International tournaments Shogun 2 ITS 2
International tournaments Shogun 2 ITS 2
28 July, 2014
[UW]-Hemul 29 Jul, 2014 @ 8:26pm
No vet refreshes between battles!!! ИГРАЕМ БЕЗ РЕФРЕША ВЕТЕРАНОВ!!!
naval land VANILA FOTS
General rules of each discipline in the event of a change this will be indicated in the information about the tournament.


- funds: 14k
- all players need to save their replays
- maximum 8 cavalry units (gen excluded)
- maximum 4 of the same units
- maximum 2 bow cav´s (gen with bow enabled is included)
- maximum 8 spear/naginata units (naginata attendants are included in the limit)
- no gun cavalry
- no redline camping
- No unit/game mechanic abuse! If a player get caught on abusing units or mechanics they will be disqualified from the tournament.
- In case of pull through the admins have to watch the replay and have to decide then or both players find a solution.
- Veteran refreshes are not allowed
- Avatar switching is not allowed (reskilling your gen is allowed)
-Dont use Shinobi
First crash/drop: In the case that the balance was even, the players have to do a rematch with the same armies. But if there was a clear advantage on the replay (the admins have to watch them), the win will be given to the player wo had a clear advantage.
MAPS: old and new
Map Suruga Bay
- funds: 18k


1). Basic Settings
1. Funds: 14k (Large)
2. Unit Size: Large
3. Weather: Clear
4. Season: Summer
5. Key Buildings: Enabled
2). Unit restrictions
1. Max 4 of the same unit
2. Max 2 ranged cav (this includes: Bow Ki, Revolver Cav, Carbine Cav, Imperial Guard Cav, Samurai Hero) Max 8 cava
3. Max 10 line infantry (this includes:marines, line infantry, elite infantry)
4. Skirmish infantry are not included in line infantry restriction
3). In the case of army violations, if spotted during the battle, the battle will be re-hosted with the same armies, but with the exception that the violating unit be removed from the army roster.
4). If the violation was spotted after the battle has been played, the result of the battle will be counted.
5). Attacker/Defender:
1. Player, that is higher on a bracket becomes an Attacker.
2. Attacker have to be a "host" in a game (left side in a game lobby).
3. Offence/Defence - in a situation when both players stand still against each other designated Attacker must make the first move. Ranged attack counts as one.
4. If at any time during a battle one player has only cavalry left, then that player is automatically assigned to be the attacker and must attack
5. If a player holds all three dojos, he is considered to be the defender regardless of pre-assigned battle roles until atleast one of the dojos is unclaimed or held by the other player.
6). Red line.
1. Camping red line and in the corner is prohibited. If the distance from the red line to the players army is less then range shot 150 - it is considered as camping.
2. Breaking the red line rule entails either technical defeat or replay (depending on the severity of the violation by the judge desigh decision).
3. The red line rule can be broken to maneuver on the flank or capture dojo.
7). Additional restrictions
1. Two avatars could be used in a match.
2. No vet refreshes between battles.
3. The use of incomplete\reduced units prohibited;
4. It is forbidden to hide refer veterans groups by painting flags in a uniform color.
5. No naming veterans another unit name.
6. It is forbidden to use known bugs or exploits in the game. If you found a new bug please report. Example: using rank 9 ability on rank 8 unit or having two rank 9 abilities on one unit etc.
7. Exploitation of game bug - this behavior is unworthy of clan players and lead to expulsion from the tournament.
8). Drops
1. If a drop happened before the encounted with no advantage for anyone (key building capture counts as advantage) - battle must be replayed with same armies, players can change armies if both agree.
2. If a drop happened during the battle with one player having crucial advantage - the technical win can be given, based on the replay, screenshots or a stream.
3. If a drop happened and it is clearly one players guilt - battle must be replayed with same armies, players can change armies if both agree.


I) General rules
1. Avatar.
2. Funds - 18k
3. Fleet size - large.
4. Select by type of ships - any.
5. Coastal batteries - Yes.
6. Wind - calm.
Time of day - day.
Time of battle - not limited.
II). Restrictions
1. "Kotetsu" ships max 2 (Together with the Admiral)
2. The maximum 10 torpedoes.
III). Camping
1. Camping is disallowed - after the start of both parties are moving toward the battle .
IV). Crash Game
2. If crash is at the beginning of the game and no one has obvious advantage then the game will be replayed with the same armies.
3. If both players agree they can change armies.
4. If a crash happened when one player got obvious advantage and both sides agree with the result of the game then there is no need in rematch. If one of the players doesn’t agree then players must publish screenshots, replay proving their priority by the moment of the crash.
5. If during the match there was the case of breaking the rules or a crash when one of the players had an obvious advantage and the game was replayed by mutual agreement, its results will be accepted.
If oponent deop and you have more fleet(army) you have or win or rematch but use same army when was drop.
Если случился вылет и на момент вылета вы имели перевес, либо вам победа сразу либо рематч составами на момент вылета если соперник считает что имел шансы на победу.

Игрокам запрещается меняться аккаунтами стим с другими игроками по ходу турнира. За нарушение данного правила игроки будут исключены.
Switching of steam accounts with other players during the tournament is prohibited. Violators will be terminated from the tournament.

Если есть вопросы, пишите ниже.

Last edited by RUDY; 11 Jan, 2015 @ 10:55am
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
[UW]-Borman 18 Aug, 2014 @ 11:06am 
LAND FOTS - забыл ограничение на кол-во кавы :AngrySword:
[UW]-Hemul 18 Aug, 2014 @ 11:27am 
Спасибо что заметил. Я эти правила копирововал кое от куда потому не заметил значит у них что ли не блыо ограничение на каву. Тоок стрелековую помню видел у них. Ну в любом случай правила для составов вроде норм.
Björn 22 Aug, 2014 @ 7:21am 
veteran refresh not allowed?? What about the cheaters who have the 200 vets bug?? gives them a really great advantage...
Last edited by Björn; 22 Aug, 2014 @ 7:24am
[UW]-Hemul 22 Aug, 2014 @ 7:34am 
naval land VANILA FOTS
General rules of each discipline in the event of a change this will be indicated in the information about the tournament.
- funds: 14k
- all players need to save their replays
- maximum 8 cavalry units (gen excluded)
- maximum 4 of the same units
- maximum 2 bow cav´s (gen with bow enabled is included)
- maximum 8 spear/naginata units (naginata attendants are included in the limit)
- no gun cavalry
- no redline camping
- No unit/game mechanic abuse! If a player get caught on abusing units or mechanics they will be disqualified from the tournament.
- In case of pull through the admins have to watch the replay and have to decide then or both players find a solution.
- Veteran refreshes are not allowed
- Avatar switching is not allowed (reskilling your gen is allowed)
- Never forget to banzai your dachi
[UW]-Hemul 22 Aug, 2014 @ 7:34am 
Now i edit
[UW]-Hemul 22 Aug, 2014 @ 7:35am 
- all players need to save their replays
No vet refreshes between battles!!! ИГРАЕМ БЕЗ РЕФРЕША ВЕТЕРАНОВ!!!
Rules can be viewed in the discussion !!! Remember dont use SHINOBI I!!
[UW]-Hemul 22 Aug, 2014 @ 7:37am 
I am willing to listen to all to solve any problems regarding rules:KneelingBow:
ah yes the ksw 9 Dec, 2014 @ 1:17pm 
Originally posted by ɸOneɸ Ryuu:
veteran refresh not allowed?? What about the cheaters who have the 200 vets bug?? gives them a really great advantage...

The cheaters won't be playing in the tournaments.
[UW]-Hemul 9 Dec, 2014 @ 1:27pm 
If you think in tournaiment cheater you must write why he cheater)
Fonzy 30 Apr, 2018 @ 12:29pm 
Delete system32 for the +1 morale book in FoTs
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