Rakuen PvE Server [NO PVP]
Rakuen PvE Server [NO PVP]
14 May, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Rakuen Diva 12 Jul, 2015 @ 9:42pm
Player Commands List
Features For 7 Days to Die Players

Players may have access to the following commands.

#How to earn zCoins?
- Every minute of playing in the server = 1 coin
- Every zombie kill = 10 coins
- Loses 150 zCoins everytime your character dies

General Information
  • /info - Displays available mods in-game
  • /safe - Teleports you to a public safehouse. Please do not claim the area.
  • /broke my leg - Gives you a splint
  • /stuck /unstuck - Makes your character freed from bugs (e.g. Terrain or map not loading, trapped in a structure etc.)
  • /suicide - Kills your character
  • /kick /kick me - Disconnects you from the server

7 Days
  • /day7 - Displays next day 7 (aka blood moon, feral zeds), and current zombie population

Jail System
  • /jail - Displays jail and bail information
  • /zcoin pay bail - Pay the bailing fee

Locations and home
  • /location, /loc - Informs your current location
  • /sethome - Sets current location as your home (500 zCoins)
  • /home - Teleports you to home (100 zCoins, 10 mins cooldown)

  • /wallet - Displays your zCoins balance
  • /money /cash - Displays other players' zCoins balance
  • /shop - Opens shop list (Suggest more items at this post)
  • /buy - Buy item from shop
  • /pay {amount} zcoins to {playername} - Give specified player the amount of zcoins

Complicated Messaging Commands
  • /inbox - Displays all unread messages, author, dates, and ID
  • /inbox all - Displays a list of all messages, author, dates, and ID
  • /inbox read {#} - Displays the message associated to the provided ID. Example: /inbox read 12
  • /send.{name}.{message} - Sends the player the provided message. Example: /send.John.Hello there, I borrowed XYZ
  • /send.admin.{message} - Sends the admin-team the provided message. Example: /send.admin.Hello, I need help with..

Server Voting System (WIP)
    Vote for server in-game and get exclusive rewards!
  • /vote - View your current number of Voting Points
  • /vote info - To find out how to vote
  • /voters - View the top 10 voters of all time, type /voters
  • /vote rewards /rewards - View available voting rewards
  • /vote buy {itemid} - Claims selected reward
  • /vote pay {amount} points to {playername} - To send Voting Points to another player

More to come...
Last edited by Rakuen Diva; 20 Aug, 2015 @ 9:39am
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Grå Gås 12 Jul, 2015 @ 9:44pm 
SkyLord 13 Jul, 2015 @ 5:02am 
great stuff ! :B1:
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