Redfox Servers 【RFS】
Redfox Servers 【RFS】
17 November, 2015
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
[TSS] Tache 18 Nov, 2015 @ 12:01pm
How to apply as admin
Answer these questions with long and well written answers. Please put time into this and don't just write it in 5 min. Post a new discussion with your application in the forum "Staff Applications"
  1. Information about you, age, country and more [Do you own a cat, PC specs]

  2. How many hours do you spend on steam every day

  3. Do you have any experience as (server) admin or as a steam group admin? Please state which groups and servers you are currently admin/mod on.

  4. Why should you be server admin over somone else? what makes you special?

  5. What is your native language? what other languages do you speak?

  6. Do you own a microphone? is it good quality? are you comfortable using it on the server?

  7. How active would you be in the server? What would you do on it?

  8. Are you comfortable using TS3?

  9. What kind of gamemodes do you prefer (if you were an admin running the server), [trade, jailbreak...]

  10. What would you be able to bring to RFS? [hosting servers, ability to code in X language, and other skills that could be useful]

    Last edited by Warlock; 6 Dec, 2015 @ 3:40am