Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

1,592 ratings
The Weapon Guide for L4D2
By Shao
This guide will provide you detailed information about the weapons, telling proper use and which one suits more over the style of gameplay you enjoy the most. Contains also common and rare tips used by most experienced players.

Information is took from the game data scripts, in-game experiences and L4Dwiki.

Feel free to rate, share and tell what you think.

10/03/13: Added International Weapons.
11/03/13: Added HP/Life Breakdown.
12/03/13: Added Melee Weapons.
22/03/13: Added Strategies / Setup Tips.
14/06/13: Revised Melee Weapons Section.
30/04/14: Revised entirely the guide contents to be more comprehensible.
29/04/19: Revised entirely the guide once again, should be even better!
30/09/20: Revised Melee Weapons Section, added Pitchfork and Shovel.
11/04/22: Added more information.

Credits to L4Dwiki for the images.
Getting started by sorting out the weapon classes.
In L4D2, primary weapons are divided in 3 sections. Tier 1, 2, 3. This makes it easier to identify which would by default standard be better, however during certain situations a shotgun could be a lot more handy compared an automatic weapon because of their stopping power, clearing potential and their ability to kill a witch in one hit while the automatic weapon are bullet hoses that can slow down infected with the constant damage output.

Whenever you have to reload, sidearms come into play for more clearing potential. These however comes down to two categories which don't have much variables, but one can be a suitable play style to the player than another. It all comes down to preference, saving ammo isn't as useful in the game but certain custom maps/servers might have their gameplay dynamic down right harder which can encourage the use more.
Health Point Breakdown
Despite having all the statistical data of every weapons, hitboxes have variable results to which sometimes your shots might be a little less or more powerful.

In details, most of the time body shot will be the basic HP dealer for example 36 from the Pistol, but when the distance is greater, the bullet loses some of it's power and end up leaving little extra HP for infected to keep fighting back and this can be lethal on your end. Never be too sure about the damage you deal.

Each infected possess different variables for body damage; e.g. Charger arms appears to be more sensitive to damage compared to the chest or stomach shots. Those listed below are an average calculation at close range, they may vary around the classes.

Headshot: 4x
Stomach: 1.25x
Legs: 0.75x
Chest: 1x

Combine any damage values to these and you should get an idea of the amount your weapon may output. For any more details, damage drop off over distance will be displayed to each of the weapons in the lower section, note that units were not calculated and only the script data was pulled out.

In Co-Op, certain specials AI have damage reduction while using their ability, that is the Hunter and Charger. In Versus Human players do not have such while the AI still does, Human Hunters are actually easier to kill due to a special condition that makes them only able to take 150 damage.

On the other side, friendly fire is far different. Depending on what difficulty you play, mistaken shots and accidents will punish your team by removing the total amount of damage you deal with the current weapon you used. The whole body of the survivor beside the feet and hands are vulnerable to damage, doing the same amount no matter where you hit.

  • Easy results no HP to be removed, but the player still get to have a punishment at the ending stats.
  • Normal/Versus deals 10% the damage.
  • Advanced deals 30% the damage.
  • Expert deals 50% of the damage.

Melee damage also varies by each difficulty, with each weapon from 2 to 10 HP, Expert still being the worst.
Weapon Data Explained
This explains the meaning behind weapon data you'll be seeing.

Note: Reload Duration is not included because they are not shown in weapon scripts, those are left to be assumed.

Damage related:
  • Damage = Damage per bullet.
  • Bullets = Bullets per shot.
  • RangeModifier = Damage % loss every 512 in game units.
  • Range = Maximum range before bullets no longer deal damage. (Scales with RangeModifier)
  • GainRange = This transforms a certain portion of Range, beginning from its end, into a curve that is steep at the middle and falls off to 0 at the end. The value is how much of the Range this curve takes up. The curve starts with the damage reduced by RangeModifier until that specific point. Example.[imgur.com]
  • PenetrationNumLayers = How many layers can a bullet penetrate before stopping.
  • PenetrationPower = Damage % left over after going through an object. Only affects them once. (100 = 100% of damage.)
  • PenetrationMaxDistance = Maximum distance bullets can travel after going through an object.
  • CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = Maximum distance before limited penetration starts to apply against enemies, not objects. (It's basically infinite until distance is reached.)
  • CycleTime = Bullets per second.
  • ClipSize = Maximum capacity per magazine.
  • CarryCapacity = Maximum amount of spare ammo.
  • Damage per Second = Total damage per second.
  • Damage per Magazine = Total damage per magazine.
  • Total Damage = Total Damage with all ammo available.

Accuracy related:
  • VerticalPunch = How much vertical recoil.
  • SpreadPerShot = How much spread is added per shot.
  • MaxSpread = Maximum amount of spread.
  • SpreadDecay = How much spread is recovered per second.
  • MinDuckingSpread = Lowest spread when crouched.
  • MinStandingSpread = Lowest spread when standing.
  • MinInAirSpread = Lowest spread when in air.
  • MaxMovementSpread = Maximum spread possible for the weapon.
  • (Shotguns)PelletScatterPitch = Vertical spread of pellets.
  • (Shotguns)PelletScatterYaw = Horizontal spread of pellets.

  • DeployDuration = How long before a weapon can be used after choosing it.
  • (Pistols)DualDeployDuration = How long before dual pistols can be used after choosing it.

Finally, all of those tests were done at 591 units away from the wall, images shows crosshair in the order of Run, Still and Crouch while bullet spread goes from Still and Crouch. For references with the images coming forth, here's a Smoker for scale;

If you want anymore details see: https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1060964738
Tier 1 : Uzi (SMG), Mac-10 (Silenced SMG), H&K MP5
At first glance, SMGs don't hurt as much. However you may notice how quickly health can drop since they have a high fire rate and short reload time.

Uzi (SMG)

The Uzi is the weakest of all weapons, however used with a laser sight it can become a very lethal bullet hose. Good at picking commons because of it's run and gun accuracy. Headhunting is the best thing this weapon can do at closer range, even against incoming hordes.

Damage = 20
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.84
Range = 2500
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.0625 (960/minute (16/second))
ClipSize = 50
CarryCapacity = 650
Damage per Second = 320
Damage per Magazine = 1000
Total Damage = 10600

VerticalPunch = 0.9
SpreadPerShot = 0.32
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.7
MinStandingSpread = 1
MinInAirSpread = 1.7
MaxMovementSpread = 3

Mac-10 (Silenced SMG)

The Mac-10 is the third weakest weapon of all damage per shot, this proves the Mac-10 to be a lot more efficient at dealing damage overall, but the slight changes in power does bad to it's accuracy, weapon spread and kick, all upon player decision which ever they prefer best.

Damage = 25
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.84
Range = 2200
GainRange = 900
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.0625 (960/minute (16/second))
ClipSize = 50
CarryCapacity = 650
Damage per Second = 400
Damage per Magazine = 1250
Total Damage = 17500

VerticalPunch = 1
SpreadPerShot = 0.4
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.85
MinStandingSpread = 1.2
MinInAirSpread = 1.7
MaxMovementSpread = 3


Damage per shot: 26
Damage drop ratio: 0.84
Penetration power: 30
Capacity: 50
Carry capacity: 650
Rate of fire: 800/minute
Damage per second: 312
Damage per magazine: 1200
Total Damage: 16800

Damage = 26
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.84
Range = 2500
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.075 (720/minute (12/second))
ClipSize = 50
CarryCapacity = 650
Damage per Second = 312
Damage per Magazine = 1300
Total Damage = 18200

VerticalPunch = 1
SpreadPerShot = 0.32
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.75
MinStandingSpread = 1.1
MinInAirSpread = 1.7
MaxMovementSpread = 3

As the second weakest weapon, the H&K MP5 holds itself in between damage and accuracy of both other SMGs however it's reload is extremely slow thus not making it a very reliable weapon unless the server you are on have it's reload changed to be as comparable as the other SMG's, the MP5 is just the worst of the 3.


If you put all 3 weapons against each other, the Mac-10 can be very good at picking off Normal/Versus commons at close quarters since 2 bullets deal 50 damage and while keeping the high firerate of the Uzi, compared the Uzi 40 for 20 per bullet, tank slaying also benefits from the 250 extra damage per magazine, the MP5 in comparison doesn't quite match the DPS of either SMG's while having a worst reload, firerate even if the damage per bullet can benefit the same with as the Mac-10, at best it is ammo efficient but not much else since even at range, the extra damage does not add up enough to make a difference against the Mac-10

For seasoned players it can be a hard pick for headshots, but if body shots are a preference, the Mac-10 will always be superior, even if the MP5 can achieve much of the same in practice.
Tier 1 : Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot (Pump Shotgun) & Remington 870 Marine Magnum (Chrome Shotgun)
Pump shotguns are the most favored weapons by the players for killing special infected, back in L4D1 emptying the weapon entirely would require the player to pump the shell into the barrel. Not in L4D2.

Remington 870 Police Magnum Riot (Pump Shotgun)

It's spread with added pellets can allow wider clearing compared the Chrome Shotgun, making it better at handling hordes.

Damage = 250 (10 pellets * 25 damage each)
Bullets = 10
RangeModifier = 0.7
Range = 3000
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 500
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 300
CycleTime = 0.5 (72/minute)
ClipSize = 8
CarryCapacity = 72
Damage per Second = 500
Damage per Magazine = 2000
Total Damage = 16000

VerticalPunch = 4
SpreadPerShot = 1
MaxSpread = 5
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0
MinStandingSpread = 0.8
MinInAirSpread = 2.5
MaxMovementSpread = 1.5
PelletScatterPitch = 5.0
PelletScatterYaw = 7.5

Remington 870 Marine Magnum (Chrome Shotgun)

Having a tighter spread, everything such as skeets or witch crowning becomes a lot easier if used right, however with the lower pellet count it's focused power makes it less efficient at horde control.

Damage = 248 (8 pellets * 31 damage each)
Bullets = 8
RangeModifier = 0.7
Range = 3000
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 500
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 300
CycleTime = 0.5 (72/minute)
ClipSize = 8
CarryCapacity = 72
Damage per Second = 496
Damage per Magazine = 1984
Total Damage = 15872

VerticalPunch = 4
SpreadPerShot = 1
MaxSpread = 5
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0
MinStandingSpread 0.8
MinInAirSpread = 2.5
MaxMovementSpread = 1.5
PelletScatterPitch = 3.0
PelletScatterYaw = 5.0

Tier 1 Shotguns do not have damage penalty against the Tank.

The Chrome Shotgun is arguably better in almost everyway, there's hardly anything other than covering a wider area that it cannot do compared the Pump Shotgun.
Tier 2 : M16A2 (Assault Rifle), FN SCAR-L (Combat Rifle), AKM (Assault Rifle), SG552
Assault rifles are reliable weapons in the hands of a good player, however they can be difficult for the less experimented to efficiently use. All 3 possess very different stats, but generally. They get the job done.

M16A2 (Assault Rifle)

The M16A2 is the weapon of choice for all around situations, the fast reload and ability to fire controlled shots compensates for the lack of damage, this one can be nullified by headhunting. Though being an heavier assault rifle, run and gun is not the most viable idea unless you are at CQC. Undisciplined players might find themselves to run out of ammo quickly, so making every shot count is important.

Damage = 33
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.97
Range = 3000
GainRange = 1500
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.0875 (685.7/minute)
ClipSize = 50
CarryCapacity = 360
Damage per Second = 377
Damage per Magazine = 1650
Total Damage = 13530

VerticalPunch = 1.2
SpreadPerShot = 0.75
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.05
MinStandingSpread = 0.4
MinInAirSpread = 1.5
MaxMovementSpread = 5

FN SCAR-L (Combat Rifle)

The FN SCAR-L has the largest magazine out of all weapons, however the fire rate is limited by the three round burst mode making it harder to headhunt (nonetheless it's worth attempting against leaping Hunters in Versus.), this however help players conserving ammo. In term of usage, the FN SCAR-L reveals itself to be really good at run and gun, it's accuracy being superior to the M16A2, also has less recoil, weapon spread and kick making it easier to keep bullets landing where they are needed. All those pros come with the slowest of all reload times compared other rifles, being slightly more powerful per bullet otherwise, the FN SCAR-L makes out to be the best rifle at handling tanks because of it's larger magazine which in turn does more damage and consistently slow down chasing tanks, the ability to land shots reliably on the move makes it great for body shots.

Damage = 44
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.97
Range = 3000
GainRange = 1500
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.07 (502/minute)
ClipSize = 60
CarryCapacity = 360
Damage per Second = 352
Damage per Magazine = 2640
Total Damage = 18480

VerticalPunch = 1
SpreadPerShot = 0.6
MaxSpread = 5
SpreadDecay = 4
MinDuckingSpread = 0.05
MinStandingSpread = 0.35
MinInAirSpread = 1.25
MaxMovementSpread = 4

AKM (Assault Rifle)

The AKM sacrifices all for firepower, so common infected will fall like flies at Normal/Versus difficulty (One shot anywhere). This is the weapon that can slay any enemies quickly, every actions of AKM is short lived, magazine wise but also reloading actually being faster than the FN SCAR-L. While powerful per shot, it does not deal enough damage to kill Hunters/Smokers in one headshot, it does have enough to kill Hunters while they are mid-air with one. (Versus only.)

Damage = 58
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.97
Range = 3000
GainRange = 1500
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.13 (461.5/minute)
ClipSize = 40
CarryCapacity = 360
Damage per Second = 446
Damage per Magazine = 2320
Total Damage = 23200

VerticalPunch = 2
SpreadPerShot = 1.6
MaxSpread = 35
SpreadDecay = 7
MinDuckingSpread = 0.5
MinStandingSpread = 1
MinInAirSpread = 3
MaxMovementSpread = 6


Featuring a slighter faster fire rate than the M16A2, the SG552 is an ideal upgrade if you'd rather use a scope than firing controlled shots with the other assault rifles.

There is a bug in game that extends the reloading time.

Damage = 33
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.97
Range = 3000
GainRange = 1500
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.0825 (686/minute (no scope) / 444/minute (scope))
ClipSize = 50
CarryCapacity = 360
Damage per Second = 363 (no scope) / 231 (scope)
Damage per Magazine = 1650
Total Damage = 13530

VerticalPunch = 1.2
SpreadPerShot = 0.75
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.05
MinStandingSpread = 0.4
MinInAirSpread = 1.5
MaxMovementSpread = 5


All being set, the AKM would be the clear winner at regular difficulties. However, other rifles might easily turn the table around at plenty other situations, such as being pulled by a smoker, attempting to skeet, handling a tank or saving teammates that are caught at far distances. It's all a matter of playstyle.
Tier 2 : Benelli M4 (Tactical Shotgun) & Spas-12 (Combat Shotgun)
Compare these like the Pump Shotgun and Chrome Shotgun. Wider spread vs Tighter spread, lots of weaker pellets vs less but powerful pellets.

These possess the same 15% tank damage reduction alongside with the 1.25 headshot multiplier instead of 4x. Body shots at close range are a must for maximum damage.

Benelli M4 (Tactical Shotgun)

Weaker pellets as a trade off for having even more than the pump shotgun, the Benelli M4 exceeds mostly at handling hordes because of that, while still able to skeet and crown witches, you want to get close and personal to make sure it all works.

Damage = 253 (11 pellets * 23 damage each)
Bullets = 11
RangeModifier = 0.7
Range = 3000
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 500
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 300
CycleTime = 0.15 (400/minute)
ClipSize = 10
CarryCapacity = 90
Damage per Second = 1687
Damage per Magazine = 2530
Total Damage = 25300

VerticalPunch = 3
SpreadPerShot = 20
MaxSpread = 5
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0
MinStandingSpread = 0.8
MinInAirSpread = 2.5
MaxMovementSpread = 1.5
PelletScatterPitch = 4.0
PelletScatterYaw = 8.5

Spas-12 (Combat Shotgun)

The Spas-12 spread grows bigger per shots compared the Benelli M4, so spamming shots to kill a leaping hunter might put you to the bigger disadvantage since you have less pellets. Nonetheless, it's more accurate and tighter therefor if put to proper use it can be better than the Benelli M4 at skeeting or crowning witches.

Damage = 252 (9 pellets * 28 damage each)
Bullets = 9
RangeModifier = 0.7
Range = 3000
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 500
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 300
CycleTime = 0.15 (400/minute)
ClipSize = 10
CarryCapacity = 90
Damage per Second = 1680
Damage per Magazine = 2520
Total Damage = 25200

VerticalPunch = 3
SpreadPerShot = 22
MaxSpread = 5
SpreadDecay = 6
MinDuckingSpread = 0
MinStandingSpread = 0.75
MinInAirSpread = 2.5
MaxMovementSpread = 1.5
PelletScatterPitch = 3.5
PelletScatterYaw = 8.0


There is an anomaly within the game that makes the Spas-12 reload slightly faster than the Benelli M4, despite both having the same animation and configuration in the scripts, making the Spas-12 slightly better by about half a second for a full reload, otherwise they are quite similar.
Tier 2 : Mini-14 (Hunting Rifle), MSG3 (Military Rifle), Steyr Scout, Arctic Warfare Super Magnum
Neither of the auto snipers are stronger damage wise per bullet, but they share different attributes. Bolt-actions on the other hand are stronger but quite weaker in comparison for DPS.

Mini-14 (Hunting Rifle)

As a sacrifice for the magazine size, the Mini-14 is potentially more accurate and reliable without it's scope. Accurate enough, it can be used as a run and gun at closer range while the scope can be used 100% accurately while moving as well.

Damage = 90
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = None
Range = 8192
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 8192 (Infinite.)
CycleTime = 0.25 (240/minute)
ClipSize = 15
CarryCapacity = 150
Damage per Second = 360
Damage per Magazine = 1350
Total Damage = 14850

VerticalPunch = 1.5
SpreadPerShot = 1
MaxSpread = 15
SpreadDecay = 8
MinDuckingSpread = 0
MinStandingSpread = 0.1
MinInAirSpread = 1.5
MaxMovementSpread = 3

MSG3 (Military Rifle)

For it's accuracy as a trade off, the magazine becomes twice as large. Making it the reliable weapon to defend positions or picking off commons, running with the Military Rifle can be punishing. However with the scope it's possible to recover accuracy quickly and move around also.

Damage = 90
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = None
Range = 8192
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 8192 (Infinite.)
CycleTime = 0.25 (240/minute)
ClipSize = 30
CarryCapacity = 180
Damage per Second = 360
Damage per Magazine = 2700
Total Damage = 18900

VerticalPunch = 1.5
SpreadPerShot = 1
MaxSpread = 15
SpreadDecay = 8
MinDuckingSpread = 0.05
MinStandingSpread = 0.5
MinInAirSpread = 1.5
MaxMovementSpread = 5

Steyr Scout

A bit like a shotgun meant for distant combat. Not efficient for CQC clearing.

Damage = 105
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = None
Range = 8192
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 8192 (Infinite.)
CycleTime = 0.9 (66.6/minute)
ClipSize = 15
CarryCapacity = 180
Damage per Second = 105
Damage per Magazine = 1350
Total Damage = 17550

VerticalPunch = 1.5
SpreadPerShot = 1
MaxSpread = 15
SpreadDecay = 8
MinDuckingSpread = 0
MinStandingSpread = 0.1
MinInAirSpread = 1.5
MaxMovementSpread = 3

Arctic Warfare Super Magnum

While having slight more ammo and damage, it is comparitively still worst than the Steyr Scout in practice, the AWSM does not have any noticeable benefits.

Damage = 115
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = None
Range = 8192
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance = 8192 (Infinite.)
CycleTime = 1.05 (57/minute)
ClipSize = 20
CarryCapacity = 180
Damage per Second = 115
Damage per Magazine = 2300
Total Damage = 23000

VerticalPunch = 1.5
SpreadPerShot = 1
MaxSpread = 15
SpreadDecay = 8
MinDuckingSpread = 0
MinStandingSpread = 0.1
MinInAirSpread = 1.5
MaxMovementSpread = 3


It's either offense or defense. Against a tank however, the military rifle wins unless it comes down to close encounters. Bolt-Actions are extremely underpowered and by no mean useful, only good for players to show off their ability to aim. Those really need to be buffed.
Tier 3: M79 (Grenade Launcher) & M60
Rare, but very efficient at certain situations. Special tiers or Tier 3 can be devastating weapons if properly used.

M79 (Grenade Launcher)

Well placed shots against commons can clear areas easily, tanks are very vulnerable to those as with damage being situational, it can go up to 1000 on a direct hit. All infected, besides the witch and charger unless having a survivor pinned down will die in one direct blast.

Damage = 400-1000
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.97
Range = 3000
GainRange = 1500
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.5 (120/minute)
ClipSize = 1
CarryCapacity = 30
Damage per Second = 400-1000
Damage per Magazine = 400-1000
Total Damage = 12000-30000

VerticalPunch = 1.2
SpreadPerShot = 0.75
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.05
MinStandingSpread = 0.4
MinInAirSpread = 1.5
MaxMovementSpread = 5


The M60 has a special property that kills any common infected on any difficulties, even uncommon. Unfortunately limited, those should either be kept for a tank or a crescendo event.

Only available on:
No Mercy
Death Toll
The Sacrifice
The Passing
Cold Stream

Damage = 50
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.97
Range = 3000
GainRange = 1500
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.11 (545.5/minute)
ClipSize = 150
CarryCapacity = None
Damage per Second = 454.5
Damage per Magazine = 7500
Total Damage = 7500

VerticalPunch = 2
SpreadPerShot = 1.6
MaxSpread = 35
SpreadDecay = 7
MinDuckingSpread = 0.5
MinStandingSpread = 1
MinInAirSpread = 3
MaxMovementSpread = 6

While temporary these weapons can really turn around a situation that could perhaps be too difficult without them. For example, the M60 can be really good for The Passing sewers last push as it chews through everything going forth.
P220 (Single Pistol) & Glock 17 (Dual Pistols), .50AE Desert Eagle (Pistol Magnum)
They may seem weak, but they can do a lot more than appearances show.

P220 (Single Pistol) & Glock 17 (Dual Pistols)

Slightly more powerful than the M16A2 at close range, one pistol can be rather hard to deal with, however when dual'd. The values beside firepower increases, becoming somewhat like a pocket semi-auto rifle without the accuracy, but still good picking at range if you have a lesser accurate weapon. These are great sidearms under a happy trigger finger. (Pistols are rather buggy when it comes to their weapon scripts stats therefor there might be so inaccuracies.)

Damage = 36
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.75
Range = 2500
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 30
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.35 (171/minute) (0.175 (342/minute))
ClipSize = 30
CarryCapacity = Infinite
Damage per Second = 103 (206)
Damage per Magazine = 540 (1080)
Total Damage = Infinite

VerticalPunch = 2.0
SpreadPerShot = 1
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.5
MinStandingSpread = 1.5
MinInAirSpread = 3.0
MaxMovementSpread = 3.0
DeployDuration = 0.5
DualDeployDuration = 0.65

.50AE Desert Eagle (Pistol Magnum)

With patience to take infected one at a time, this Magnum pistol is able to kill common in one hit anywhere and up to two with penetration, any difficulties. While being incapacitated, the accuracy of the Desert Eagle is the same as standing still would be, making it the best sidearm while downed.

Damage = 80
Bullets = 1
RangeModifier = 0.75
Range = 3500
GainRange = None
PenetrationNumLayers = 2
PenetrationPower = 50
PenetrationMaxDistance = 0
CycleTime = 0.3 (200)/minute
ClipSize = 8
CarryCapacity = Infinite
Damage per Second = 240
Damage per Magazine = 640
Total Damage = Infinite

VerticalPunch = 4.0
SpreadPerShot = 2
MaxSpread = 30
SpreadDecay = 5
MinDuckingSpread = 0.5
MinStandingSpread = 1.25
MinInAirSpread = 3.0
MaxMovementSpread = 3.0
DeployDuration = 0.5
DualDeployDuration = 0.65


It's a tight comparison, but the Desert Eagle shows itself to be more efficient if you don't like pressing the fire button too often, also considering the incapacitated benefits. The dualies are best used if headhunting like the Uzi, as they also have higher DPS while firing and per magazine, they pack a greater punch before having to reload the full thing.
Melee weapons
Melee damage varies, but in most cases they'll kill in one hit.

Special infected can have exceptions such as doing 250 HP per hit for the Witch, removing 60% of the Charger health or 300 damage to the Tank and finally they share different speeds, type of damage and hitboxes. In some cases, specials can survive hits if their limbs are struck instead of their center mass.

Slashing and Shredding weapons have the ability to cut smoker tongues with the right timing.

Fire Axe
Type: Slashing
Speed: 1.0 sec

Found in of all campaign except:
Dead Air
Death Toll
Blood Harvest
The Parish

Baseball Bat/Cricket Bat
Type: Bludgeoning
Speed: 0.8 sec

The Cricket bat is only available in certain maps meanwhile the Baseball bat is found in all of em.

Type: Shredding
Speed: 0.8 sec

Found in every map except The Parish and Swamp Fever.

Type: Slashing
Speed: 0.75 sec

Found in:
Hard Rain
No Mercy
Dead Air
The Sacrifice
Dead Center
The Passing
Dark Carnival

Type: Slashing
Speed: 0.8 sec

Found in:
Death Toll
Blood Harvest
Swamp Fever
The Parish

Type: Bludgeoning
Speed: 0.75 sec

Found in:
No Mercy
Crash Course
Death Toll
The Parish

Frying Pan
Type: Bludgeoning
Speed: 0.75 sec

Found in:
Death Toll
Blood Harvest
Swamp Fever
Hard Rain
The Parish

Type: Bludgeoning
Speed: 1.0 sec

Found in:
Dead Air
Dark Carnival
The Parish

Golf Club
Type: Bludgeoning
Speed: 0.75 sec

Found in:
Crash Course
Dead Air
The Sacrifice
Dead Center
The Passing

Speed: 0.88 sec

Found in:
Blood Harvest
The Last Stand
Swamp Fever
Hard Rain

Type: Bludgeoning
Speed: 1.0 sec

Found in:
No Mercy
Death Toll
The Last Stand
The Passing
The Parish
Cold Stream

Type: Shredding
Speed: 0.1 sec

Can cut Smoker tongues easily, has a total of 30k damage at 100HP per 0.1 sec.

Chargers do not die in one hit from it. Jockeys and below do otherwise.

Found in every campaigns, but not common.

Combat Knife
Type: Slashing
Speed: 0.8 sec

Can be found on all campaigns.

For an even more in-depth see; https://gtm.steamproxy.vip/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=412007318
Strategies & Setup
There are various amount of weapon combo's you can make, depending the way you choose to play those affects a lot the performance of your team. To make the best out of your availability always pay attention to the primary weapon being used

Remember, bullets and shells don't act the same. To ensure an efficient run, primary and sidearm combinations are important.

Shell Weapons
  • Any shotguns should be mixed with pistols and not melee weapons. Shotguns are a distant way to input the exact same amount of damage or even bigger without requiring a short reach like melee weapons. Players with shotguns are also the most susceptible targets to get incapacitated first for taking more damage than other teammates due to close combat nature, to avoid further complication, it's a wiser choice to have Dual Pistols or Desert Eagle as they are better than melee weapons in down states.

  • If you are not enable to use a Desert Eagle or Dual Pistols, a melee weapon can be useful, but Smokers will become a bigger threat to you unless you are able to use this one to cut the tongue.
  • Sidearms can avoid wasting shells, especially at Medium-Long range. Shotguns are very useless at ranged kills meanwhile pistols will kill faster and help to ammo conservation.

    Dual Pistols should be used for the head and Desert Eagle for the body due to it's one shot kill property on commons, although for sniping specials can be surprisingly good.

Bullet Weapons

With Rifles and SMGs, you might be thinking Melee Weapons are obviously the best to use, but in fact. It all depends from the kind of situation you face and your way of taking out hordes.

If you are an offensive player:
  • Dual pistols and soon as available Desert Eagle.
  • Stay in front of the team with strong weapons. AKM, FN SCAR-L or Silenced SMG
  • Aim for the body, if close enough the head.
  • Hold the trigger only at CQC.
Melee's not recommended due to chances of getting incapacitated, unless you have good defensive players.

If you are an defensive player:
  • Always carry a melee to clear out infected quickly and be ready to help out teammates.
  • Use accurate weapons. M16, Sniper Rifles or Uzi
  • Aim for the head.
  • Single/Burst fire at all times.

This list is all speculation from typical and common situation that may happen often, the game can be very unpredictable and not being as mentioned above. Custom load outs can work well if used properly, but it's important to recommend the short comings because weaknesses mentioned can often mean incapacitation or death of a teammate.
Closure, tips & Extras
  • Crouching increases accuracy for most weapons, even shotguns and Military Rifle. Only the Hunting Rifle is not affected by the action unless you want to move while shooting. Staying still cover a greater field of view and doesn't make any difference to the sniper rifles accuracy that if you were to be crouch.

    The scope features allows quicker recover for Snipers, but closer targets might be hard to aim for.
  • Walking is a great way to ensure faster recover of accuracy when shooting and also hide the outline of the survivors to the eyes of infected (Versus mode only) until shooting anew or using the VOIP.
  • The dynamic crosshair tells you when the next shot will be accurate, but over time it can be very bothersome. There is a command called "cl_crosshair_dynamic 0", that makes the crosshair remain idle at all time allowing you to know where principally the bullet is gonna go, but that doesn't mean all of your shots will land right at the place you aim at.

    Be sure to stand still and not spray too much when using it. You can bind both activation and deactivation via your keyboard.

    IE: bind "insert the desired key" "cl_crosshair_dynamic x", 1 allows and 0 disallows.

    Note: To access console, you need to allow it via mouse/keyboard menu settings or put -console into Set launch options of the game (Library>Left 4 dead 2>Property). Press "~" Key to open it when done.
  • Shooting a witch in the head only matters at difficulties above normal, unless the weapon you hold is capable of stunning her and you're not on normal, go for the body! When the witch stumbles, if you get enough time to reach her, you can extend her staggering by shoving her, meaning it is possible to take her down with a Desert Eagle/AKM, but remains very risky. Be smart within the environmental surroundings, so you can make the best out of the stunning bonus.

    Wandering witches cannot be stunned with normal weapons.
  • Shotguns are the only guns capable of killing a witch in one hit, it does not require a headshot unless the difficulty is higher than normal/versus.

    A witch cannot be crowned with custom ammo and will result in a buggy mess.
  • It takes 6 headshots with all the pellets to kill a witch on realism.
  • Shotgun shells feature a pellet in middle of the crosshair, it can travel any distance.
  • Grenade Launcher can be used to stumble the witch from any mood (Including Wandering) and distance she is, this moment of weakness can be used to either extend her disabled moment with shoves or land 3 melee hits to finish her off. Remember that grenades must be a direct impact.

    She cannot be stunned once set on fire.
  • Knowing the desert eagle effectiveness into higher difficulty and realism, try to use it the most often as you can for the common infected and get to use primary on the special infected since none of them gets to have exceptions.
  • Shooting a tank in the head does not benefit any damage, shooting him anywhere will result in the same amount of damage.
  • When facing a tank, try making the teammates having assault rifles to distract him since they don't require a certain distance to make up damage meanwhile the others with shotguns can surprise him in his back from very up close, it can be very devastating even if the damage penalty adds up!
  • The incendiary ammo upgrade over the grenade launcher acts the same up as the molotov only if it's a direct hit on the tank, Those are also very effective against a tank who won't show up for close quarter combat, burning slowly overtime.

    One bullet of incendiary ammo acts as a molotov on the witch.
  • The explosive ammo upgrade is considered as a pack of one hit kills for common and a nightmare of disability within special infected, can also be very devastating to the user if too close to the blast so it is not a wise choice to use near or during crescendo events. Explosive ammo radius is also wide enough that shooting at the floor can hit multiple common infected for the price of one bullet.

    Regards to the M60, all the ammo can be upgraded to both Incendiary / Explosive and improve it's damage against the tank and slow down in general.

    Witches set on fire cannot be stumbled by explosive ammo.
  • Chunks of rocks thrown by the tank can be destroyed with any weapons, even melee. Only the timing is precise.
  • NEVER EVER hold the trigger on automatic weapons unless it's close quarter combat, firing automatic on distance targets results into a waste of ammo and damage quickly Despite having lot of ammo pile into each map. Burst firing is the most efficient way to deal great damage and taking off far targets.
  • Know your weakness, using different sets of weapons can be fatal to certain situations. For the best example, using a melee weapon and a shotgun can be very embarrassing when it comes to kill distant targets, especially when your target is a tank! To avoid these, grabbing a pistol can be very useful, even if it's only one! Or best alternative keeping the melee weapon when leaving the saferoom until you find a dual set of pistols or a Desert Eagle.
  • Melee weapons are good to avoid hordes to surrounding you, some can spread their hitbox in a 360 spin better than others, same as shoving can do.
  • Every guns possess a bullet penetration, use those to avoid wasting bullets when infected are lined up or many are running at you. Remember shotguns have unlimited penetration at short range only on the infected, not walls. Sniper Rifles the highest from any distance and wall piercing.
  • Common infected and the hunter shares the same similar height meaning that aiming one head results into being ready for another one. Pay attention as they come into horde because headshots are a instant kill for every commons without any exceptions.
  • Once a bullet hits an infected, it won't be lethal if a survivor gets in it's path behind the infected.
  • Melee weapons can only hit one hitbox at a time, if you try to level a charger, you must make sure the first hitbox hit it's head, otherwise it'll fail.
Here an useful chart to show tank performance against weapons.[vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net]

Thank you for reading this guide, hopefully this'll help you into future games!
sinwithagrin 30 Dec, 2024 @ 6:09pm 
the sg552 damage has to be wrong. ive dropped everything including tanks faster with the SG552 than the m16 and i know for a fact there is not way i'm getting headshots. i'm not that good.
Shao  [author] 30 Aug, 2024 @ 6:57pm 
Yeah no in that case you need that plugin if you want to set ammo for every guns individually.
steeg 30 Aug, 2024 @ 6:47pm 
@Shao the problem with those cvars is that ammo_assaultrifle_max sets for all rifles including M16, AK-47, SG-552, Desert Rifle (can't adjust for individual rifle) and ammo_sniperrifle_max sets for all snipers including Military Sniper, Scout, AWP (can't adjust for individual sniper)...

I guess there's no other way except using aforementioned plugin below...
Shao  [author] 30 Aug, 2024 @ 4:16pm 
You can use normal cvars found in the game with sm_cvar.

Look for ammo_ prefix IE: ammo_assaultrifle_max 360 "rep", "cl", "launcher"

steeg 29 Aug, 2024 @ 2:42am 
How do you edit the reserve ammo without using this https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=334274 ?? I'm using Silver's 'Mission and Weapons - Info Editor' plugin and put 'CarryCapacity' as well as 'carry_capacity' but both didn't work. Because I prefer not to use many plugin for different purpose...
Bonnie 26 Jul, 2024 @ 8:43am 
Well damn
Amarenamann 7 Feb, 2024 @ 1:09pm 
"I was born 87 years ago. For 65 years I've ruled as Tamriel's Emperor. But for all these years, I've never been the ruler of my own dreams. I have seen the gates of Oblivion, beyond which no waking eye may see. Behold, in darkness, a doom sweeps the land. This is the 27th of Last Seed, the year of Akatosh, 433. These are the closing days of the Third Era, and the final hours of my life."

—Bilbo Baggins
Shao  [author] 31 Jan, 2024 @ 6:15pm 
Not the range, they reverted the hitbox, I have to get back sometime and fix that gif.
comms closed 31 Jan, 2024 @ 12:06pm 
hadn't knife hit range been updated?
KiGMö 21 Dec, 2023 @ 11:19pm 
the world now knows