can focus on a Large ZED.

Grenade with a maximum damage of 300. The timing of use should be mainly during the Zed-Time cooldime, which is 7 seconds. If the grenade is thrown more than 7 seconds after the Zed-Time ends, if the Zed-Time is covered by the onset of the Zed-Time, the motion of throwing the grenade will make it impossible to extend the Zed-Time. And even if you could throw it, the explosion of the grenade would take out the enemy all at once and Zed-Time would end immediately.

It is good to throw when there are many ZEDs or against a group of QPs. Reloading your weapon after throwing will save you time. Don't throw to SC or FP groups. If you make multiple SCs and FPs go mad, you can't keep up with the processing. If there are many small ZEDs around a SC, it is OK to throw it and bring it to 1vs1 with a SC.

Zed-Time extension
The ZED-Time extension can be extended up to six times, but since anyone can extend the first one, the number of times a commando can actually extend is often five. A special sound can be used to determine if the extension has been made. Also, if the medic is choosing the left skill at lv.25, he will release gas at each extension, which can be judged by that.

Make it a habit to check how many rounds are in the magazine when it is ZED-Time. Have ammo in unused weapons. It is possible to switch weapons and react even if there is no ammo in the magazine during ZED-Time. First of all, the goal is to extend Zed-Time in the maximum time. If the weapon-switching motion prevents the extension from being completed in time, you can immediately switch to another weapon by dropping the weapon. If you are not used to it, you should do an extension every 2 seconds.

It is a preference whether to aim for the enemy's head or torso for a kill during Zed-Time. With the head, you can save bullets, and with the torso, it is easy to extend the Zed-Time even if you miss the first shot.

Sometimes it's better not to shoot the Rioter. The SS and the GS can kill it in one shot. If they are going to kill it first, you should leave it to them.

ㅤ8.5) Sharp Shooter
The role of the Sharpshooter is to kill medium and large ZEDs, and headshots to generate Zed-Time. You are expected to use Freeze Grenade effectively, but you should first use Freeze Grenade aggressively. You can throw it "when a FP and one or more Large ZEDs come together in a tight group".

  1. Standard: RLLLR
  2. Optional: Lv5 and either or both Lv25 skills to the left.
The 1st skill structure can generate Zed-Time at a high frequency thanks to the Lv5 right effect "Increase shooting speed by 25% when using perk weapons." and the Lv25 skill effect "head shots with perk weapons have a 5% chance to trigger ZED Time". Zed-Time has a coold time of 7 seconds from the last end.

Left Skill
Right Skill
Increase damage 25% while stationary and using perk weapons.
Increase shooting speed by 25% and movement speed by 10% when using perk weapons.
Increase damage 30%, movement speed 50%, and reload speed 20% while crouching and using a perk weapon.
Ballistic Shock
Increase stun power of perk weapons 100%.
🔴Rack'em Up
Each consecutive headshot with a perk weapon increases damage 10%, up to a maximum of 50%.
Combat Ready
Increase reload speed with perk weapons.
🔴Dead Eye
Reduce recoil 10% and increase head shot damage 10% when using iron sights with a perk weapon.
Always PrePared
Carry one extra grenade and 25% more ammo for perk weapons.
Zed-Time - Assassin
Any head shots with perk weapons have a 5% chance to trigger ZED Time. During ZED Time, increase head shot damage with perk weapons 35%.
🔴Zed-Time - Ranger
Any head shots with perk weapons have a 5% chance to trigger ZED Time. During ZED Time, your head shots with perk weapons will stun any ZED.

  1. Standard: M14 (+1), SPX (+2)
  2. Standard in Japan: M14, FAL
I like 2nd Loadout. FAL is used against large ZEDs within medium range. M14 is strong and all-around usable at any distance. when you use 1st Loadout, you use M14 as main weapon, and use SPX when you miss a large one.

How to fight
The way you fight will change depending on the perks of other players defending in the same position. When staying with the Commando, you should mainly defeat large and medium ZEDs. When staying with the Gunslinger, you should kill close enemies. Prioritizing killing Husks will prevent accidental deaths. If you choose Lv.25 right skill "During ZED Time, your head shots with perk weapons will stun any ZED", You can easily kill large ZEDs.

How to take down a SC at zero distance (Click here to watch the video)
  • First, use the bash to stop the SC's attack
  • Next, crouch down and shoot the FAL with full auto
you can take down the SC unscathed. Knowing this, there may come a time when you can use it in a situation where you cannot retreat.

A grenade that temporarily freezes enemies within a 6 meter radius. It's hard to know when to use it. A rough indication to use it is "when a FP and one or more Large ZEDs come together in a tight group". Other examples of use are when a rage FP hits the player and rage stops, when unmanageable hordes of enemies, when your allies are unaware of a large ZED, When 2 or more SC go mad, etc. If you are unsure whether to throw it or not, I recommend throwing it.

How to control recoil of FAL
If FAL recoil control is difficult, you use Tap Firing. If you are aiming at a large ZED at medium range or longer, fire every three shots in separate bursts.

If you have selected a Lv5 or Lv10 left skill, be aware of the applicable conditions. If Lv5 is left skill, be stationary. If Lv10 is left skill, use of Crouch.

ㅤ8.6) Gunslinger

Gunslingers are expected to defeat large enemies. It is difficult to ignore small and medium Zeds and try to defeat large ones. Let's create a situation where you can focus on large ZEDs by defeating enemies in front.

  1. Standard: RLRLR
  2. Optional: LLRLR
The 1st skill configuration is often used.

Left Skill
Right Skill
gnore movement speed penalty and increase perk weapons damage 7.5% when using iron sights. Drastically reduce weapon bob with perk weapons.
🔴Quick Draw
Reduce recoil penalty for shooting from the hip, increase movement speed 5%, and switch perk weapons 50% faster.
🔴Rack‘em Up
Consecutive headshots with perk weapons increases damage 10%, to a maximum of 50%.
Bone Breaker
Increase damage with perk weapons 20% and inflict 30% more damage to arms and legs.
Line‘em Up
Suffer no damage reduction from shooting through ZEDs to hit other ZEDs and increase penetration with perk weapons.
Increase reload speed with perk weapons.
Headshots with perk weapons slow ZEDs 30%.
Knock'em Down
Shooting sprinting ZEDs in the legs massively increases knockdown power. Shooting ZEDs in the chest with perk weapons massively increases stumble power.
Zed-Time - Whirlwind of Lead
During ZED Time, your perk weapons can’t run out of ammo.
🔴Zed-Time - Fan Fire
During ZED Time, your perk weapons will shoot faster and reload in real-time.

  1. Standard: Dual 500Ms (or Dual AFs), Dual DEs, SPX
  2. Standard: Dual 500Ms, Dual DEs, Single AF (or Single Glock), 101
  3. OP: SPX (+2), Dual AFs, Single DE
Other Gunslinger weapon configurations are also possible, I have listed the most commonly used ones. The common weapon usage of 1 and 2 configurations is DE used for almighty, and 500M used for close range FP and annihilating large ZEDs during Zed-Time. SPX of 1st Loadout is for medium range enemies. AF (or Glock) of 2nd Loadout is used to deal with small and medium ZEDs. 3rd Loadout are also popular. It may be too strong. If you feel that the difficulty is too easy, it is better to use another Loadout.

How to buy dual guns
You get twice as much ammunition than you would normally buy
  1. Buy one and put it on the ground
  2. Pick up one on the ground after buying another

How to exchange dual guns
Even if two guns are upgraded, they can be replaced while retaining their upgrade status
  • How to store: One gun with maximum ammunition on the ground
  • How to exchange: throw away only one of the two guns you are currently using, then pick up the gun you bought on the ground

How to fight
The GS can defend in the same position as SS or be assigned a solo lane. The GS may team up with a commando, but basically let the SS team up with a commando. During Zed-Time, if the enemy is not too close, ignore it and prioritize large ZEDs processing. In some cases, the gunslinger will fight forward because the distance at which the gunslinger can fight effectively is shorter than in other parks. It is best to do so in such a way that the line of fire of the allies behind you passes through as far as possible.

Throw it precisely at the enemy's feet and it will stun. If you are a little distance away from the enemy, it will stagger, but if you continue to throw it at his feet one more time, it will stun him. Blood & Bonfires Update at October 2022, Nail Bomb has been nerfed. "Fixed an issue where the Nail Bomb was triggering the stun call twice against Zeds", So it seems that the specifications up to now were bugs. Now requires throwing it exactly at the enemy's feet to stun them. Basically, let's use it for processing purposes against small and medium ZEDs.

How to control recoil during Zed-time
Shoot while lowering your sights when dealing with large enemies at close range. Since the trajectory of the trajectory shines white, it is easy to aim if it is aligned with the head. If you are aiming at a large ZED at medium range or longer, fire every three shots in separate bursts.

ㅤ8.7) Field Medic
The highest priority is healing. Try to keep allies' HP as high as possible. Medic is simple to do, but it's surprisingly deep when you try it because you're always required to make an appropriate situational judgment. Until you get used to it, let's heal when your ally's HP decreases even a little.

  • Standard: LLLLL
This skill set is the best.

Left Skill
Right Skill
🔴Symbiotic Health
Increase total Health 25%. Healing teammates will heal you 3% of your total Health.
Increase damage resistance 1% per Health point lost, up to 30%.
🔴Adrenaline Shot
All your healing increases player movement speed 10% for 5 seconds. This can stack up to a 30% bonus.
Combatant Doctor
Increase magazine capacity of perk weapons 50% and movement speed by 10%.
🔴Focus Injection
All your healing increases player damage output 5% for 5 seconds. This can stack up to a 20% bonus.
Aciditic Rounds
Perk weapons can poison ZEDs, inflicting poison damage over time.
🔴Coagulant Booster
All your healing increases player damage resistance 10% for 5 seconds. This can stack up to a 30% bonus.
Battle Surgeon
Increase damage with perk weapons 20%.
🔴Zed-Time - Airbone Agent
You release a healing gas During ZED Time, healing teammates close by.
Zed-Time - Zedative
During Zed time your perk weapons damage is increased 30%, and your kills generates a toxic explosion that damage Zeds and heal players.

  1. Opening: 201, 101
  2. Middle game: 401, Healthrower
  3. End game: 401, 501
On servers where money is severely tight, you can distribute money when you have 1st Loadout in the opening. After shooting all the recovery darts at allies, switch to another weapon and shoot the recovery darts.

Heal ≧ Buff >>>>>>> To kill the enemies.

How to fight
Keep allies HP high. When a ally are fighting large ZEDs, you give preferentially buff the alliy.

It's a good idea to throw it where allies are when a lot of large ZED come. Thanks to the buff, processing is faster, and even if an ally is hit by a large one, the damage can be minimized. If you throw a grenade in front of your allies, enemies of medium size or larger will be poisoned, making it difficult to deal with them, so be careful.

Crouch during ZED-Time. The reason is that other players' visibility is poor due to the release of recovery gas from themselves during ZED-Time.

When I first joined a high-difficulty server, I died in a mess, and I think I caused trouble by playing strangely without knowing the theory. Thanks to the help of many kind players, I am still able to enjoy KF2. I appreciate it.

It's a game that assumes cooperative play, and the difficulty level is high, so the range of play styles is narrower than usual. But it's very happy when you are able to break through a difficult situation. Let's play on a high difficulty server!

Thank you for reading to the end.

Naoy 4 Jul, 2024 @ 1:32pm 
big 🫵🫵👊👊
Artyomich 24 Dec, 2023 @ 3:18am 
Very cool guide! Appreciate the effort to making a very detailed guide, and in english even though it's not your first language! :praisesun: