Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

51 ratings
Soccer Mod
By Marco Boogers
Soccer Mod is a server addon for soccer servers. In this guide you will find a description of the addon, how to install it on your server, how you can configure the various parts of the addon and how to play soccer.
Soccer Mod currently has the following features (version 2014.1.2):
  • Soccer Mod menu (type /soccer to open this menu):
    • Admin
      • Match
        • Start
        • Pause
        • Unpause
        • Stop
        • Score
          • Add a goal to counter-terrorists
          • Remove a goal from counter-terrorists
          • Add a goal to terrorists
          • Remove a goal from terrorists
          • Reset score
      • Cap
        • Put all players to spectator
        • Add random player
        • Start a cap fight
      • Training
        • Cannon
          • Set cannon position
          • Set cannon aim position
          • Cannon on
          • Cannon off
          • Settings
            • Randomness
            • Power
            • Fire rate
        • Disable goals
        • Enable goals
        • Spawn/remove ball
    • Positions
      • Goalkeeper: yes/no
      • Left back: yes/no
      • Right back: yes/no
      • Midfielder: yes/no
      • Left wing: yes/no
      • Right wing: yes/no
    • Statistics
      • Points
      • Goals
      • Assists
      • Own goals
      • Possession
      • Saves
      • Passes
      • Interceptions
      • Ball losses
      • Hits
    • Commands
      • Chat commands
    • Credits
  • Godmode
  • Respawn
  • Skins
    • Change the team skins
    • Set the goalkeeper skins (type /soccer gk to enable or disable the goalkeeper skin)
  • Sprint
  • Statistics
    • Shows the name of the goalscorer and assister
    • Shows who was the MVP during a round
    • Shows statistics in the scoreboard when a player holds tab
1. Download the required plugins
To run Soccer Mod on your server you need the following plugins:
Click the links and select the correct download for your server (Linux or Windows). Save the zip files in the same location, for example on your desktop.

2. Extract the zip files
To extract the files you might need a program like WinRAR ( Right click on each zip file and select "Extract Here". After extracting the 3 zip files you should have 5 folders on your desktop:
  • addons
  • cfg
  • maps
  • materials
  • models

3. Copy or upload the folders
Copy or upload the folders to your server's "csgo" folder, for example:
  • D:\Servers\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo (local server)
  • /home/csgo (hosted server)
Soccer Mod is now fully installed and will be loaded automatically when the server is restarted.
It is possible that Soccer Mod does not work correctly after certain updates. If that is the case follow these steps to fully update your server:
  • Download and install the latest MetaMod version
  • Donwload and install the latest SourceMod version
    NOTE: Delete addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg before you install the new version or you will lose your admins
  • Restart your server
If that doesn't work, then it is possible that you need to recompile Soccer Mod:
  • Browse to ../addons/sourcemod/scripting
  • Drag soccer_mod.sp on compile.exe (please contact me if you receive any error or warning during compiling)
  • Browse to ../addons/sourcemod/scripting/compiled
  • Cut soccer_mod.smx and paste it in ../addons/sourcemod/plugins
  • Restart your server
Server configuration
Adding admins
Open addons/sourcemod/configs/admins.cfg with notepad and edit the file, for example:
Admins { "Admin name 1" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_0:0:12345678" "flags" "bcgj" } "Admin name 2" { "auth" "steam" "identity" "STEAM_1:0:87654321" "flags" "bcgj" } }
A more detailed description can be found here: This page also explains what each flag does. Admins need the generic admin flag (b) to be able to open the Soccer Mod admin menu. After editing the file, type the following in the console to reload the admins (so you don't have to restart the server):
rcon sm_reloadadmins
Admins can open the Soccer Mod admin menu by typing /soccer in the chat and selecting "Admin" in the menu or by typing /soccer admin in the chat to open the admin menu directly.

Adding maps to the allowed maps list
If you want to add a map to the allowed maps list, open the admin menu in-game and select "Allowed maps". Then select add map and choose a map from the list. This list does not include workshop maps. You can add workshop maps by editing ../addons/sourcemod/configs/soccer_mod_maps.txt with notepad and adding a new line:
Save the file and then restart the map.

Adding flashlight
If you want to use the flashlight you have to add the following plugin to your server (copy the smx file to addons/sourcemod/plugins):

Setting the goalkeeper areas
For the save statistic to work you need to set the goalkeeper areas for each map. You can do this by creating a txt file called soccer_mod_gk_areas.txt in addons/sourcemod/data, for example:
"gk_areas" { "soccer_breezeway" { "ct_min_x" "-220" "ct_max_x" "220" "ct_min_y" "-1385" "ct_max_y" "-1185" "ct_min_z" "-2240" "ct_max_z" "-2120" "t_min_x" "-220" "t_max_x" "220" "t_min_y" "1185" "t_max_y" "1385" "t_min_z" "-2240" "t_max_z" "-2120" } "soccer_breezeway_lite" { "ct_min_x" "-220" "ct_max_x" "220" "ct_min_y" "-1385" "ct_max_y" "-1185" "ct_min_z" "-2240" "ct_max_z" "-2120" "t_min_x" "-220" "t_max_x" "220" "t_min_y" "1185" "t_max_y" "1385" "t_min_z" "-2240" "t_max_z" "-2120" } }
To get the right coordinates for the map aim at the edge of the goalkeeper area and type the following in the chat:
/soccer getview
Server commands
Edit the correct cfg file (located in the cfg folder; if the file does not exist, create it) depending on the gamemode you are using:
  • gamemode_casual_server.cfg (Casual gamemode)
  • gamemode_competitive_server.cfg (Competitibe gamemode)
  • gamemode_custom_server.cfg (Custom gamemode)
Soccer Mod has the following server commands which can be added the cfg file (do not use quotes):
  • soccer_mod_debug
    Enables or disables debugging messages - values: 0/1, default: 0
  • soccer_mod_downloads_add_dir
    Adds a directory and all the sub folders to the downloads - values: path/to/dir
  • soccer_mod_match_period_break_length
    Sets the length of a period break (in seconds) - values: 5-3600, default: 60
  • soccer_mod_match_period_length
    Sets the length of a period (in seconds) - values: 5-86400, default: 900
  • soccer_mod_match_periods
    Sets the number of periods of a match - values: 1-10, default: 2
  • soccer_mod_respawn_delay
    Sets the respawn delay (in seconds) - values: 1-600, default: 10
  • soccer_mod_skins_model_ct
    Sets the model of the counter-terrorists - values: [path/to/dir/file.mdl] [skin number]
  • soccer_mod_skins_model_ct_gk
    Sets the model of the counter-terrorist goalkeeper - values: [path/to/dir/file.mdl] [skin number]
  • soccer_mod_skins_model_t
    Sets the model of the terrorists - values: [path/to/dir/file.mdl] [skin number]
  • soccer_mod_skins_model_t_gk
    Sets the model of the terrorist goalkeeper - values: [path/to/dir/file.mdl] [skin number]
  • soccer_mod_sprint_enabled
    Enables or disables sprint - values: 0/1, default: 1
  • soccer_mod_sprint_length
    Sets the sprint length (in seconds) - values: 0.1-60, default: 3
  • soccer_mod_sprint_refill_speed
    Sets how fast sprint refills (0.25 is 25% the sprint use speed) - values: 0.1-1, default: 0.25
  • soccer_mod_sprint_speed
    Sets the sprint speed - values: 0.1-10, default: 1.25
  • soccer_mod_stats_points_assist
    Sets the number of points received for giving an assist - values: -100-100, default: 10
  • soccer_mod_stats_points_ball_loss
    Sets the number of points received for losing the ball - values: -100-100, default: -3
  • soccer_mod_stats_points_goal
    Sets the number of points received for scoring a goal - values: -100-100, default: 25
  • soccer_mod_stats_points_hit
    Sets the number of points received for hitting the ball - values: -100-100, default: 1
  • soccer_mod_stats_points_interception
    Sets the number of points received for intercepting the ball - values: -100-100, default: 3
  • soccer_mod_stats_points_own_goal
    Sets the number of points received for scoring an own goal - values: -100-100, default: -50
  • soccer_mod_stats_points_pass
    Sets the number of points received for passing to a team mate - values: -100-100, default: 5
  • soccer_mod_training_model_ball
    Sets the model of the training ball - values: path/to/dir/file.mdl

Adding models to the downloads
Use soccer_mod_downloads_add_dir path/to/dir to add the directory and all it's subdirectories to the downloads of your server. Add the following lines to your cfg file to add the Soccer Mod models (included in the zip file) to the downloads:
soccer_mod_downloads_add_dir materials/models/player/soccermod soccer_mod_downloads_add_dir models/player/soccermod soccer_mod_downloads_add_dir materials/models/soccer_mod soccer_mod_downloads_add_dir models/soccer_mod
Client configuration
If you want the classic Counter Strike crosshair go to Options > Game settings and set the crosshair to classic.

Binding sprint
Soccer Mod uses the walk key to sprint (default = shift). If you want to use a different key, enter the following in the console (to enable the console go to Options > Game settings):
bind key +speed
You can also make sprint toggle by going to Options > Keyboard/mouse and setting walk to toggle.

Connection settings
Type the following commands in the console (you need to be in spectator to set these) or create a file called autoexec.cfg in ..\Steam\SteamApps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg:
cl_interp 0 cl_interp_ratio 0 rate 128000 cl_cmdrate 128 cl_updaterate 128

Radio commands
The following guide will explain how to change your radio command menus: The guide can be used to add all the hidden radio commands to your radio menus and to change your radio menus to a layout that is more like CS:S.

Client commands
Soccer Mod has the following commands which can be typed in the chat:
  • /soccer
    Opens the Soccer Mod main menu
  • /soccer admin
    Open the Soccer Mod admin menu
  • /soccer cap
    Open the Soccer Mod cap match menu
  • /soccer pick
    Open the Soccer Mod cap picking menu
  • /soccer match
    Open the Soccer Mod match menu
  • /soccer training
    Open the Soccer Mod training menu
  • /soccer rr
    Restarts the round
  • /soccer stats or /soccer statistics
    Open the Soccer Mod statistics menu
  • /soccer gk or /soccer goalkeeper
    Enables or disables the goalkeeper skin
  • /soccer commands or /soccer help
    Opens the Soccer Mod commands menu
  • /soccer credits or /soccer info
    Open the Soccer Mod credits menu
How to play
The basics of Soccer Mod are very simple. You play by knifing the ball. But this can be harder then it looks. To help you with all the basics (and more) there is a great tutorial made by Dom and Lanky:

This video was made for Counter-Strike: Source, but most of it also applies to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.

Version 2014.1.2 (1 dec 2014)
* Changed possession showing the number of seconds to a percentage
* Fixed force random player not selecting a random player and always forcing players to CT
* Fixed a few bugs with the cap picking menu
+ Added a menu to the admin menu with options to add or remove a map from the allowed maps list and change the map
+ Added forcing of mp_playercashawards and mp_teamcashawards to 0 to hide the money from view (these values will be set to 1 again on maps that are not in the allowed maps list)
+ Statistics are now stored permanently in a database (use soccer_mod_database_config to set which config from database.cfg you want to use)
+ Added a fix for the radio commands
+ mp_freezetime, sv_client_min_interp_ratio and sv_client_max_interp_ratio are now forced to 0 and weapon_reticle_knife_show to 1
+ Added a count down to the start of a cap fight
+ Added man of the match
+ Added a menu to put a player to spectator
+ Added a server command to set the maximum number of players per team during a match (soccer_mod_match_max_players 1-32, default: 6)
+ Added 3 server commands for testing purposes (soccer_mod_prop_value, soccer_mod_prop_value_float, soccer_mod_pushscale)
+ Added a new statistic: saves (you need to set the goalkeeper areas, read the Soccer Mod guide to learn how)
+ Added a command to restart the round (/soccer rr)
+ Added a command to open the pick menu (/soccer pick)

Version 2014.1.1 (9 sep 2014)
- Removed the blue and red color for the skins (because of the new skins)
* Fixed showing of unnecessary long values in messages and menus
* Fixed match timer not starting on 00:00:00 on some servers
* Fixed players not being frozen on spawn when the match is paused or during a period break
* Fixed godmode turning off sometimes at round start
* Fixed being hit by the ball counting as hitting the ball with a knife
* Changed the skin server commands so they accept an extra optional parameter (for models with more than one skin), for example: soccer_mod_skins_model_ct path/to/dir/file.mdl 2
* Cleaned up the code
+ Added a fix so players can switch teams properly
+ Added checks for all server commands to prevent unexpected values
+ Added a server command to add a directory and all sub folders to the downloads (soccer_mod_downloads_add_dir path/to/dir)
+ Added a server command to disable sprint (soccer_mod_sprint_enabled 0/1)
+ Added a prefix and color to all the messages that come from the script
+ Added a menu in the training menu to select which prop should be used for the ball cannon (only if multiple possible props are found)
+ Added options to the training menu to disable and enable the goals
+ Added an option to the training menu to spawn and remove a ball
+ Added a server command to set which model is used as training ball (soccer_mod_stats_training_model_ball path/to/dir/file.mdl)
+ Added setting of kills (number of goals), assists (number of assists), deaths (number of hits), mvp (number of times a player received mvp) and score (total score of all statistics during a map or match)
+ Added a menu to see your personal statistics (total points, goals, assists, own goals, hits, passes, interceptions and ball losses)
+ Added server commands to set the number of points a player receives for scoring, passing etc (soccer_mod_stats_points_goal, soccer_mod_stats_points_assist, soccer_mod_stats_points_own_goal, soccer_mod_stats_points_hit, soccer_mod_stats_points_pass, soccer_mod_stats_points_interception, soccer_mod_stats_points_ball_loss)
+ Added server commands to set the terrorist and counter-terrorist goalkeeper skins (soccer_mod_skins_model_ct_gk path/to/dir/file.mdl and soccer_mod_skins_model_t_gk path/to/dir/file.mdl)
+ Added a command to switch between the goalkeeper skin and the normal skin (/soccer gk)
+ Added a server command to set the sprint refill speed (soccer_mod_sprint_refill_speed 0.1-1)
+ Added forcing of mp_solid_teammates to 1 so Soccer Mod can be used in all game modes
+ Added a full list of all chat commands
+ Added a pick menu to let the caps pick their players
+ Added an option to the cap menu to force a random player to join a team
+ Added a menu to set your position so caps can see your position in the pick menu

Version 2014.1.0 (29 jul 2014)
+ Added an admin menu with options to start, pause, unpause and stop a match
+ Added a submenu to the match menu to control the team scores
+ Added server commands to change the match length (soccer_mod_match_periods, soccer_mod_match_period_length, soccer_mod_match_period_break_length)
+ Added godmode
+ Added an admin menu with options to put all players to spectator and start a cap fight
+ Added respawn (soccer_mod_respawn_delay to set the amount of time it takes before a player respawns)
+ Added a server command to change the team skins (soccer_mod_skins_model_t, soccer_mod_skins_model_ct)
+ Added sprint (soccer_mod_sprint_speed, soccer_mod_sprint_length to set how fast and how long a player can sprint)
+ Added a message which shows the name of the goalscorer and assister
+ Added an admin menu with a ball cannon for training purposes

Jr. ™ #MMMMMMM 18 Dec, 2023 @ 2:35pm 
Hey ! There is a mod soccer in cs2 ?
baske always got nouglse on him 18 Sep, 2023 @ 8:28am 
Do people still play Soccer?? Either in source or GO?
Kus 4 Apr, 2020 @ 3:07pm 
Thanks @Marco Boogers! Can confirm everything works in 2020 with latest Metamod and SourceMod. Great work, it's a fun mod!
Marco Boogers  [author] 4 Apr, 2020 @ 12:55am 
I merged your pull request, so these fixes are now in the main release. Thanks for the fixes!
Kus 2 Apr, 2020 @ 9:17pm 
I've fixed the compile error for Sourcemod 1.10. I've contacted the author to pull the update, until then you can use my branch
FrankTR 22 Mar, 2020 @ 6:39am 
Hello friend, I need little bit your help. Im taking error while compiling the file.
Creme 2 Aug, 2014 @ 4:18am 
SOCCERJAM!!!! missing old 1.6 hype :)
JohnWood[+] 1 Aug, 2014 @ 1:41am 
wtf ?! lol